Ed Davey's 537 Early Day Motions
2nd September 2024
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 2nd September 2024

Withdrawal of the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House calls on the Government to withdraw the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024.
83 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 72
Green Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 4
Independent: 2
Alliance: 1
7th May 2024
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 7th May 2024

No confidence in His Majesty's Government

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House has no confidence in His Majesty's Government.
7 signatures
(Most recent: 9 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
11th March 2024
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th March 2024

Alleged comments by Frank Hester

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House expresses its shock regarding the alleged comments made by Frank Hester reported by The Guardian about the hon. Member for Hackney North and Stoke Newington and all Black women; believes these alleged comments to be both racist and violent in nature; notes that Mr Hester is a …
71 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
5th February 2024
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 1st March 2024

Support for bereaved children

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House notes with sadness that, on average, a child loses a parent every 20 minutes in the UK; further notes with concern that support services have no way of knowing exactly how many children suffer a bereavement each year, or where they live; recognises the work of charities …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
26th February 2024
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 28th February 2024

Conduct of the hon. Member for Ashfield

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House censures the hon. Member for Ashfield for his comments on 23 February 2024 regarding the Mayor of London, which were Islamophobic, damaging, divisive and risk bringing the House collectively into disrepute; and calls on the hon. Member for Ashfield to come to the House and apologise for …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Feb 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 15
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th January 2024
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th January 2024


Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House notes the increased awareness of the life-changing injustices experienced by sub-postmasters throughout the Horizon scandal; further notes it is now known as the most widespread miscarriage of justice in British history; notes with concern that sub-postmasters have served custodial sentences, suffered bankruptcy for offences they did not …
90 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 39
Scottish National Party: 16
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 2
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Workers Party of Britain: 1
13th November 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 15th November 2023

Ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House believes that only a two-state solution can deliver the security which both Palestinians and Israelis deserve; further believes that Hamas cannot be allowed to continue in charge of Gaza; condemns the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel on 7 October 2023; deplores the violence in …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Mar 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 14
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
25th October 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 25th October 2023

Humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House condemns the awful terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel on the 7th October; notes with utter dismay the scenes of violence in the weeks and days since; further notes with deep concern the devastating situation in Gaza which is on the verge of a humanitarian …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Nov 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 14
Scottish National Party: 3
Alliance: 1
24th January 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th September 2023

Ryan Cornelius and the UAE

Tabled by: Peter Bottomley (Conservative - Worthing West)
This House notes with concern that Ryan Cornelius, a British citizen, remains imprisoned in the United Arab Emirates, notwithstanding a finding by the United Nations that he has been arbitrarily detained, and notwithstanding a finding by the United Nations that Mr Cornelius should be immediately released and provided with compensation …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 5
Conservative: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
22nd June 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 26th June 2023

Ultra Low Emissions Zone Expansion in London

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House recognises the importance of action to reduce harmful air pollution and traffic emissions in London; yet notes with concern both the way and speed with which the expansion of the Ultra Low Emissions Zone to outer London has been handled by the Mayor of London; believes the …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
19th June 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 19th June 2023

Endometriosis awareness campaign

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House notes the struggles that more than one million women in the UK suffering from endometriosis face; recognises that no one should suffer from endometriosis or any health condition in silence; acknowledges that endometriosis can severely affect a woman’s life and that there is very little public understanding …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
5th June 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 25th May 2023

Carers Week 2023

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House supports Carers Week 2023, taking place from 5 to 11 June; notes this year’s theme of recognising and supporting carers in the community; emphasises that millions of unpaid carers provide care worth £445 million each day to their family, friends and neighbours who are disabled, ill or …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 10
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 6
Labour: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
23rd May 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Horse Hill oil field

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House is deeply concerned about the Horse Hill oil field near Dunsfold; notes the damaging impact this development will have on the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB); recognises the work that local people are doing to campaign against this development; calls on the Government to …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 1
27th April 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 10th May 2023

Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House supports reforms to sexual harassment laws to ensure that employers maintain safe and respectful workplaces for all women; continues to support the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill; and calls on the Government to ensure it continues to prioritise the Bill and give it the …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 14
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
9th May 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 9th May 2023

No confidence in His Majesty's Government

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House has no confidence in His Majesty's Government.
13 signatures
(Most recent: 9 May 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 13
28th February 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 17th April 2023

Freedom of religion or belief in Iran

Tabled by: Alexander Stafford (Conservative - Rother Valley)
That this House deplores the ongoing human rights violations being perpetrated by the Islamic Republic of Iran; notes that these violations come in a context of more general restrictions on the right to freedom of religion or belief for many religious minorities in Iran, including Christians and the Baha’i, and …
47 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Conservative: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
12th January 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 29th March 2023

Disability and cost of living

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House recognises that there is often a significant income gap between disabled and non-disabled people; further recognises that disabled people are being hit hard by the current cost of living crisis and are much more likely to struggle to heat their homes and cut back on food over …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
27th March 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 27th March 2023

Government action on Iran

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House condemns the continued excessive use of force and violence by the Iranian authorities against Iranian women and all others protesting against the Iranian regime; notes with appreciation the work of many British-Iranians to highlight the abuses being perpetrated by the Iranian regime; welcomes the most recent sanctions …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
13th March 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 21st March 2023

Winston's Wish

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House notes the work of the childhood bereavement charity, Winston’s Wish; congratulates the charity on reaching its 30th anniversary in 2022; notes that they supported over 30,000 children in 2022; further notes with concern the lack of automatic support available for bereaved children upon the death of a …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 12
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th March 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th March 2023

The Loan Charge

Tabled by: Karl Turner (Labour - Kingston upon Hull East)
That this House is concerned that suicides have been linked to the Loan Charge and that despite the Morse Review, thousands face unaffordable demands, with the risk of further suicides; notes that most people facing action were mis-sold schemes and that HMRC are demanding scheme users repay disputed tax; further …
118 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Scottish National Party: 33
Conservative: 16
Liberal Democrat: 14
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
6th December 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th March 2023

Free school meals

Tabled by: Zarah Sultana (Independent - Coventry South)
That this House notes that 3.9 million children are growing up in poverty and that the cost of living crisis is estimated to push another 500,000 children into poverty; recognises that free school meals ensure millions of children get a hot, healthy meal each day, but that as millions of …
73 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 43
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
9th January 2023
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 6th January 2023

South West London NHS

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House recognises the excellent work of the South West London NHS, all local healthcare providers and those giving unpaid care at home under difficult circumstances over the winter of 2022-23; understands that the quality of service is testament to the dedication, skill and innovation of NHS clinicians and …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
12th December 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 14th December 2022

Management of the National Health Service

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House censures the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care for his handling of the National Health Service which has seen waiting times rise in ambulances services and accident and emergency, the waiting list for treatment reach more than 7 million people, and nurses and paramedics voting …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
14th November 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th December 2022

Protests in Iran

Tabled by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)
That this House notes that protests against the Iranian government have been taking place for the last two months in Iran following the death in custody of Mahsa Amini; further notes with alarm that the Iranian authorities have killed more than 300 people and detained thousands of others in response; …
48 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
16th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 28th November 2022

Cats in road traffic accidents

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House is proud to state that the UK is a nation of cat lovers with approximately 12.2 million cats in UK households; notes that this makes cats the second most popular pet in the UK, second only to dogs, with 27 per cent of households owning at least …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
23rd November 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 23rd November 2022

Carers Rights Day 2022

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House supports Carers Rights Day, taking place on 24 November 2022; recognises this year’s theme of Caring Costs, which acknowledges the enormous financial, mental and emotional burden faced by millions of unpaid carers looking after their loved ones across the UK; notes that many unpaid carers go unrecognised …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Labour: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
26th October 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 15th November 2022

BBC Radio services to global audiences

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House recognises the tremendous value of BBC radio broadcasts in providing a global audience with a reliable, accurate and trustworthy source of news and information; is concerned at the recent cuts announced to BBC World Service, with the loss of hundreds of experienced journalists’ jobs, and also to …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jul 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
12th July 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 15th November 2022

Public scientific hearing on animal experiments

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House applauds the new Animal Sentience Bill, enshrining in law the ability of animals to experience joy and feel suffering and pain; notes the science-based campaign For Life On Earth with its Beagle Ambassador, rescued laboratory dog Betsy; is shocked to see the harrowing exposé showing thousands of …
93 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Sep 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 31
Scottish National Party: 25
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Conservative: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
7th November 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 14th November 2022

Second anniversary of conflict in Tigray

Tabled by: Angela Eagle (Labour - Wallasey)
That this House, recognising the achievement of a peace deal last week at the African Union peace talks, and congratulating all sides on the ceasefire agreement, deplores the widespread use of rape and use of violence against women and girls by all the belligerent parties, noting that Tigrayan women have …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
21st October 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 24th October 2022

Upholding the integrity of the office of Prime Minister

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House believes that the upholding of standards by its Members is of vital importance to the functioning of UK democracy; believes that it is vital that the Prime Minister and Ministers uphold these standards; and therefore resolves that any hon. or right hon. Member who is found to …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
21st October 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 21st October 2022

Statutory maternity pay

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House recognises the current legal framework for qualifying for statutory maternity pay is poorly suited to 21st century working life; notes with concern the potential limits this policy places on women’s freedom to choose where they work, especially amidst the current cost of living crisis; recognises the lack …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
21st October 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 21st October 2022

Cost of living and unpaid carers

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes with concern the findings of Carers UK’s survey entitled Heading for crisis: Caught between caring and rising costs, which reports that the cost of living crisis is plunging thousands of unpaid carers across the UK into debt; recognises that many family carers cannot make decisions to …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd September 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 11th October 2022

Bereavement support

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House supports the need to identify a support payment for parents who are full-time carers of children with life-limiting conditions or lifelong illnesses if the child dies; notes that typically such a parent will not be in employment and will solely rely on income from Disability Living Allowance …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 6
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
8th September 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 11th October 2022

Fracking ban

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House deeply regrets the Government’s announcement to lift the ban on fracking; notes with concern how extracting new fossil fuels distracts from investing in renewable projects and decarbonising heating systems; recognises the importance of reducing the demand for gas to heat homes in order to lower heating bills, …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
22nd September 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 22nd September 2022

Kinship Care Week

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House notes that Monday 3 October to Friday 7 October 2022 is Kinship Care Week; acknowledges the thousands of grandparents, aunts, uncles and other friends and family members who step up to support children in crisis whose parents are unable to care for them; recognises that becoming a …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 6
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
5th September 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 6th September 2022

UEFA Women's Euro 2022 and school sports facilities

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House congratulates the England women’s national football team, the Lionesses, on their historic victory at the UEFA Women’s Euro 2022; celebrates their success as the first English senior national football team to win a European football championship; notes the lasting legacy this will have for young women and …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
18th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 5th September 2022

