Bill Debates during the 2019-2024 Parliament

Elections Act 2022
(171,952 words contributed)
Environment Act 2021
(75,009 words contributed)
Trade Bill 2019-21
(41,506 words contributed)
Armed Forces Act 2021
(2,444 words contributed)
Renters (Reform) Bill 2022-23
(2,240 words contributed)
Plastics (Wet Wipes) Bill 2021-22
(1,610 words contributed)
Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023
(1,434 words contributed)
Fire Safety Bill 2019-21
(1,251 words contributed)
Finance Act 2020
(992 words contributed)
Health and Social Care Levy Act 2021
(660 words contributed)
Building Safety Act 2022
(553 words contributed)
Nationality and Borders Act 2022
(356 words contributed)
British Sign Language Act 2022
(91 words contributed)