Asked by: Jake Richards (Labour - Rother Valley)
Question to the Department for Education:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, how many children under the care of English local authorities were living in (a) Wales and (b) Scotland on (i) 31 March 2024 and (ii) for each of the preceding four years.
Answered by Janet Daby - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Education)
The number of children looked after by English local authorities who were living more than 50 and 100 miles from home on 31 March 2024 and for each of the preceding four years is shown in the table below.
Year | Living more than 50 miles from home | Of which: living more than 100 miles from home |
2020 | 6,850 | 2,920 |
2021 | 7,210 | 2,990 |
2022 | 7,010 | 2,970 |
2023 | 7,210 | 3,060 |
2024 | 7,350 | 3,120 |
Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10. Figures exclude children looked after under a series of short-term placements.
The number of children looked after by English local authorities who were living in Wales and Scotland on 31 March 2024 and for each of the preceding four years is published annually in section 4.7 of the methodology document that accompanies our statistical release. This can be found here:
Asked by: Jake Richards (Labour - Rother Valley)
Question to the Department for Education:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, how many children in care in England were living more than (a) 50 and b) 100 miles from home on (i) 31 March 2024 and (ii) for each of the preceding four years.
Answered by Janet Daby - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Education)
The number of children looked after by English local authorities who were living more than 50 and 100 miles from home on 31 March 2024 and for each of the preceding four years is shown in the table below.
Year | Living more than 50 miles from home | Of which: living more than 100 miles from home |
2020 | 6,850 | 2,920 |
2021 | 7,210 | 2,990 |
2022 | 7,010 | 2,970 |
2023 | 7,210 | 3,060 |
2024 | 7,350 | 3,120 |
Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10. Figures exclude children looked after under a series of short-term placements.
The number of children looked after by English local authorities who were living in Wales and Scotland on 31 March 2024 and for each of the preceding four years is published annually in section 4.7 of the methodology document that accompanies our statistical release. This can be found here:
Asked by: Jake Richards (Labour - Rother Valley)
Question to the Department for Education:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, how many children in Rother Valley constituency (a) have EHCP plans and (b) are receiving specialist education for special educational needs; and how many of those have not been attending school in each of the last 5 years.
Answered by Catherine McKinnell - Minister of State (Education)
The special educational needs (SEN) publication publishes data on pupils in schools in England with Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans which can be accessed at the following link: The data file titled “School level underlying data 2024 (csv, 10 Mb)” under the section “Additional supporting files” includes the figures at school level, including the school type and parliamentary constituency. As these figures are taken from the January 2024 school census, the parliamentary constituencies are based on pre-election boundaries. Where statistics were published prior to the changes in parliamentary constituency boundaries, they will be updated to reflect the new boundaries in the next publication of statistics. This is expected to be in June 2025 for statistics on schools and pupils, including SEN. A table showing the number of SEN support and EHC plans is shown below:
Rother Valley | Total |
SEN support | 1,208 |
EHC plans | 2,384 |
It may be useful to note that as the data requested is published at school level, it can be combined with information from ‘Get Information About Schools’ (GIAS) to identify parliamentary constituency. GIAS currently reflects the changes made following the general election parliamentary constituency changes and is accessible here: Updates to geographical data are made on a quarterly basis using data published by the Office for National Statistics.
Information on the number of all children and young people aged 0 to 25 in the Rother Valley who have an EHC plan and are educated other than in school is not readily available. Information is available on the placements of children and young people with EHC plans, for the Rotherham local authority in the publication:
An extract showing the number with placements other than in school or further education establishments, is given at this link:
Due to changes in the method of data collection in 2023, information is available for two years only.