Killing of Palestinian-American reporter Shireen Abu Aqla

Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House condemns unreservedly the killing of Palestinian-American Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Aqla in the Jenin refugee camp while reporting on a raid by Israeli forces; notes that last year UNESCO recorded fifty-five deaths of journalists while working; recognises that Shireen was an experienced and popular journalist across …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Sep 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Labour: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
26th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 21st July 2022

Dr al-Singace’s hunger strike and political prisoners in Bahrain

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House is deeply concerned by the ongoing hunger strike of 60-year-old human rights defender and academic Dr Abduljalil al-Singace in Bahrain; notes EDM 578 and reiterates the alarm that his hunger strike began on 8 July 2021 and has exceeded 300 days; expresses concern that despite al-Singace being …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Apr 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Scottish National Party: 9
Labour: 8
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
20th July 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 20th July 2022

Reopening of Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House strongly opposes plans by the Home Office to re-open Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre in Kidlington, Oxfordshire; notes that, following the recommendations of the Shaw Report, and a long campaign by local residents opposed to the practice of indefinite detention, the site was shut down in 2018; …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Nov 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 14
Labour: 8
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
16th June 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th July 2022

Ban on the Import of Foie Gras

Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House condemns the production of foie gras by force-feeding ducks and geese which causes severe physical and psychological pain for the animals involved; welcomes the continued ban on production of foie gras in the UK; and calls on the Government to introduce the promised ban on the import …
51 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 12
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 9
Conservative: 7
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
11th July 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 15th July 2022

Ministerial resignation payments (No. 2)

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House recognises that resigning Ministers are entitled to 25 per cent of the annual salary they were paid in office; notes that the cost of the 51 resignations from Government payroll last week could cost the taxpayer £245,487; further acknowledges that the cost of living crisis is forcing …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Sep 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
15th July 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 14th July 2022

Political and economic situation in Sri Lanka

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes the developing political and economic crisis in Sri Lanka; acknowledges the widespread corruption and economic mismanagement at the hands of the Rajapaksa government that led to protests in the first place; recognises that the economic solution needed to address this situation must be coupled with political …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
5th July 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 7th July 2022

Social tariffs for broadband

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House recognises positive impact of discounted broadband tariffs for consumers on low incomes or with special social needs, especially during a cost-of-living crisis; acknowledges that there is currently no mandatory requirement for broadband or mobile providers to offer social tariffs; notes that with the amendments to the Communications …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
10th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 6th July 2022

Disability Benefit Assessments and the Health & Disability Green Paper

Tabled by: Marsha De Cordova (Labour - Battersea)
That this House notes that Department for Work and Pensions statistics show that of the 1.5 million Incapacity Benefit claimants who were assessed for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) up until June 2019, 268,000 were found Fit for Work, a proportion of 18 per cent, that between 2013-2020, only 66,000 out …
79 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Oct 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Scottish National Party: 21
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
4th July 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th July 2022

VAT and electric vehicle charging

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House notes there is a discrepancy between VAT on residential off-street electric vehicle charging which is charged at 5 per cent and VAT on public charging which is charged at 20 per cent; urges the Government to scrap this discrepancy and reduce VAT on public charging to 5 …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jan 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 5
Labour: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
28th June 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th July 2022

Abortion rights

Tabled by: Charlotte Nichols (Labour - Warrington North)
That this House is deeply concerned at the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn the longstanding Roe v Wade decision that provided federal protection for the right for women to choose an abortion and maintain the safety and autonomy of their bodies; fears that consequent …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
27th June 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 27th June 2022

Fuel Duty

Tabled by: Richard Foord (Liberal Democrat - Honiton and Sidmouth)
That this House is concerned about the significant increase in petrol and diesel prices since the start of the year; notes that rural areas often pay significantly more than urban areas for fuel; notes that people in rural areas often have no choice but to drive due to poor public …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Jul 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 14
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
22nd June 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 23rd June 2022

Recruiting and retaining NHS staff

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House acknowledges there is a staffing crisis in the National Health Service, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic but predating it; recognises the intense pressure on healthcare staff, who having worked incredibly hard during the pandemic now face the vast challenge of clearing the backlog of care caused by …
64 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Mar 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 34
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
14th June 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 15th June 2022

Clean Air Day 2022

Tabled by: Barry Sheerman (Labour (Co-op) - Huddersfield)
That this House celebrates Clean Air Day 2022 on Thursday 16th June and the ongoing campaign to tackle air pollution; recognises that air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK and the disastrous impact it has on individuals, families and communities; regrets that air pollution …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Sep 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
7th June 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 7th June 2022

No confidence in the Prime Minister

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House has no confidence in the Prime Minister because he has broken the covid-19 lockdown laws that his Government introduced, has presided over a culture of serial rule-breaking in Downing Street, has undermined standards in public life, and has failed to take action to support millions of families …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Jun 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 13
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
17th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 6th June 2022

Specialist Huntington’s Disease Services

Tabled by: Hilary Benn (Labour - Leeds South)
That this House notes that Huntington’s Disease is a rare, hereditary and incurable neurological condition that slowly robs patients of their ability to walk, talk, eat, drink, make decisions and care for themselves; notes that a University of Aberdeen study, published in the Journal of Neurology, highlights that the number …
112 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 41
Labour: 33
Liberal Democrat: 14
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
6th June 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Tuesday 31st May 2022

Carers Week 2022

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House supports Carers Week 2022, which is taking place from 6 to 12 June; recognises this year’s theme of making caring visible, valued and supported; emphasises the invaluable contribution that millions of unpaid carers make across the UK on a daily basis, by providing care to their family …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
23rd May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 24th May 2022

Papers, minutes and correspondence relating to Sue Gray Report

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That there be laid before this House the minutes from or any notes of any meeting or meetings or any written or electronic correspondence between the Prime Minister and Sue Gray since the start of her investigation into alleged gatherings on government premises during Covid restrictions.
21 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jun 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 12
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
16th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 23rd May 2022

Ownership of Channel 4

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House is concerned about the Government's plans to privatise Channel 4, a publicly owned company that does not cost the taxpayer a penny; notes that Channel 4 is not run for profit and is therefore free from the need to create return for shareholders; acknowledges that Channel 4's …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
23rd May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Friday 20th May 2022

Detention of Tamil refugees in the British Indian Ocean Territory

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House acknowledges that at least 89 Eelam Tamils, including 20 children, are being detained indefinitely on the British Indian Ocean Territory Diego Garcia after their boat was intercepted by British military; recognises that these refugees cannot return to Sri Lanka, where they have faced persecution as Tamils and …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jun 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
19th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 19th May 2022

Mobility support for terminally ill children under three

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes that children under three are currently excluded from receiving the mobility component of the DLA; recognises that mobility is about more than just the ability to walk, in line with the mobility condition for children with visual impairments or autism that states they require substantially more …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jul 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
11th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 18th May 2022

ME Awareness Day 2022

Tabled by: Carol Monaghan (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North West)
That this House recognises 12 May 2022 as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Awareness Day, which aims to highlight the impact this condition has on approximately 250,000 people across the UK; commends the endless dedication of campaigners and charities working to raise awareness of ME as a serious and debilitating neurological condition; …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2023)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 13
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
10th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th May 2022

Local Election results in Oxfordshire

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House congratulates Lidia Arciszewska, Hugo Ashton, Alaric Smith, Julian Cooper, Jean Conway, Gemma Coton, Laurence Fouweather, David Hingley, Dave Jackson, Natalie King, Katherine Miles, Charlie Maynard, Angus Patrick, Sally Povolotsky, Christopher Pruden, Carl Rylett, Jo Sandelson and Chris Smowton on being elected as Liberal Democrat councillors in Oxfordshire; …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 18 May 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Alliance: 1
10th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th May 2022

Covid-19 testing and school exams

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House recognises the impact of the covid-19 outbreak on pupil and staff absences; believes there is potential for further disruption in the coming weeks; commends the tireless work of school leaders, teachers and support staff to ensure schools are as safe as possible for the exam season; yet …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jul 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
10th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th May 2022

Veteran homelessness

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House welcomes the Government’s commitment to end veterans’ rough sleeping by the end of 2024; recognises the excellent work that organisations such as Alabaré, Launchpad, Riverside and Stoll do in providing veterans with the specialist support they need to address complex needs and promote independent living; and calls …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 18 May 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
10th May 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th May 2022

P&O Ferries and employment rights

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House condemns in the strongest possible terms the decision of P&O Ferries to fire 800 staff without notice or consultation with their trade unions, the RMT and Nautilus; demands the immediate reinstatement of the sacked workers; further condemns their replacement with agency workers earning as little as £1.80 …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Jun 2023)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 6
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
28th March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 25th April 2022

Disability Benefit Assessments and the Health & Disability Green Paper

Tabled by: Marsha De Cordova (Labour - Battersea)
That this House notes that Department for Work and Pensions statistics show that of the 1.5 million Incapacity Benefit claimants who were assessed for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) up until June 2019, 268,000 were found Fit for Work, a proportion of18 per cent, that between 2013-2020, only 66,000 out of …
88 signatures
(Most recent: 10 May 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 34
Scottish National Party: 26
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
19th April 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 20th April 2022

The future of Channel 4

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House is concerned about the Government's decision to press ahead with the privatisation of Channel 4, a publicly owned but commercially funded company; notes that Channel 4 is not run for profit and is free from the need to create return for shareholders; acknowledges that Channel 4 emerged …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 8
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
8th March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th April 2022

Persecution of religious minority women and girls

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House celebrates International Women’s Day on Tuesday, 8 March, 2022; supports the UK’s commitment to promoting gender equality around the world; recognises that women from religious minorities face persecution and discrimination on account of both their faith and their gender; highlights particularly the cases of Christian women in …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 14
Labour: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
16th March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th April 2022

Young Carers Action Day

Tabled by: Paul Blomfield (Labour - Sheffield Central)
That this House supports Young Carers Action Day, led by Carers Trust, which takes place on 16 March 2022; recognises the invaluable contribution more than 800,000 young carers make to their families and local communities across the UK; notes the Day’s theme of Taking Action on Isolation, and the importance …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
1st March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th April 2022

Royal Mail workforce reductions

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House expresses alarm at plans by Royal Mail to reduce frontline managerial jobs by 900 posts, a reduction that will further harm the postal service in this country; condemns this continued attack on the jobs of workers while shareholders receive £311 million in rewards; is appalled at the …
82 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Scottish National Party: 19
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Conservative: 1
5th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 23rd March 2022

24 hour hot food service for NHS staff

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House expresses its support for the campaign launched by Neely Mozawala calling upon the Government to provide the funding necessary to enable each hospital trust to provide a 24/ hour hot food canteen service and dining facilities, providing affordable and nutritious hot food to their staff, recognising the …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 4
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
31st January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Ban on snares campaign

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes a 2016 motion calling for a ban on snares that was passed unanimously; further notes that, other than the promise of a Call for Evidence in the Government’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare in May 2021, no further steps to this end have been taken; acknowledges …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 10
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
14th March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th March 2022

