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Written Question
Youth Services
Wednesday 25th March 2015

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, what steps he is taking to support youth services.

Answered by Rob Wilson

We continue to offer practical support to the youth sector by promoting innovative delivery models for youth services and supporting organisations to measure their impact and demonstrate their value.

We have also provided over 130,000 opportunities for young people through National Citizen Service.

Written Question
Neuromuscular Disorders: North West
Tuesday 24th March 2015

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health, whether the five neuroscience tertiary centres in the north west of England have committed to funding a neuromuscular clinical network for the region.

Answered by Norman Lamb

NHS England is responsible for commissioning specialised services, including neuromuscular services.

NHS England advises that National Health Service providers have not confirmed funding for a neuromuscular clinical network in the North West.

Written Question
Neuromuscular Disorders: North West
Tuesday 24th March 2015

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what steps NHS England has taken to meet the Neurosciences: Specialised Neurology (Adult) service specification in Lancashire and Southern Cumbria for providing neuromuscular care co-ordinator support to adults and outreach clinics in that region.

Answered by Norman Lamb

NHS England is responsible for commissioning specialised services, including neuromuscular services.

The NHS England North West Specialised Commissioning Team has, as part of a national exercise, assessed all providers of specialised services against standards for service specification. The only provider in the Lancashire and South Cumbria area is the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. NHS England advises that the Trust has indicated it is compliant with the Neurosciences: Specialised Neurology (Adult) service specification.

Written Question
Meningitis: Vaccination
Tuesday 24th March 2015

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to the Answer of 5 February 2015 to the hon. Member for Pudsey to Question 222863, by what date he plans for the negotiations about the supply of meningococcal B vaccine to be concluded.

Answered by Jane Ellison

We are continuing to meet with the manufacturer working to reach a positive conclusion to the negotiations for supply of the meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero® at a cost-effective price, as recommended by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. We aim to conclude these negotiations as soon as possible.

Written Question
Neuromuscular Disorders: North West
Tuesday 10th March 2015

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what progress his Department has made on developing a neuromuscular managed clinical network for the North West region.

Answered by Norman Lamb

NHS England is responsible for commissioning specialised services, including neuromuscular services.

Officials from NHS England’s North West Specialised Commissioning Team have recently met the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign to talk through the logistics of establishing an Operational Delivery Network for Neuromuscular Conditions in the North West. Operational Delivery Networks are one of two types of network replacing Managed Clinical Networks (the other being Strategic Clinical Networks) and are owned and led by providers, with commissioner support.

Written Question
Wednesday 11th February 2015

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)


To ask the Deputy Prime Minister, what assessment he has made of the effect of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 on charities.

Answered by Sam Gyimah

Section 39 of the Act provides for a review of the operation of the regulatory regime governing third parties at the 2015 General Election.

The Government announced on 28 January 2015 that Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbots will conduct this review.

Written Question
Neuromuscular Disorders: North West
Thursday 8th January 2015

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what steps he is taking to increase neuromuscular care advisor support for adults in North Lancashire and South Cumbria living with neuromuscular conditions.

Answered by Norman Lamb

NHS England is responsible for commissioning specialised services, including neuromuscular services.

NHS England published Neurosciences: Specialised Neurology (Adult) in July 2013. This service specification describes the service commissioned by NHS England for patients with a neuromuscular disorder. Care is provided via a managed clinical pathway that supports multidisciplinary and cross organisational working. The multi-disciplinary team includes neuromuscular care coordinators.

The service specification has been implemented from 1 October 2013. NHS England is working with providers to ensure they comply with the service description and standards.

Written Question
NHS: Staff
Tuesday 16th December 2014

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many full time equivalent staff in the NHS in England were employed as (a) diagnostic radiographers, (b) clinical radiologists, (c) ultrasonographers, (d) medical endoscopists, (e) nurse endoscopists, (f) radiotherapy physics staff, (g) nuclear medicine technologists, (h) therapeutic radiographers and (i) clinical oncologists in each of the last five years; and how many of each group were at consultant level.

Answered by Dan Poulter

The Health and Social Care Information Centre publish an annual workforce census, which shows staff working in the National Health Service in England. The latest information from the census was published in March 2014 and shows the position at 30 September 2013, the next annual census will be published in March 2015. The available information is in the attached tables. Data for ultrasonographers, medical endoscopists or nurse endoscopists is not available as these staff cannot be separately identified.

Data on consultants is only applicable for the medical staff – clinical radiologists and oncologists.

Written Question
Wednesday 19th November 2014

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what target has been set for time taken to process applications from UK citizens waiting to return to the UK with surrogate children from outside the EU; and how many such applications made in the last three years were processed within that time.

Answered by James Brokenshire

Entry Clearance applications are divided into settlement and non-settlement categories. The ‘settlement’ category includes applications to bring an adopted non-EU child to the UK. The service standard for processing ‘settlement’ applications is: 95 per cent within 12 weeks of the application date and 100 per cent within 24 weeks of the application date, however, there may be circumstances in complex cases where a decision will take longer.
The Home Office does not record whether the adopted child was a surrogate birth or not on the entry clearance case-working system in a way that can be used to produce statistic

Written Question
Monday 17th November 2014

Asked by: Julie Hilling (Labour - Bolton West)

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what average time is taken to process applications from UK citizens waiting to return to the UK with surrogate children from outside the EU.

Answered by James Brokenshire

The Home Office does not hold information relating to UK citizens wishing to return to the UK with surrogate children from outside the EU. The number of Entry Clearance applications to bring adopted non-EU children to the UK over the past 3 years, along with the average time taken to process such applications is shown in the following table.




Applications processed




Average time taken to process applications (working days)




Visa endorsements for adoption and settlement. Source: HO Management Information, Performance, Reporting and Analysis Unit, 05.11.14