G20 Summit

Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Monday 25th June 2012

(12 years, 2 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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My hon. Friend makes a good point. There are a number of things about which the Falkland islanders would like to have proper discussions with Argentina—about the links between the Falklands and countries in Latin America; ordinary conversations that the Falkland Islands should be having with neighbouring countries. What is absolutely clear is that for that to happen, countries need to respect the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands and the decision that people there make.

Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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What benefits might my constituents see from an EU-US free trade agreement?

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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If we expanded trade between Britain and America as part of the EU expanding its trade with America, the benefits would be more goods and services and more jobs in the UK, and more opportunities to export. We might find particular advantages to Britain in some of the services fields, where we have very good companies that do not always get full access to US markets. In that way my hon. Friend’s constituents would benefit.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Wednesday 23rd May 2012

(12 years, 3 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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Q1. If he will list his official engagements for Wednesday 23 May.

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron)
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This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in this House, I shall have further such meetings later today.

Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley
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People in Staffordshire Moorlands recognise that the Government need to take difficult decisions to deal with the deficit, but does the Prime Minister shiver when he thinks about what would have happened had he not put a credible fiscal plan in place?

European Council

Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Monday 5th March 2012

(12 years, 6 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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Clearly humanitarian aid on its own is not enough: it is not good enough if all we do is feed and clothe people while the slaughter continues. That is why, as I have said, we must also focus on the other bits of pressure that we can bring to bear, such as the sanctions—that is the diplomatic pressure—and also gathering the evidence of what is happening. We should not underestimate that. Britain has, I think, sent some people to the Turkish border, and we are co-ordinating with others so that we can take the testimony and receive the evidence of the terrible things that have happened. It is all those things combined.

Of course it would be good if there were more that we could do. We have to recognise the difficulties of the situation, and some of the ways in which it differs from the Libyan situation. However, there is more that we can do than just provide humanitarian aid.

Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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What practical steps can be taken to ensure that the humanitarian aid to Syria reaches the people who so desperately need it?

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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My hon. Friend is right: that is the key question. If the Syrian authorities will not allow that aid to get to areas such as the Baba Amr district of Homs, it will not reach the people who need it. While we are doing what we can to provide the resources and work with the expert agencies, we need the Syrian authorities to allow that aid to get through. That is why the United Nations Security Council is particularly important.

EU Council

Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Monday 12th December 2011

(12 years, 8 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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I think that business does understand that we must be in the European Union for trade, growth and jobs, and that our membership of the single market is key. However, there is a lot of damaging regulation coming from Brussels and we need to stand up to that. When new treaties are suggested that involve huge fiscal changes and other changes in the European Union, it is right that Britain should seek safeguards. I am not hearing the same message from business that the hon. Gentleman is hearing.

Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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We have heard much this afternoon about the number of people who are employed in financial services. More than 2,000 of those jobs are located in my constituency. Can the Prime Minister reassure those employees that the action that he took last week was in their interests and that it will safeguard their jobs and not put them at unnecessary risk?

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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I can certainly do that. My hon. Friend makes the important point that this is an industry that is based around the country and not just in London. However, the protections of the single market go far beyond the financial services industry.


Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Monday 7th November 2011

(12 years, 9 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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We all have to be careful not to speculate on other countries, but the requirement of those who are lending money to Italy is a clear and consistent plan for Italy getting on top of its debts and deficit. When they see that, interest rates will come back down again. However, that is a lesson to any country that if they do not have credibility in the markets, their interest rates can go up quite quickly.

Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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Does the Prime Minister agree that the UK already has a financial transactions tax—one that raises around £3 billion a year? It is just that we call it stamp duty.

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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My hon. Friend makes a very good point. One point that Bill Gates made to me is that if other European countries introduce stamp duty on shares, they might find that they can get to the 0.7% of GDP that they are meant to be giving in overseas development assistance without having a financial transactions tax. If they care about overseas development, as this Government do, that might be quite a good answer.

Public Confidence in the Media and Police

Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Wednesday 20th July 2011

(13 years, 1 month ago)

Commons Chamber
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Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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I will have to look very closely at what the right hon. Gentleman said, but the point that I made—I have never seen any evidence to go against it—is that in the period that Andy Coulson worked at No. 10 Downing street as head of communications, there was no complaint about the way he did his job. I fully accept that I take responsibility for employing him. I take responsibility for that decision, and I have laid out very clearly today what I think of that now, and all that has been learned. You have to learn these lessons if you are to go on and get things right for the future. What I would say in my defence is that in the time he spent in Downing street, he did not behave in a way that anyone felt was inappropriate, and that is important, because the decision was to employ him. The decision was then his to leave. During that period, people cannot point to misconduct and say, “That, therefore, was a misjudgment.”

Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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Many constituents have contacted me regarding this important issue, and they will join me in welcoming the statement today, but many others have been in touch concerning other important issues, such as the crisis in the eurozone and the situation in the horn of Africa. Will the Prime Minister reassure my constituents that the Government are dealing with all issues, and not simply focusing on phone hacking?

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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My hon. Friend is right: people do want us to get on with the other issues, particularly at a time when we need the economy to grow, we need to provide more jobs, and we have got to get to grips with problems with the cost of living. They want to see reforms in welfare and immigration. Yes, they want us to deal with this issue, but they want us to keep a perspective and a balance, and get on with many of the issues that this country needs to deal with.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Wednesday 17th November 2010

(13 years, 9 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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First, I praise the people who put together the idea of “tech city” in east London, in terms of the number of businesses they have actually encouraged to commit to going there—Google, Intel and others. I do not think it is right for the Government to try to identify the precise number of jobs that will be created, but we have seen a huge level of enthusiasm, great commitment from Ministers, and a number of businesses committing to going to Shoreditch and the Olympic park, where there is a fantastic space for an incubator for new businesses. I hope the right hon. Gentleman will help us to get behind that and create what could be a silicon valley for the east end.

Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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Q8. One of the keys to securing economic growth in areas such as Staffordshire Moorlands is the promotion of vocational education and apprenticeships. Can the Prime Minister assure students and staff at further education colleges, such as Leek college in my constituency, of the Government’s continued commitment to this area?

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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Yes, absolutely. My right hon. Friend the Skills Secretary produced the skills strategy yesterday, and yes, we are having to make difficult decisions, but in the middle of that, we are increasing the number of apprenticeships by 75,000 over what was planned, as well as putting more money into building FE colleges, which is vital for the future skills of our country.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Karen Bradley and Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton
Wednesday 2nd June 2010

(14 years, 3 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Karen Bradley Portrait Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands) (Con)
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Is the Prime Minister aware of the case of my constituent Mr Edmond Arapi, who is facing extradition to Italy, having been tried in his absence? Will my right hon. Friend look into the matter urgently and accelerate the review of extradition cases before Mr Arapi is taken from his family and sent to an Italian jail?

Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton Portrait The Prime Minister
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I am happy to look at this case, and I will discuss it with my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary, who is working on the issue of deportations. Legal processes have to be followed, but I will discuss this with my right hon. Friend, and perhaps then contact my hon. Friend.