Support for Ukrainian refugees

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in contravention to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as set out by the United Nations Charter, and resulting in catastrophic consequences for civilians; supports the international community’s call for Russia to withdraw troops immediately and for the humanitarian crisis to …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
9th March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 10th March 2022

A green transition from Russian oil and gas

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House maintains an unwavering commitment to achieving net zero targets; acknowledges the urgent need to tackle high carbon emissions produced by homes across the UK; recognises the need for a comprehensive Government scheme to incentivise retrofitting to improve energy efficiency of homes and buildings; pledges that any future …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 5
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
10th March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 10th March 2022

The Triumph of Endurance22

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House congratulates the archaeologists, engineers, technicians, and chroniclers from Endurance22 aboard the S.A. Agulhas II for finding the lost ship, Endurance; and recognises the hard work of the whole crew; and honours this new chapter in the Endurance’s story, one of the unbridled possibility of the human spirit, …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
10th March 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 10th March 2022

Medical aid for Ukraine

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House supports the need to send emergency medical aid to the people of Ukraine; acknowledges that local emergency services in Ukraine are running out of vital medical supplies that can mean the difference between life and death for many people; notes the urgent nature of providing the people …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
31st January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 9th March 2022

Bearskin caps and the armed forces

Tabled by: Kirsten Oswald (Scottish National Party - East Renfrewshire)
That this House expresses its concern that the ceremonial bearskin caps worn by members of the armed forces, most notably at the annual Trooping the Colour parade, involve the unnecessary slaughter of black bears; notes that each bearskin ceremonial cap costs the Ministry of Defence over £1,700 and sees no …
75 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 29
Labour: 24
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
21st February 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 23rd February 2022


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House believes that Cyprus will best succeed as an independent and reunited state, in line with UN Security Council Resolutions and High Level Agreements, on the basis of reconciliation and equality for the fundamental rights of both the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities; calls for the two communities …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 13
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
23rd February 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 23rd February 2022

UEFA Champions League Final 2022

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House condemns Vladimir Putin’s aggression towards Ukraine; recognises that the 2022 Champions League final is scheduled to take place at the Gazprom Arena in St. Petersburg on 28 May 2022; believes that Putin should not be rewarded by allowing this prestigious, widely-viewed sports event to take place in …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
21st February 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 22nd February 2022

LGBT+ history month 2022

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House recognises Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) history month 2022; states its belief in a free society where every person’s rights and liberties are protected; commits to continuing to campaign for the LGBTQI+ community to be able to go about their lives without fear or discrimination; fosters …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 1
Independent: 1
25th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 21st February 2022

A wealth tax as an alternative to National Insurance increases

Tabled by: Richard Burgon (Independent - Leeds East)
That this House calls on the Government to abandon its regressive plans for a 1.25 percentage point increase in National Insurance contributions; believes this will add to the cost of living crisis people are already experiencing as a result of big increases in energy bills, high inflation, real-term wage cuts …
78 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Liberal Democrat: 13
Scottish National Party: 13
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
7th February 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 10th February 2022

Humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House notes with grave concern recent reports in the media on the developing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, in particular traumatic stories of parents being forced into selling organs, and in some cases selling their own children, in order to feed their families; further notes that the United Nations’ …
58 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 9
Liberal Democrat: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
10th February 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 10th February 2022

Papers relating to investigations into alleged gatherings on Government premises

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House considers that a motion for an Humble Address on the laying of papers including the full, unredacted report of the Cabinet Office investigation into alleged gatherings on Government premises during the period of covid-19 restrictions, all accompanying evidence collected as part of the Cabinet Office investigation, including …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 13
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
9th February 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 9th February 2022

Standing Order No. 43 (Disorderly conduct)

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House considers that, given the breadth of the Prime Minister’s responsibilities, their leading role in Government and the country and the consequent need for accuracy in the information they give, it is desirable that the following amendment be made to Standing Order No. 43 (Disorderly conduct): "At end, …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 13
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
11th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 31st January 2022

Human rights in Bahrain

Tabled by: Margaret Ferrier (Independent - Rutherglen and Hamilton West)
That this House is concerned by continuing serious human rights violations in Bahrain, including the ongoing arbitrary detention and inhumane treatment of prisoners of conscience, including Abduljalil al-Singace, Hassan Mushaima, Abdulwahab Hussain, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and Sheikh Ali Salman; notes that Freedom House in its 2021 report rated Bahrain as not …
77 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 24
Labour: 21
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
19th November 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 31st January 2022

Animals in Scientific Research and transition to new approach methodologies

Tabled by: Martyn Day (Scottish National Party - Linlithgow and East Falkirk)
That this House regrets 2.88 million animal experiments were carried out in Great Britain in 2020; notes there can be better options than using animals in scientific research; further notes the Animal Free Research UK report Modernising Medical Research recommendation to establish a role focussed on replacing animals with human …
67 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 22
Labour: 19
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
12th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 28th January 2022

Recognition of Armenian massacres as genocide

Tabled by: Lord Spellar (Labour - Warley)
That this House welcomes US President Biden's formal recognition of the extermination of over one million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire in 1915 as genocide; and calls on the Government to issue a similar recognition.
30 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Conservative: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
11th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 27th January 2022

Overactive bladder syndrome

Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House notes that overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) affects over 4.5 million people in the UK and costs the health system over £840 million per year; recognises that the serious condition impacts on physical, social and psychological wellbeing and can dominate and impose on peoples’ sense of personal freedom …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
17th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 17th January 2022

Tamil Heritage Month 2022

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House recognises January as Tamil Heritage Month; acknowledges the tremendous contributions that Tamils make to British society, particularly the vital role the Tamil community has played in helping the UK tackle covid-19 as healthcare workers, teachers, and vaccine researchers; celebrates the richness of Tamil culture; notes that the …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
13th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 14th January 2022

Compassion, respect and integrity in politics

Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House condemns the organisation of social gatherings and events at Downing Street during the periods of covid-19 lockdown; further condemns the lack of transparency from the Government regarding the parties and reluctance to disclose attendance; believes that when Members and Ministers do not acknowledge or apologise for making …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Scottish National Party: 10
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
6th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 13th January 2022

Keeping schools open

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House recognises that young people have already suffered enormous disruption to their education and spent months isolated from their peers, while parents have been exhausted from the colossal efforts of juggling home schooling and their own work; believes that keeping schools safely open should be a priority in …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 31 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
13th January 2022
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 13th January 2022

No confidence in the Prime Minister

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House has no confidence in the Prime Minister because he has broken the covid-19 lockdown laws his Government introduced, misled both Parliament and the public about it, and disastrously undermined public confidence in the midst of a pandemic.
23 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 13
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
10th September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 11th January 2022


Tabled by: Mick Whitley (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House welcomes the news that Trodelvy, a new treatment for women living with incurable metastatic triple negative breast cancer, has been licensed through Project Orbis for use in Great Britain; expresses concern that women now face a delay before they can access the drug and potentially miss out …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Liberal Democrat: 9
Conservative: 4
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
19th July 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 11th January 2022

Human rights in Western Sahara

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That this House strongly condemns the attacks on human rights defenders, students, journalists and academics who publicly criticise the Government of Morocco; profoundly regrets the recent violence perpetrated in the most high profile cases including Sultana and Laura Khaya, Babuizid Muhammed, Saaed Labhi, Salek Baber and Khaled Bouvfraya; is alarmed …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
25th November 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th January 2022

Football Index collapse

Tabled by: George Howarth (Labour - Knowsley)
That this House remains deeply concerned about the collapse of the betting firm Football Index in March 2021, following the suspension of the company’s licence by the Gambling Commission and its entry into administration; notes with concern that customers collectively have over £90 million in open stakes trapped in the …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Mar 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 10
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
25th October 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th January 2022

Over 100 days of Dr AlSingace’s hunger strike in Bahrain

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House is deeply concerned by the ongoing hunger strike of 59-year-old human rights defender and academic Dr Abduljalil AlSingace, in Bahrain; raises alarm that his hunger strike began on 8 July 2021 and has exceeded 100 days; expresses concern that Dr AlSingace has been hospitalised since 18 July …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 31 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 9
Liberal Democrat: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
2nd December 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 13th December 2021

Fan-Led Review of Football Governance

Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That his House welcomes the publication of the report following the Fan Led Review of Football Governance, chaired by the hon. Member for Chatham and Aylesford, Tracey Crouch MP; notes that the recommendations within the report are supported in full by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Football, the All …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd July 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th December 2021

Water pollution in northern Sri Lanka

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House expresses concern regarding water quality in northern Sri Lanka; is concerned by reports stating that the Sri Lankan Government refused to allow independent assessments of water quality in the region; notes that the consumption or use of water contaminated by waste oil has been linked to many …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 6
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 1
22nd November 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 6th December 2021

Disability inclusive employment strategy

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House expresses concern that the covid-19 pandemic is still disproportionately affecting the financial security and working status of disabled people across the UK; highlights the recent report by the charity Leonard Cheshire, which found that 69 per cent of disabled people have had their work impacted by the …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
30th November 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 1st December 2021

New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House notes the recent free trade agreement with New Zealand; expresses strong concern that imports from New Zealand will undercut the environmental, animal welfare and food safety standards of British beef, lamb and dairy farmers; acknowledges the Department for International Trade’s assessment that the estimated impact on GDP …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 12
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
15th November 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 15th November 2021

Votes on standards motions

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House notes the investigation and findings on the Owen Paterson case by the independent Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and Committee on Standards Report published on 26 October 2021, HC797; is concerned that the former Member was able to cast a vote on a motion relating to his own …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Nov 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 12
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Independent: 1
15th November 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 15th November 2021

Social Security

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Universal Credit (Exceptions to the Requirement not to be receiving Education) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (SI, 2021, No. 1224), dated 1 November 2021, a copy of which was laid before this House on 4 November 2021, be annulled.
25 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Dec 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 12
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
8th November 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 4th November 2021

Impact of e-scooter use

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House recognises the Government’s e-scooter trial period, due to expire in November 2021; understands the potential benefits of using e-scooters and integrating them into active travel and green transport; recognises that e-scooters are indisputably less polluting than conventional petrol and diesel vehicles; notes the 2018 Dockless Electric Scooter-Related …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
6th September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 2nd November 2021

Deregulated bus transport

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is concerned with the adequacy of deregulated bus services in England outside London; notes the near unanimous consensus that the current system is not delivering for passengers and the multitude of reports finding as such; further notes that in England alone, average fares have increased 403 percent …
55 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
18th October 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 1st November 2021

Lakhvinder Ricky Reel

Tabled by: John McDonnell (Independent - Hayes and Harlington)
That this House continues to expresses its heartfelt sympathy with the family of the late Lakhvinder Ricky Reel who died in suspicious circumstances in 1997 after being racially attacked in Kingston, Surrey; is appalled to learn that his family were spied upon by undercover police officers; acknowledges that over 100,000 …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Nov 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Independent: 8
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
23rd September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 21st October 2021

