1. Employment and earnings
31 October 2019, three payments of £75. Hours: 45 mins in total. (Registered 31 October 2019)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: APPG for the Polar Regions, funded by the Mamont Foundation (PO Box 472, St Julian’s Court, St Julian’s Avenue, St Peter Port, GY1 6AX, Guernsey, Channel Islands)
Address of donor: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA;
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): contribution to local travel, food, accommodation and tour fees, totalling £137 (The remainder of the visit was funded by a non-registrable source)
Destination of visit: Iceland
Dates of visit: 15 – 22 September 2019
Purpose of visit: To build relationships with the Icelandic government with a view to post-Brexit trade and international relations; to connect with Arctic Council groups; to witness the effects of climate change; to understand the impact of Iceland’s volcanic activity and to learn about Iceland’s renewable energy initiatives.
(Registered 31 October 2019)