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Written Question
Safety Deposit Boxes
Thursday 5th February 2015

Asked by: Jenny Willott (Liberal Democrat - Cardiff Central)

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what estimate her Department has made of the number of safety deposit boxes across the UK; and if she will make a statement.

Answered by Baroness Featherstone

The Home Office does not have an estimate of the numbers of safety deposit boxes available across the United Kingdom, and we have not had any discussions on this matter.

However, the Crime Prevention Panel, which is chaired by myself and supported by Home Office officials, has been looking at the safe storage of gold jewellery and other valuable items, both in people’s homes and in external
storage facilities.

Written Question
Safety Deposit Boxes
Thursday 5th February 2015

Asked by: Jenny Willott (Liberal Democrat - Cardiff Central)

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what discussions her Department has had with (a) banks, (b) solicitors and (c) other providers on the availability of safety deposit boxes across the UK; and if she will make a statement.

Answered by Baroness Featherstone

The Home Office does not have an estimate of the numbers of safety deposit boxes available across the United Kingdom, and we have not had any discussions on this matter.

However, the Crime Prevention Panel, which is chaired by myself and supported by Home Office officials, has been looking at the safe storage of gold jewellery and other valuable items, both in people’s homes and in external
storage facilities.

Written Question
Safety Deposit Boxes
Thursday 5th February 2015

Asked by: Jenny Willott (Liberal Democrat - Cardiff Central)

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what discussions her Department has had with suppliers of safety deposit facilities on ensuring that the annual cost of hiring and using such facilities is kept at a reasonable level; and if she will make a statement.

Answered by Baroness Featherstone

The Home Office does not have an estimate of the numbers of safety deposit boxes available across the United Kingdom, and we have not had any discussions on this matter.

However, the Crime Prevention Panel, which is chaired by myself and supported by Home Office officials, has been looking at the safe storage of gold jewellery and other valuable items, both in people’s homes and in external
storage facilities.

Written Question
Monday 17th November 2014

Asked by: Jenny Willott (Liberal Democrat - Cardiff Central)

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what discussions her Department has had with police forces on the effects on burglary rates of the number of safety deposit boxes available to the public.

Answered by Baroness Featherstone

The Home Office has not held discussions with police forces on the possible effect on burglary rates arising from the availability of safety deposit boxes.

However, the Crime Prevention Panel that we established in March this year, which brings together a range of experts to identify new ideas for preventing crime, is looking at issues around the safe storage of gold jewellery and other valuable items, both in people’s homes and in external storage facilities. We expect the findings from this work to be available in early 2015.