Campaign to secure the future of the Covid Memorial Wall

Tabled by: Afzal Khan (Labour - Manchester Rusholme)
That this House welcomes the creation of the Covid Memorial Wall on Albert Embankment by Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice; notes that this memorial now includes over 150,000 hand-painted hearts to symbolise all those who lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic; praises the work of Covid-19 Bereaved Families for …
139 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 92
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 9
Conservative: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
20th October 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 21st October 2021

Making misogyny a hate crime

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House expresses deep concern about the prevalence of violence against women and girls in our society; notes that, according to the 2021 UN Women UK YouGov survey, 71 per cent of women have experienced some form of sexual harassment in a public space and that this figure rises …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 8
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
21st June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 18th October 2021

Alternative student finance

Tabled by: Stephen Timms (Labour - East Ham)
That this House notes that a significant number of Muslim young people do not take up a university place because the only student finance available involves payment of interest; notes that former Prime Minister David Cameron pledged in October 2013 at the World Islamic Economic Forum in London that the …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
20th September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st September 2021

South Western Railway proposed timetable changes

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House acknowledges the new timetable proposed by South Western Railway, due to come into effect in December 2022; laments that the proposed timetable amounts to a significant reduction in services; notes that current passenger behaviour is not yet representative of post-pandemic demand for public transport; further notes the …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Oct 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 15th September 2021

The Ministerial Code and the conduct of the Prime Minister

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House believes that trust in the ministerial code has been eroded by the actions of the Prime Minister; further believes that the Prime Minister should no longer be the guardian of the code as he has been shown to lack the moral aptitude needed; and therefore calls for …
105 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 39
Labour: 37
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
13th September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th September 2021

SATs in the 2021-22 Academic Year

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House recognises the enormous effect that the covid-19 pandemic has had on pupils' mental health; notes the study by UCL Institute of Education researchers which found that a fear of poor SATs results is driving headteachers to separate pupils by ability despite the impact on children’s self-esteem and …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
8th September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th September 2021

Shortage of HGV drivers

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House notes with concern that the shortage of HGV drivers in the UK is at crisis point; regrets that even before the covid-19 pandemic, when the UK road transport business employed approximately 600,000 drivers, that there was still a shortfall of as many as 70,000 vacancies; further notes …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
5th July 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 13th September 2021

Hassan Mushaima and political prisoners detained in Bahrain

Tabled by: Andy Slaughter (Labour - Hammersmith and Chiswick)
That this House is deeply concerned by the decade-long detention of 73-year-old Hassan Mushaima in Bahrain who was sentenced to life imprisonment for his peaceful role as a political opposition leader in 2011; decries that Mushaima was brutally tortured, subjected to protracted medical negligence and that his condition continues to …
44 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
14th July 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th September 2021

Tactile paving

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House acknowledges the Rail Accident Investigation Branch report into the fatality of Cleveland Gervais, a blind passenger fatally struck by a train on 26 February 2020 after falling from platform 1 of Eden Park station; notes that 35 per cent of platforms are seriously dangerous for blind and …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 13
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
20th July 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 7th September 2021

Political prisoners in Belarus

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House believes there to be 570 political prisoners in Belarus; notes the credible reports of prisoners facing extreme violence, torture, and sexual assault; welcomes the decision by several honourable Members and Noble Lords to act as godparents to Belarusian political prisoners; is aware that the Noble Lord Foulkes …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th September 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 7th September 2021

Foreign Secretary’s handling of the UK’s withdrawal from Afghanistan

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House censures the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, for his handling of the UK's withdrawal from Afghanistan, which has put the lives of Afghan interpreters in grave danger; and believes that if the Prime Minister is not prepared to dismiss him, the Secretary of …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Sep 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
14th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 21st July 2021

The fur trade in the UK

Tabled by: Tracey Crouch (Conservative - Chatham and Aylesford)
That this House welcomes the Call for Evidence on the fur trade in the UK; urges the Government to introduce legislation to ban the import and sale of fur in the UK having first banned fur farms more than 20 years ago, something that is possible now that the UK …
119 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 46
Scottish National Party: 34
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
9th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 15th July 2021

Public scientific hearing on animal experiments

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House applauds the new Animal Sentience Bill, enshrining in law the ability of animals to experience joy and feel suffering and pain; notes the science-based campaign For Life On Earth with its Beagle Ambassador, rescued laboratory dog Scarlett; is shocked to see the harrowing exposé showing thousands of …
110 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 38
Scottish National Party: 29
Independent: 15
Liberal Democrat: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
19th July 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 15th July 2021

Negotiating a peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes the work by Congressman Brad Sherman to encourage new efforts towards formally ending the state of war on the Korean Peninsula through his Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act that was recently introduced in the US House of Representatives; recognises that that symbolic move could play …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Sep 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
12th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th July 2021

Giving every child the best start in life

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House notes the work of WAVE Trust and its 70/30 campaign to reduce levels of child abuse, neglect and domestic abuse by 70 per cent by 2030; further notes that over two-thirds of this House have endorsed that campaign, including a majority from all parties; recognises the role …
151 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 55
Scottish National Party: 43
Conservative: 15
Independent: 14
Liberal Democrat: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
12th July 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 12th July 2021

England national football team Euro 2020 runners up

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House celebrates the incredible achievements of the England men’s football team in the UEFA Euro 2020 championship, reaching the final of a major tournament for the first time in 55 years; expresses deep pride and great respect for the way that team's players and manager conducted themselves on …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jul 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
9th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th June 2021

Racism in football

Tabled by: Clive Lewis (Labour - Norwich South)
That this House applauds England football manager Gareth Southgate and his players for their principled opposition to racism; stands in solidarity with all football players and supporters who have been subjected to racism, while participating in the sport they love or in other areas of their life; recognises that those …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
15th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Zero-carbon domestic renewables

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House recognises the UK's legal commitment to reduce carbon emissions, including those from domestic dwellings, to Net Zero by 2050; further notes that 30% of UK carbon dioxide emissions are from domestic dwellings; recognises that micro-generation of home grown energy and heating is vital to reach the Net …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Nov 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 5
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 2
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
18th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 21st June 2021

12th anniversary of the end of the Sri Lankan civil war

Tabled by: Anne McLaughlin (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North East)
That this house recognises that 12 years on from the end of the Sri Lankan civil war, most alleged human rights abuses primarily against Tamil people are yet to be investigated; acknowledges that those allegations include indiscriminate bombing in no~fire zones, summary executions of surrenderers, torture, sexual violence and abductions; …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 15
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
15th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 17th June 2021

Australian trade deal

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House notes the prospective agreement of a trade deal with Australia; expresses strong concern at the potential implications of any deal on British farmers; asks that farmers across the country are properly consulted; further asks that MPs are given the time to adequately read, scrutinise and debate the …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
14th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 15th June 2021

Refugee Week 2021

Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House supports Refugee Week 2021, which takes place from 14 to 20 June with the theme entitled We Cannot Walk Alone; notes that there are an estimated 26 million refugees and 4 million asylum seekers around the world today; further notes that the UK has a proud history …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Alba Party: 2
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
14th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 15th June 2021

Sustainability in national curriculum

Tabled by: Barry Sheerman (Labour (Co-op) - Huddersfield)
That this House considers best practice from across the United Kingdom and globally in terms of integrating sustainability into the national curriculum; recognises that the environmental challenges that we face require young people across the United Kingdom to be made more aware of the threats from climate change, environmental degradation, …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
20th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 9th June 2021

Pregnancy and maternity discrimination at work

Tabled by: Catherine McKinnell (Labour - Newcastle upon Tyne North)
That this House notes that Government-commissioned research in 2016 by the Equality and Human Rights Commission found disturbingly high levels of pregnancy and maternity discrimination in UK workplaces; further notes the February 2021 conclusion of the Women and Equalities Committee that the Government must act now to prevent further discrimination, …
103 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 38
Scottish National Party: 32
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
9th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 9th June 2021

Mental health provision for university students

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House calls on the Government to publish clear guidance to universities on what mental health provision should be in place for university students; recognises the immense strain placed on university students during the covid-19 outbreak and the continuing assessments and exams that students have been required to undertake; …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
9th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Wednesday 9th June 2021

Higher education funding

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House calls on the Government to provide financial compensation to university students for lost teaching and rent during the covid-19 outbreak; notes that university students have not had adequate teaching or the university experience that they expected; notes that universities have worked hard to adapt to online teaching …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 5
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
11th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 7th June 2021

Protests in Colombia

Tabled by: Tony Lloyd (Labour - Rochdale)
That this House expresses profound concern on reports of excessive use of force by the Colombian police, against overwhelmingly peaceful social protests as confirmed by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights across Colombia from 28 April 2021, as part of a national strike; believes the right …
101 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 40
Scottish National Party: 30
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
7th June 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Monday 7th June 2021

Carers Week 2021

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House supports Carers Week which takes place on the 7th to the 13th June 2021; notes that Week’s theme is Make Caring Visible and Valued; highlights the invaluable contribution that over 6.5 million unpaid carers make to their local communities across the UK; recognises that carers have been …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Alba Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
18th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 24th May 2021

Specialist consultant prescribed medicinal cannabis

Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House recognises the benefits of prescribed medical cannabis by a specialist consultant for people suffering with chronic pain, epilepsy and a variety of other conditions; welcomes the legalisation around the use of prescribed medical cannabis on 1 November 2018; but regrets the difficulties that patients and their families …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 6
Conservative: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
18th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 20th May 2021

World IBD Day 2021

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House welcomes World IBD Day; appreciates the work by Crohn’s & Colitis UK in producing their new report, Crohn’s and Colitis Care in the UK: The Hidden Cost and a Vision for Change; notes with concern the findings of that report that more than a quarter of people …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
17th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 20th May 2021

50 years of the Misuse of Drugs Act

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House acknowledges that the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is not fit for purpose; notes that for 50 years, it has failed to reduce drug consumption and that drug deaths are now at a record high; further notes that instead it has increased harm, damaged public health and …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 16
Labour: 12
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
11th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 14th May 2021

Investment in good quality green jobs across the UK

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House recognises the urgency with which the UK must act to address the climate and nature emergencies; notes the scale and ambition of US President Biden’s $2.3 trillion plan to upgrade America so that it is greener and fairer and regrets the lack of such a plan for …
53 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 10
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
11th May 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 12th May 2021

Deaf Awareness Week 2021

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House celebrates Deaf Awareness Week, which ran from 4-9 May 2021; recognises that there are around 151,000 users of British Sign Language in the UK, about 87,000 of whom are Deaf; notes with concern that too many deaf people in the UK still face social exclusion as a …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2022)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Alba Party: 1
21st April 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th April 2021

