Details of the MP expense claim system budgets can be found on the website of the Independent Parliamentary Standard Authority.
Office, Staffing and Accomodation expenses are subject to a budget cap, only travel and subsistence claims are unlimited.
Staff travel from Cambridge station to constituency office Staff travel Within Constituency Travel From: Cambridge station To: 16 Signet Court, Swann Road
Staff travel from Whittlesford Parkway (closest station for staff member) to London for training Staff travel Between London & Constituency From: Whittlesford Parkway To: London
Netgear 10/100 switch to replace an old switch which had stopped working (without which we are unable to connect all of our computers to the internet) Netgear Switch
Documents (including passports) sent by special delivery to the Members' Staff Verification Office in order for security clearance checks to be carried out Special delivery
Staff travel from Westminster to attend all-staff meeting in the constituency office Staff travel Between London & Constituency From: London To: Cambridge
Travel to London for meeting with CAFCASS and House of Commons library training Staff travel -meeting/training Non-London MP-to/from London From: Cambridge To: London
Wed 17th Oct 2012 213151
Office Costs (Newspapers/Journals)
Local newspaper daily, six days a week to constituency office Newspapers
Wed 17th Oct 2012 230767
Office Costs (Stationery Purchase)
Note pads (pack of 10) and pens (box of 50) for the constituency office Stationery
Travel to Peterborough to visit Peterborough Prison and the Dawn Project to look at how they are helping women in the penal system. The Dawn Project element was at the request of a group of constituents. MP's travel From: Cambridge To: Peterborough
Taxi to Bar Hill outside Cambridge to speak at a business breakfast event about lending for small to medium sized businesses attended by constituents. Bar Hill is not easy to reach by public transport. Taxi Within Constituency Travel From: Cambridge To: Bar Hill
Day travelcard for zones 1-4 to allow travel from intern's home to Westminster Intern travel/food Non-London MP-to/from London From: Tottenham Hale To: Westminster
Thu 1st Mar 2012 162193
Staff Travel (Public Tr RAIL MP Staff - RTN)
Staff travel for library training. Travel is from Ely as this is the closest station to the staff member's home Staff travel Non-London MP-to/from London From: Ely To: London
Thu 1st Mar 2012 175130
MP Travel (Public Tr RAIL - RTN)
MP travel from Cambridge to London MP's travel Non-London MP-to/from London From: Cambridge To: London
Thu 1st Mar 2012 176530
Staff Travel (Public Tr RAIL MP Staff - RTN)
Staff travel to Westminster to attend House of Commons Library training Staff travel Non-London MP-to/from London From: Cambridge To: London
Return train ticket to Whittlesford Parkway to visit Whittlesford Depot to find out about winter gritting services for the city of Cambridge MP's travel Extended Travel From: Cambridge To: Whittlesford
Travel from Cambridge to London for meeting organised by Home Affairs Select Committee MP's train travel London MP-to/from Westminster From: Cambridge To: London