Details of the MP expense claim system budgets can be found on the website of the Independent Parliamentary Standard Authority.
Office, Staffing and Accomodation expenses are subject to a budget cap, only travel and subsistence claims are unlimited.
Taxi from Edinbrugh Park rail station to airport - carrying bags, laptop paperwork MP Travel Between London & Constituency From: Rail station To: Edinburgh Airport
Taxi from City to Airport - early evening flight - public transport very busy and not reliable to catch a flight MP Travel Between London & Constituency From: Glasgow To: Glasgow Airport
Took taxi to Dundee Airport. Had luggage. Public transport is unreliable. MP Travel Between London & Constituency From: Scone To: Dundee Airport
Thu 6th Feb 2014
MP Travel (Taxi)
Taxi from hotel at West End of Glasgow to railway station - had luggage etc MP Travel Between London & Constituency From: Glasgow To: Queen Street Station
Travel from Queen Street station to Cessnock Underground station to UKBA offices Staff travel (M McI) Staff Travel for Training From: Glasgow To: Glasgow
Travel from constituency to Airport - no direct transport MP Travel Between London & Constituency From: Inverkeithing rail station To: Edinburgh Airport
Travelled to work at Westminster instead of working from home officeMP[***]e[***] Staff Travel (MB) Staff Home Office to London From: portslade To: London
Taxi from airport to High Station - had appointment with constituent - public transport takes too long MP Travel Between London & Constituency From: Edinburgh To: Falkirk
Attended an evening event with the MPRepaid by combination of offsetting, salary deductions and BACS repayment Staff Accommodation (MB) Extended travel MP only 1 nights
Taxi from Edinbugh Airport to Falkirk - public transport irregular and had heavy bag MP travel Non-London MP-to/from London From: Edinburgh To: Falkirk