Youth Mobility Scheme

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
That this House recognises the benefits of the Youth Mobility Scheme which allows young people to live, work and study in the UK for up to 24 months; notes the importance of that scheme to the development of young people’s understanding of different countries and cultures; further notes that the …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
21st April 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 26th April 2021

The need for investment in good green jobs across the United Kingdom

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this house notes the significance of Earth Day; further notes the urgency with which the UK must act to address the climate and nature emergencies; welcomes this government’s focus on the job creation potential of a green recovery in its G7 priorities; sees the opportunity for the recovery to …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
24th March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 22nd April 2021


Tabled by: Keir Starmer (Labour - Holborn and St Pancras)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Immigration (Guidance on Detention of Vulnerable Persons) Regulations 2021 (S.I., 2021, No. 184), dated 23 February 2021, a copy of which was laid before this House on 25 February 2021, be annulled.
82 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 40
Scottish National Party: 24
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
19th April 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 21st April 2021

Carbon emissions labelling

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House notes with concern the lack of information available to consumers on the environmental impact of the goods and food products they buy; recognises the growing urgency of the climate emergency facing the planet as a result of carbon emissions; acknowledges that the public would welcome the opportunity …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
14th October 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 21st April 2021

Democratic process and and attacks on Kurds in Turkey

Tabled by: Chris Stephens (Scottish National Party - Glasgow South West)
That this House notes that the Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for 82 members of the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP), including current and former democratically elected mayors, and the party’s current Central Executive Board; further notes that the HDP is the third largest political party in Turkey; notes …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 5
Labour: 5
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
19th April 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th April 2021

Salute to pro-democracy campaigners in Hong Kong

Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House notes with profound disappointment the sentencing to prison of Hong Kong pro-democracy campaigners, including Jimmy Lai; condemns the Chinese government’s clamp down on freedom of speech, movement and association in Hong Kong since the introduction of the National Security Law; salutes those arrested, tried and punished by …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Labour: 4
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
13th April 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 19th April 2021

Report of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Tabled by: Diane Abbott (Labour - Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
That this House notes that the publication of the report of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities in March 2021 was met with immense disappointment and frustration by members of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities across the country, and many racial justice organisations; is deeply concerned that the …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th October 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 19th April 2021

Import and production of foie gras

Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House condemns the production of foie gras by force-feeding ducks and geese which causes severe physical and psychological pain for the animals involved, welcomes the continued ban on production of foie gras in the UK and calls on the Government to ban the import of this so-called delicacy …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 5
Conservative: 3
Independent: 3
Labour: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
13th April 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th April 2021

Humanitarian crisis in Yemen and UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes the continued disastrous war on Yemen which has led to the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world; further notes that the UN has warned that an estimated 24 million people, close to 80 per cent of the population, need assistance and protection; acknowledges that the UK …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Labour: 6
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
13th April 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th April 2021

Effect of the covid-19 outbreak on disabled children and families

Tabled by: Mary Kelly Foy (Labour - City of Durham)
That this House is deeply alarmed at the disproportionate effect of the covid-19 pandemic on disabled children, young people and their families; notes the concerning statistics from the Disabled Children’s Partnerships’ The Longest Lockdown report, which found that 70 per cent of disabled children could not access, or experienced delays …
52 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 35
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
18th March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th April 2021

UK-EU veterinary agreement

Tabled by: Stephen Farry (Alliance - North Down)
That this House recognises that the absence of a UK-EU veterinary agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary rules on movements of animals and food products between Great Britain and the EU and between Great Britain and Northern Ireland is creating major barriers for UK food exporters and also significantly contributes to …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Scottish National Party: 6
Labour: 6
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
8th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th April 2021

Tenth anniversary of the Bahraini revolution

Tabled by: Margaret Ferrier (Independent - Rutherglen and Hamilton West)
That this House recognises the tenth anniversary of the Arab Spring and the Bahraini revolution of 2011; remembers the horrific events of the deadly pre-dawn raid of 17 February 2011, also known as Bloody Thursday; recognises the countless forms of repression that have targeted peaceful opponents of the regime, such …
51 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
9th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th April 2021

Pay of British Council workers

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House appreciates the invaluable role played by the British Council in promoting arts and culture, education and the English language overseas and the benefits it brings to the UK; believes that workers employed by the British Council deserve to be remunerated accordingly; regrets the anxiety caused by the …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
22nd February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th April 2021

Immigration Rules and rough sleepers

Tabled by: Claudia Webbe (Independent - Leicester East)
That this House is appalled by the Government’s Immigration Rules which came into effect on 1 December 2020 that make rough sleeping grounds for refusing or cancelling someone’s right to remain in the UK; fears that those new immigration rules will push people further away from seeking support and will …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
4th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 13th April 2021

A public scientific hearing on animal experiments

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House notes the science-based campaign, For Life On Earth, with its Beagle ambassador, rescued ex-laboratory dog Scarlet; congratulates Scarlet on winning the Animal Hero, Inspirational Animal of the Year Award 2018; further notes that the latest Home Office figures show that the numbers of dogs used in UK …
69 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 31
Labour: 14
Liberal Democrat: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 4
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
23rd March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th March 2021

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s independence

Tabled by: Rushanara Ali (Labour - Bethnal Green and Stepney)
That this House celebrates the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s independence from Pakistan in 1971 and recognises the historical significance of this milestone; commemorates all those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and independence of Bangladesh and its citizens; commends and recognises the economic and social progress Bangladesh has made; …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Alba Party: 2
18th March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd March 2021

Duty Free on arrivals stores

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House welcomes the introduction of duty free on arrivals stores in airports, international rail and ferry terminals in Great Britain to support a safe and sustainable recovery of international travel; recognises that duty free on arrivals provides a sustainable and significant new contribution to revenues with an increase …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
22nd February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 22nd March 2021

VAT on Zero Carbon Domestic Renewables

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House recognises the UK's legal commitment to reduce carbon emissions, including those from domestic dwellings, to Net Zero by 2050; further notes that 30 per cent of UK carbon dioxide emissions are from domestic dwellings; recognises that micro-generation of home grown energy and heating is vital to reach …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
24th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 12th March 2021

Political and security situation in Myanmar

Tabled by: Rushanara Ali (Labour - Bethnal Green and Stepney)
That this House condemns the military coup in Myanmar (Burma); demands the immediate release of all political prisoners; extends solidarity to fellow Members of Parliament who have been denied the right to exercise their democratically elected mandate; welcomes the establishment by Parliamentarians of representative committees from national, regional and state …
104 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 42
Scottish National Party: 27
Independent: 12
Liberal Democrat: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Conservative: 4
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
11th March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as the primary signatory on Thursday 11th March 2021

Young Carers Action Day

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House supports Young Carers Action Day, led by Carers Trust, which takes place on 16 March 2021; recognises the invaluable contribution more than 800,000 young carers make to their families and local communities across the UK; notes the Day’s theme of Protect Young Carers’ Futures, and the importance …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
20th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 11th March 2021

Early pay rise for NHS staff

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House recognises the extraordinary commitment and sacrifice of NHS staff throughout the covid-19 outbreak; believes that the depth of public gratitude for this work must now be reflected in what the Government does next for NHS staff; notes that as it stands, NHS staff must wait until 2021 …
106 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 44
Scottish National Party: 28
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
8th March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 9th March 2021

Celebrating International Women's Day

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House notes the achievements of women around the world on International Women’s Day on 8 March; welcomes the 2021 theme of #ChooseToChallenge as a call to action for people to challenge gender inequality and bias; celebrates Kamala Harris, the first female, first Black and first Asian-American Vice President …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
4th March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th March 2021

International Women's Day: support for girls' education across the globe

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes with concern the findings of UN Women's report 'From Insight to Action: Gender Equality in the Wake of COVID-19' that without coordinated action to mitigate the gendered impacts of COVID-19, there is a risk that the fragile gender equality gains achieved over the past 25 years …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th March 2021

Overseas NHS Workers Day

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House supports Overseas NHS Workers Day in recognition of the extraordinary contribution of all foreign nationals working tirelessly in the UK’s fight against Covid-19; applauds the efforts of the Doctors’ Association UK with support from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 9
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
3rd March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 4th March 2021

Farmers' protests in India

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House expresses its profound concern at the growing number of arrests of Indian farmers protesting controversial privatisation legislation in India; further notes that militarised police violence has repeatedly been used against these peaceful protestors; echoes the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights’ call on “the …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
22nd February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 4th March 2021

The Green Homes Grant

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House believes the Green Homes Grant to upgrade 600,000 homes and support 100,000 jobs is in need of fundamental reform; is concerned that as of 8 February 2021 just 22,165 vouchers had been issued to customers despite enormous demand, that any underspend of the £2 billion invested until …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
1st March 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2021

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House notes the commencement of Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2021, which runs from 1 to 7 March 2021 and focuses this year on binge eating disorder; recognises that eating disorders are serious illnesses experienced by at least 1.25 million people in the UK; notes with concern that, while …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
25th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 1st March 2021

Women prisoner leavers and homelessness

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House notes official statistics showing that 42 per cent of women released from prison in 2019-20 were discharged into unsettled accommodation; further notes that the Safe Homes for Women Leaving Prison initiative estimates that as many as six in ten women leave prison with nowhere safe to go; …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
24th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 1st March 2021

Proposed changes to the London weighting to London universities teaching grant

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House is deeply concerned by the Department for Education’s guidance letter issued to the Office for Students on the teaching grant for 2021-22 that pledges to remove weightings for London providers; notes that the costs of removing London weighting to the T-grant will most likely be shouldered by …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 2
Labour: 2
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
25th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th February 2021

Yemeni human rights and Saudi arms sales

Tabled by: Jeremy Corbyn (Independent - Islington North)
That this House notes the continued disaster of the war on Yemen which has helped create what the UN has designated the worst humanitarian catastrophe anywhere in the world, threatening the lives of millions of Yemenis; further notes that the Government continues to allow arms sales to Saudi Arabia, the …
63 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Scottish National Party: 16
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
11th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 17th February 2021

Visiting in care homes and hospitals during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Baroness Harman (Labour - Camberwell and Peckham)
That this House notes the letter from the Chair of the Joint Committee on Human Rights to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on the matter of visits to people in care homes and hospitals during the covid-19 outbreak; is deeply concerned about the acute distress many …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Liberal Democrat: 7
Conservative: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
11th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 17th February 2021

Proposed Israeli annexation of part of the West Bank

Tabled by: Andy Slaughter (Labour - Hammersmith and Chiswick)
That this House notes with concern the plans of the new Israeli coalition government to annex part of the occupied West Bank; further notes that Israeli legislation can progress from 1 July 2020 to carry out such an annexation; highlights that any such annexation of territory occupied in 1967 is …
87 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 31
Labour: 28
Independent: 10
Liberal Democrat: 10
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
10th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 12th February 2021

Tenth anniversary of Bahrain's revolution

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes the 10th anniversary of Bahrain's revolution protesting structural inequalities, corruption, oppression, and a lack of government representation; expresses its concern that there remains a lack of democratic structures and that human rights abuses are still occurring in the country; observes that the UK Government has continued …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 9th February 2021

West Cumbria Coal Mine

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House is dismayed by the decision to approve a new deep coal mine in West Cumbria; believes it is a dangerous backwards step in the fight against climate change; further believes it undermines the UK’s COP26 Presidency, damaging the Government’s international credibility; notes that it both contradicts Climate …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Independent: 1
27th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th February 2021

Visas for musicians in the EU

Tabled by: Baroness Harman (Labour - Camberwell and Peckham)
That this House applauds the over 100 musicians who wrote to The Times on 20 January 2021 and agrees that the UK Government must immediately seek supplementary agreement with the EU to secure the ability of all creative workers including musicians, performers, their equipment and others such as technicians to …
81 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 41
Scottish National Party: 14
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
2nd February 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Ongoing conflict in Cameroon

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House is deeply concerned by the ongoing conflict in Cameroon’s north west and south west regions; condemns the deliberate and continued killings of innocent civilians and grave violations against children since the start of the conflict in 2016; sends its sincerest condolences to all those who have tragically …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Labour: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
12th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Travellers' Allowances and Miscellaneous Provisions

Tabled by: Ian Blackford (Scottish National Party - Ross, Skye and Lochaber)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Travellers' Allowances and Miscellaneous Provisions (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (SI, 2020, No. 1412), dated 3 December 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 3 December 2020, be annulled.
17 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
27th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 1st February 2021

Plan for schools to safely reopen during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House declares that children and their wellbeing must be at the heart of Government decision-making; recognises the negative effect that schools being closed to most pupils is having on the wellbeing and mental health of children; notes that research has shown that home-schooling has been inconsistent across the …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
13th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 1st February 2021

Audio-visual performers' rights

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House welcomes the World Intellectual Property Organisation’s Beijing Treaty on Audio-Visual Performances which came into force on 28 April 2020; notes that the aim of that Treaty is to extend the economic and moral rights of actors and performers in audio-visual performances including films, videos and television programs; …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
26th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 28th January 2021

Travel rights for workers in the media and creative industries

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House is deeply disturbed to hear that proposals made during the Brexit negotiations which would have offered special travel rights for the creative workforce represented by the Federation of Entertainment Unions (FEU) were turned down; notes that the creative industries are one of the fastest-growing parts of the …
44 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Independent: 7
Scottish National Party: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
30th December 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 28th January 2021

Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

Tabled by: Bob Blackman (Conservative - Harrow East)
That this House notes that on 27 January 2021 the UK will observe Holocaust Memorial Day marking the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, where an estimated 1.1 million people were murdered; commemorates the six million victims of the Holocaust; further notes that the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 …
97 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 44
Scottish National Party: 30
Conservative: 7
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
9th November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 28th January 2021

Dismissals of app-based courier and private hire driver workers

Tabled by: Ian Byrne (Independent - Liverpool West Derby)
That this House condemns the opaque and unjust process by which app-based couriers and private hire drivers working for companies such as UBER and Deliveroo can be blocked permanently from their accounts and thus effectively dismissed from their jobs; recognises that couriers and private hire drivers are key workers who …
72 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 42
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
6th February 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 26th January 2021

EU Settlement Scheme

Tabled by: Kate Green (Labour - Stretford and Urmston)
That this House is concerned that the EU Settlement Scheme does not deliver sufficient assurance of their future status to all EU nationals resident in the UK; notes that some EU nationals and non-EU family members will be unable to obtain their status for a number of reasons, including a …
86 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 43
Scottish National Party: 22
Liberal Democrat: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
25th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 25th January 2021

Democracy, human rights and the detention of Alexei Navalny in Russia

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House condemns the arrest and detention of Alexei Navalny by the Russian Federation; further condemns the reported arrest, detention and beating of thousands of protestors and journalists across Russia in the last week; notes that over 3,500 Russians have so far been detained following nationwide protests across the …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 2
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
11th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th January 2021

VAT on reusable period pants

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House welcomes the zero VAT rating of women’s menstrual products, applied from January 2021; commends the recognition that sanitary products are an essential item; regrets that one in 10 girls in the United Kingdom are unable to afford sanitary wear, resulting in detriment to their self-esteem, education and …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
19th November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th January 2021

Dangers of pavement parking

Tabled by: Barry Sheerman (Labour (Co-op) - Huddersfield)
That this House recognises the problems caused by pavement parking in communities across the UK; is concerned about the impact of pavement parking on the most vulnerable members of our society, particularly the elderly, those living with sight loss and people with wheelchairs and buggies; notes that pavement parking is …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
6th January 2021
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 11th January 2021

Electronic voting in the House of Commons during covid-19 national lockdown

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes the success of the electronic voting system used by hon. Members in the House of Commons during the first national lockdown to prevent the spread of covid-19 in 2020; notes that MPs who need or want to avoid long distance travel currently have no choice but …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
23rd September 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th January 2021

Relocation of aslyum seekers and refugees from Aegean Islands

Tabled by: Stuart C McDonald (Scottish National Party - Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East)
That this House recognises the deteriorating conditions faced by asylum seekers and refugees on the Aegean Islands and notes the recent fire at the Moria camp in Lesvos which has left 13,000 people without shelter; welcomes the fact that Germany, France and Norway have agreed to take some of those …
74 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 31
Labour: 16
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
16th December 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 17th December 2020

Official Development Assistance 0.7 per cent GNI commitment

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes UK Official Development Assistance spending has helped millions and stands as a testament to the best of British values; observes that the Government's decision to cut development spending to 0.5 per cent of GNI breaks its manifesto promise to the British people and has serious consequences …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 11 May 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
1st December 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 2nd December 2020

Effect of covid-19 on disabled people and employment

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act, an important step towards equality for people with disabilities; recognises the disproportionate impact of the covid-19 pandemic on disabled people; notes with concern that 71 per cent of disabled people employed in March have been impacted by loss …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
30th November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 27th November 2020

No Recourse to Public Funds

Tabled by: Lord Cryer (Labour - Leyton and Wanstead)
That this House believes that the Government has a duty to ensure that everyone living in the UK is protected from both the health and financial impacts of Coronavirus; understands that long before the pandemic No Recourse to Public Funds restrictions have pushed migrants and their families into poverty and …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Liberal Democrat: 6
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
4th November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 26th November 2020

Falkland Islands mine-free declaration

Tabled by: Andrew Rosindell (Conservative - Romford)
That this House recognises the Falkland Islands will officially be declared mine-free on November 14 2020, fulfilling the UK's commitment of its clearance obligation under the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention; notes that with this declaration the entire UK and her Overseas Territories will be mine-free; pays tribute to the members …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Conservative: 8
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
24th November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 25th November 2020

Conflict in Ethiopia

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House is deeply concerned about the escalation of conflict in Ethiopia; condemns the deliberate killing of innocent civilians; sends its sincerest condolences to all those who have tragically lost loved ones as a result; notes the estimated 4,000 refugees per day fleeing Ethiopia; further notes the UNHRC’s warning …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
24th November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 25th November 2020

The situation in Iran

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House recognises the people of Iran are suffering terribly as a result of covid-19; acknowledges that it is vital that medical aid and other humanitarian assistance reaches them; notes that the coronavirus crisis does not stop at any border; and therefore calls on the Government to work with …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
16th November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 17th November 2020

Support for small businesses with Pay for Postage Scheme

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House recognises the need to support small businesses due to the continued impact of covid-19 and lockdown restrictions; welcomes the idea of a Pay the Postage Scheme to help small businesses compete with larger retailers during the lucrative Christmas season; notes that free postage offers from online shopping …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Dec 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
5th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 12th November 2020

Accelerating human relevant life sciences in the UK

Tabled by: David Amess (Conservative - Southend West)
That this House acknowledges that many of the major diseases of our time remain poorly understood and lack adequate treatments; notes the economic, business and public health benefits of developing New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that have the potential to reduce drug development failures and save costs and time; recognises that …
103 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 33
Labour: 32
Conservative: 9
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
2nd November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 3rd November 2020

Immediate return of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori to the UK

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House condemns the unjust imprisonment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori; notes the unfair sentencing of Anoosheh to 12 years imprisonment and summoning of Nazanin to court yet again; recognises the difficult and dangerous conditions that Nazanin is facing by being confined to remaining within 300 metres of …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
30th September 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 3rd November 2020

Funding for school counselling services

Tabled by: Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth)
That this House notes with concern research from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy which found that 80 per cent of young people say their mental health has worsened during the covid-19 pandemic; further notes with concern that there could be significant future human and financial costs associated with …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
2nd November 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 2nd November 2020

Future Social Care Coalition and support for care staff

Tabled by: Baroness Keeley (Labour - Worsley and Eccles South)
That this House welcomes the launch of the cross party and cross sector Future Social Care Coalition and believes now is time for Government to support a fair deal for the social care workforce; notes that since the covid-19 outbreak social care workers are now seen as essential and not …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
21st October 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 22nd October 2020

Police brutality and End SARS protests in Nigeria

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House condemns the reported deliberate shooting of unarmed protesters in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria; calls on the Nigerian Government to demonstrate their commitment to human rights and fulfil obligations to hold the police to account for extra-judicial killings, widespread torture and other ill-treatment of detainees in …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Conservative: 1
12th October 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 15th October 2020

Extension of Furlough Scheme

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House welcomes the partial U-turn by the Chancellor in extending the furlough scheme to local lockdown areas; recognises that businesses ordered to close must be supported; notes that this new support is limited to only certain parts of the UK when it is needed across the country; further …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Labour: 8
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
12th October 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 13th October 2020

Hair Discrimination

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House believes that hair policies enforced by schools and employers either officially or unofficially are an all-too-prevalent form of racial discrimination; notes with alarm cases of black children being sent home from school because of their afros, black boys being told to cut off their dreadlocks, black women …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alliance: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Independent: 1
12th October 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 13th October 2020

Planning White Paper and Communities

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House condemns the deeply problematic Planning White Paper published by Her Majesty's Government; recognises that the proposed legislation will push for a top-down planning approach, leave the problem of land banking unresolved, and risk environmental standards being lowered; notes the importance of pushing for developers to build homes …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 2
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
6th October 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 8th October 2020

Justice for Osime Brown

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House acknowledges 21-year-old Osime Brown's autism and the behavioural challenges that come with it; further acknowledges the Home Office's plans to deport Osime to Jamaica where he has not lived since he was four years old and has never returned to; notes Osime's mother's words that if they …
76 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Scottish National Party: 20
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
7th September 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 9th September 2020

Funding for Hammersmith Bridge

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
This House acknowledges that Hammersmith Bridge has been closed to motor traffic since April 2019 and was suddenly closed to all pedestrians and cyclists on 13th August; expresses concern that many residents on both sides of the river have been cut off from their workplaces, schools and health services and …
5 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Labour: 1
7th September 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 9th September 2020

Local government reorganisation

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House notes that as part of the Devolution and Recovery white paper and in the midst of the biggest crisis since the second world war, this Government wants to plunge councils into the wasteful distraction of top down reorganisations at exactly the time when local authorities should be …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
21st July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th September 2020

Town and Country Planning

Tabled by: Keir Starmer (Labour - Holborn and St Pancras)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that The Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development and Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 632), dated 23 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 24 June 2020, be annulled.
55 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 43
Liberal Democrat: 9
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
3rd September 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 7th September 2020

Merchant Navy Day 2020

Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House recognises Merchant Navy Day 2020; honours the men and women who support UK supply lines, responsible for more than 90% of the UK’s imports, including almost half the food we eat, much of the fuel we use, and virtually all the products and goods we tend to …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
2nd September 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 7th September 2020

Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House expresses profound alarm at the climate and ecological emergency, with wildfires raging in California, and ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica melting in line with worst case scenario predictions for sea level rise according to a study by the University of Leeds and the Danish Meteorological Institute; …
92 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 34
Scottish National Party: 27
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
1st September 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 7th September 2020

Supporting grieving families through a bereavement standard

Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House calls on the Government to introduce a Bereavement Standard to simplify and streamline the process for grieving families to close accounts with service providers following the death of a loved one; believes the lack of such a standard has created a complex array of arrangements with each …
53 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
22nd July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 7th September 2020

Town and Country Planning

Tabled by: Keir Starmer (Labour - Holborn and St Pancras)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Order 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 756), dated 20 July 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 21 July 2020, be annulled.
20 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Liberal Democrat: 3
22nd July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 7th September 2020

Town and Country Planning

Tabled by: Keir Starmer (Labour - Holborn and St Pancras)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 755), dated 20 July 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 21 July 2020, be annulled.
18 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Liberal Democrat: 3
22nd July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 1st September 2020

Trophy hunting imports

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House notes the strong cross-party support for EDM 50, 2019-20 welcoming the public consultation on the controls on the import and export of hunting trophies; further notes that the consultation on banning trophy hunting imports ended in February 2020; supports the view of the coalition of animal charities …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 12
Labour: 8
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
20th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 22nd July 2020

Children's respite care services

Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House acknowledges there are over 1.1 million children with disabilities throughout the UK and highlights the benefits of respite care for those children; raises its concerns about the quality of provision of children’s respite care; notes that according to the Disabled Children’s Partnership there is a funding gap …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
20th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 21st July 2020

Indefinite leave to remain for health and social care workers

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House recognises the invaluable role of foreign nationals working in the health and social care sector on the frontline of the covid-19 outbreak; applauds their brave and unwavering hard work in the face of such unprecedented and difficult circumstances to ensure people get the care they need; notes …
40 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 11
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
21st July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 21st July 2020

Universal credit assessment period regulations

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House condemns the Government’s cruel universal credit assessment period regulations which result in people who are paid every four weeks rather than every calendar month being penalised; notes that as a result of those regulations the Department for Work and Pensions sometimes disqualifies an individual from receiving universal …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
8th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 20th July 2020

Town and Country Planning

Tabled by: Peter Bottomley (Conservative - Worthing West)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development and Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 632), dated 23 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 24 June 2020, be annulled.
14 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
9th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 20th July 2020

Lack of financial support for self-employed and small limited companies during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Dave Doogan (Scottish National Party - Angus and Perthshire Glens)
That this House notes the acute difficulties facing business owners throughout the covid-19 outbreak, particularly self-employed people and directors of small limited companies; understands that the Government's financial packages have left behind people who have been left ineligible for any form of Government support; further notes that many self-employed directors …
59 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 24
Labour: 18
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Conservative: 1
20th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 20th July 2020

Free travel for children and young people in London

Tabled by: Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrat - Richmond Park)
This House notes that as part of the emergency funding deal for Transport for London the Government has insisted on the suspension of free travel for under 18 year olds in London, despite children and young people being able to travel around the capital for free, or at a discounted …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
15th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 15th July 2020

Independent Inquiry into the UK's response to covid-19

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House welcomes the Prime Minister’s commitment to the House of Commons on 15 July 2020 to hold an independent inquiry into the UK’s response to the covid-19 pandemic; and calls on the Government to publish before the summer recess a timetable for the inquiry to be established, together …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
15th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 15th July 2020

Catch up funding for 16-19 year old pupils

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House deplores the decision to exclude providers of 16-19 education from the Government’s catch-up funding for students after the covid-19 outbreak, notes that 16-19 year olds have missed out on months of their education at a crucial juncture where they would have been sitting exams and preparing to …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
13th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 14th July 2020

Media redundancies in Wales

Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House notes with concern the vast cuts to news media jobs in Wales; further notes that more than seventy journalists working at Media Wales, which publishes the Western Mail, South Wales Echo and South Wales Evening Post, have been notified that their jobs are currently on a redundancy …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
13th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 14th July 2020

Catch Up With Cancer campaign

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House recognises that experts widely predict the UK could be set to lose tens of thousands of lives unnecessarily to cancer as a result of the cancer backlog induced as a consequence of the NHS’s response to the covid-19 pandemic, and notes the crisis in cancer services highlighted …
44 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Dec 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
9th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th July 2020

Shark fin trade

Tabled by: Deidre Brock (Scottish National Party - Edinburgh North and Leith)
That this House notes with concern that many shark species are threatened with extinction; notes that despite shark finning being banned in UK waters, the shark fin trade continues; recognises the important campaign work of Bite-Back, Greenpeace, the Shark Trust and many others; calls on the Government to ban shark …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 10
Plaid Cymru: 3
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
8th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 14th July 2020

Reopening of Beauty Salons

Tabled by: Robert Halfon (Conservative - Harlow)
That this House recognises the important contribution of Harlow’s beauty and tanning salons, nail bars and spas to the health of our local economy; further recognises that these industries and small businesses have suffered enormous financial difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic, as they have remained closed in line with Government …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
8th July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 14th July 2020

25th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide

Tabled by: Margaret Ferrier (Independent - Rutherglen and Hamilton West)
That this House notes that from 5 to 12 July 2020 the UK will mark the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide where over 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were murdered in and around Srebrenica by Bosnian Serb forces with a number of activities being held across the country; …
53 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 27
Labour: 9
Independent: 4
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
2nd July 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 8th July 2020

Leicester Lockdown due to covid-19

Tabled by: Claudia Webbe (Independent - Leicester East)
That this house welcomes the lockdown extension in Leicester and parts of the county of Leicestershire to protect lives from coronavirus; stands in solidarity with the people of Leicester whose lives face further disruption while lockdown is relaxed in the rest of the country; understands the additional effect that that …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Alliance: 1
30th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 2nd July 2020

Intelligence and Security Committee Report on alleged Russian interference in UK Democracy

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House calls on the Government to urgently reinstate the Intelligence and Security Committee so that it can publish the delayed report on alleged Russian Interference in UK democracy; notes that this is the longest period following an election that the Intelligence and Security Committee has gone without being …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Scottish National Party: 9
Labour: 8
Independent: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alliance: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
29th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 2nd July 2020

Live performances

Tabled by: George Howarth (Labour - Knowsley)
That this House notes with concern that as a result of measures taken to halt the spread of covid-19, live performances have been unable to take place; further notes that live music events have all but ceased to exist and as a consequence, many performers and those providing light and …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
30th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 2nd July 2020

Professor Philip Taylor’s report on the effect of covid-19 on call-centre workers

Tabled by: Patrick Grady (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North)
That this House acknowledges the publication of a report into the effect of covid-19 on call-centre workers by Philip Taylor, Professor of Work and Employment Studies, at the University of Strathclyde; recognises that the report raises concerns about unsafe working environments at many call centres including poor social distancing measures, …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 10
Alba Party: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Labour: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
24th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th June 2020

International women day in engineering

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House welcomes International Women Day in Engineering, which fell on 23 June 2020 to raise the profile of women engineers and encourage more people to consider engineering as a profession for all; recognises the work of Syeda Ghufran, the first female Engineering Director at ScotRail, out of nearly …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
17th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th June 2020

Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House recognises the significant impact that Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, SPMS, has upon those with the disease, their families, the NHS and society overall; welcomes the recently launched report “The Forgotten Many: A 2020 Vision for Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis” which challenges the status quo in the treatment …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Jun 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Labour: 1
Independent: 1
9th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th June 2020

Impact of covid-19 on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Tabled by: Kenny MacAskill (Alba Party - East Lothian)
That this House commends the Government for committing £160 million in aid to help fight coronavirus and address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen; notes the UN-backed collaborative partnership, the International Initiative on covid-19 in Yemen (IICY), to support Yemen’s response to coronavirus by channelling specific medical supplies and funding …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 12
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 3
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
2nd June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th June 2020

Children and young people with SEND: support for families and carers

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House commends the extraordinary care that families and carers provide for SEND children and young people; recognises that the need to provide full time care during the covid-19 crisis has put families under chronic additional strain and pressure; notes that 50 per cent of families with disabled children …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alba Party: 1
9th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th June 2020

Real fur imports

Tabled by: Tracey Crouch (Conservative - Chatham and Aylesford)
That this House urges the Government to introduce legislation to ban the imports and sales of real fur products; notes that the UK has long banned the main methods of fur so-called production, namely leg-hold trapping and fur factory farming, due to their inherent cruelty; believes that, in view of …
140 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 59
Scottish National Party: 39
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 10
Conservative: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
9th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th June 2020

Ban on trophy hunting imports

Tabled by: Tracey Crouch (Conservative - Chatham and Aylesford)
That this House welcomes the Government's public consultation on controls on the import and export of hunting trophies; notes the strong cross-party support for EDM 1829, Session 2017-19 and that 86 per cent of the British public support an end to trophy hunting; further notes that most UK trophy imports …
168 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 76
Scottish National Party: 42
Conservative: 16
Independent: 12
Liberal Democrat: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
18th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 22nd June 2020

Vera Lynn

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House notes the contribution to the UK made by Dame Vera Lynn as a symbol of hope to the armed forces and passes on to her family its appreciation, respect and admiration for the life of Dame Vera Lynn.
6 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
15th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 22nd June 2020

Shukri Abdi

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House marks with deepest sadness the death of 12-year-old Shukri Abdi; notes that Shukri came to the UK in 2017 with her mother and four siblings after they fled conflict in Somalia; demands for justice for the family of Shukri Abdi; and calls on the Government to undertake …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Plaid Cymru: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
17th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 18th June 2020

Plan for schools to reopen safely in September

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House declares that children must be at the heart of the government strategy as lockdown eases; notes that research has shown that home-schooling has been inconsistent across the country during lockdown, with disadvantaged children faring particularly poorly; further notes that the best place for students is in the …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jun 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
17th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 17th June 2020

RAF Voyager for Ministerial Travel

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House condemns the Government's decision to spend £900,000 on painting the RAF Voyager used for Ministerial travel, red, white and blue at a time of national crisis; believes there is no evidence to suggest this will either boost international trade or improve diplomatic links; further suspects that this …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jun 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Alba Party: 1
15th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 16th June 2020

Refugee resettlement

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House notes that there are an estimated 26 million refugees and 3.5 million asylum seekers around the world today; celebrates the successful resettlement of 20,000 refugees in the UK since 2014 under the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS); notes that the Government committed to resettle a further 3,000 …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Scottish National Party: 7
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Independent: 1
15th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 16th June 2020

LGBTQ+ exclusion on World Blood Donor Day

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House recognises World Blood Donor Day 2020; notes that men who have had sexual contact with other men in the last three months are excluded from donating blood; calls on the Government to work with the Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs on reviewing …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Labour: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Independent: 1
16th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 16th June 2020

Merger of the Department for International Development with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House strongly condemns the merger of the Department for International Development with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
59 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 25
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 10
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
11th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 15th June 2020

English Student Cap for Universities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House regrets the decision to impose a cap upon the number of English students who can attend higher education institutions in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; notes that this decision will have a further financial impact on universities which are already having to deal with the effects of …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Jun 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Alliance: 1
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
10th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 15th June 2020

Judge-led public inquiry into the Horizon scandal

Tabled by: Lord Beamish (Labour - North Durham)
That this House recognises the life-changing injustices experienced by subpostmasters throughout the Horizon scandal; notes with the deepest sadness that subpostmasters have served custodial sentences and suffered bankruptcy for offences they did not commit; recognises the role of the Government in prolonging this crisis through not fulfilling their role of …
151 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 63
Scottish National Party: 43
Independent: 13
Liberal Democrat: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Conservative: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
8th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 15th June 2020

Long-term funding for local authorities

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House commends local authorities for going above and beyond to support communities during the coronavirus crisis; recognises their work caring for vulnerable adults, ensuring schools are kept open for at-risk children and the children of key workers, housing rough sleepers, coordinating the supply of personal protective equipment and …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
4th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 15th June 2020

George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter campaign

Tabled by: Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill)
That this House stands in solidarity with the friends, family and community of George Floyd in Minneapolis; recognises that George Floyd is tragically another name on the long list of unarmed Black men that have died in police custody in the United States of America (USA); notes that state-sanctioned racism …
61 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Scottish National Party: 18
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
15th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 15th June 2020

Free school meals during the summer holidays

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House recognises the work of Marcus Rashford and FareShare; notes their exceptional fundraising efforts that have seen thousands of meals distributed to school children who would normally be entitled to free school meals; further notes Mr Rashford's powerful letter to all Members of this House dated 15 June …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
15th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 12th June 2020

The front page of The Sun newspaper on Friday 12 June 2020

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House notes with disgust the front page of The Sun newspaper on Friday 12 June 2020; believes that it is irresponsible to give such a prominent platform to unrepentant accounts of domestic violence; further believes that the media has an important role to play in combating domestic abuse …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 5
Scottish National Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
4th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th June 2020

Universal Credit, Maternity Allowance & SMP

Tabled by: Debbie Abrahams (Labour - Oldham East and Saddleworth)
That this House is deeply concerned by the different treatment of Maternity Allowance and Statutory Maternity Pay by the Department of Work and Pensions in the calculation of Universal Credit awards, with Statutory Maternity Pay being treated as earned income and largely disregarded under the work allowance and 63 per …
119 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 41
Scottish National Party: 39
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Conservative: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
4th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th June 2020

Legal Aid and Advice

Tabled by: David Lammy (Labour - Tottenham)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 515), dated 15 May 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 18 May 2020, be annulled.
138 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 107
Independent: 11
Liberal Democrat: 9
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
4th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 5th June 2020

Carers Week 2020

Tabled by: Kenny MacAskill (Alba Party - East Lothian)
That this House recognises the importance of unpaid carers, the compassion and dedication that they show in their vital work in our society at all times, but especially during the Coronavirus Pandemic; commends the work of Carers Week (8-14 June 2020) in offering support to, and advocating for, unpaid carers; …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 14
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 4
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Labour: 2
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
4th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 5th June 2020

LGBTQ+ conversion therapy in the UK

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House recognises the need to make LGBTQ+ conversion therapy illegal in the United Kingdom; believes that Her Majesty’s Government must act to ensure all citizens of the LGBTQ+ community feel protected from harm; is concerned at the continuing of such archaic practices in the United Kingdom; calls on …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Scottish National Party: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
4th June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 5th June 2020

World Environment Day

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House recognises the profound impact covid-19 has had across the globe, affecting health and health services, impacting the global economy, and exacerbating social and economic inequalities; notes however that the world continues to face an ever-growing environmental emergency; believes the pandemic has highlighted the importance of governments working …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 2
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
2nd June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Sales of teargas, riot shields and rubber bullets to the United States

Tabled by: Dawn Butler (Labour - Brent East)
That this House calls on the Government to ensure the immediate suspension of sales of teargas, riot shields and rubber bullets to the United States.
59 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 23
Labour: 17
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 6
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
3rd June 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 3rd June 2020

US civil protests and UK supply of police equipment

Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House condemns the violent rhetoric used by US President Donald Trump in response to protests over the killing of George Floyd and racial injustice; urges the Government to express this strength of feeling in the strongest terms publicly and to their US counterparts; and calls on the Government …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
5th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 22nd May 2020

Support for access to cash

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House commends Clydesdale Bank for cancelling all planned branch closures until further notice; notes that TSB bank has ignored attempts to discuss, and is committed to, continuing with closing its branch in Tain; acknowledges that bank branches are indispensable in cash-based economies; further acknowledges that branch closures will …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
13th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 22nd May 2020

Campaign to extend maternity leave by three months

Tabled by: Gavin Robinson (Democratic Unionist Party - Belfast East)
That this House recognises the adverse effect the covid–19 pandemic has on social isolation generally and new mothers on maternity leave in particular; highlights the importance of social interaction and building bonds within extended family circles and wider society both for the babies development and mothers wellbeing; and acknowledges that …
62 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Nov 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 19
Labour: 17
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Conservative: 2
Alliance: 1
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
19th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 20th May 2020

The work of teachers and school staff during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House thanks teachers and other school staff for everything that they’re doing during the covid-19 outbreak; recognises the sacrifices that many teachers make by going into work and putting themselves on the frontline of the fight against coronavirus, especially those who live with people who are at risk …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
18th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th May 2020

Housing rough sleepers during and after the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House recognises that the Government’s Everyone In policy has given approximately 5,400 rough sleepers temporary accommodation during the covid-19 pandemic; notes that this approach has allowed many homeless people to access services they previously did not, including healthcare; further recognises that covid-19 is an unprecedented threat that has …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Labour: 2
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
18th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th May 2020

Extension of EU transition period

Tabled by: Ian Blackford (Scottish National Party - Ross, Skye and Lochaber)
That this House notes with concern the UK Government’s stated position to stick rigidly to its timeline of ending the EU transition period in December 2020; recognises that this significantly increases the risk of a no-deal exit; further recognises that it will be impossible for the vast majority of businesses …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 18
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alba Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
18th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 20th May 2020

Gay and transgender conversion therapies

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House condemns the continued practice of gay and transgender conversion therapies in the UK; notes that this practice has been linked to an increased risk of suicide, poor mental health and substance abuse; recognises that the Government has pledged to ban such practices in their LGBT Action Plan …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 5
Labour: 3
Independent: 3
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
18th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 20th May 2020

Legislation governing a safe trace app

Tabled by: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat - St Albans)
That this House believes that any variations to lockdown restrictions must include a strategy to test, trace and isolate to prevent a new surge in coronavirus infections; notes that the Government plans to roll out a smartphone app to aid contact tracing; believes that for enough people to use the …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 1
Independent: 1
12th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th May 2020

Refunds for travel cancelled due to covid-19

Tabled by: Mark Tami (Labour - Alyn and Deeside)
That this house recognises the financial pressure that many households are under due to covid-19 and that many of these will be legally entitled to refunds from travel companies; notes that some companies are not providing these refunds in a timely manner or are making cash refunds difficult to access; …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th May 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 13th May 2020

Supporting supply teachers during covid-19

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House recognises that many supply teachers are still facing significant anxiety due to a lack of clarity from the Government with regards to furlough during the covid-19 outbreak; notes that with schools set to reopen in a phased manner many supply teachers will rely on the welfare system …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Labour: 7
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
17th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th May 2020

Water contamination in Sri Lanka

Tabled by: David Amess (Conservative - Southend West)
That this House expresses concern regarding water quality in northern Sri Lanka; is concerned by reports stating that the Sri Lankan Government refused to allow independent assessments of water quality in the region; notes that the consumption or use of water contaminated by waste oil has been linked to many …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 6
Conservative: 4
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
29th April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th May 2020

Support for Local Authorities during the Covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House expresses its gratitude for the hard work of local authorities in helping to ensure that vulnerable groups are protected during the covid-19 pandemic; recognises the vital role that local authorities are playing in the co-ordination and running of local support groups that distribute food and medication and …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 8
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Independent: 1
29th April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 4th May 2020

Twelve month support for tourism

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this house notes that hospitality and the UK tourism industry are among the hardest hit by the necessary social distancing policies in place during the covid-19 outbreak; further notes that 80 per cent of workers in the hotel and food industries are furloughed and up to a third may …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 14 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
29th April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th May 2020

Emergency powers in Hungary

Tabled by: Stephen Farry (Alliance - North Down)
That this House notes Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian Government’s exploitation of the covid-19 pandemic to put in place emergency powers that effectively undermine democracy and the rule of law in Hungary; stresses that any emergency measures must be temporary and proportionate, denounces the actions to suppress human rights and …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 7
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alba Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
21st April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th May 2020

Government support for dental practices during the covid-19 outbreak

Tabled by: Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru - Ceredigion Preseli)
That this House notes the impact of covid-19 on dental practices; recognises that dental practices offer vital services forncommunities; notes that the British Dental Association (BDA) has called for support with business rates to be provided for private and specialist dental practices and warned that some dental practices have not …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Labour: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
30th April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th May 2020

British Airways job cuts

Tabled by: Neil Gray (Scottish National Party - Airdrie and Shotts)
That this Parliament calls on British Airways and other airlines to not use the covid-19 outbreak as an opportunity to reduce jobs and employees' terms and conditions; asks them instead to explore all the funding options available to maintain the sustainability of jobs as part of an overall plan for …
78 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 38
Labour: 16
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 6
Alba Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
30th April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 4th May 2020

Accessibility of the covid-19 Government briefings

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes that the daily covid-19 Government briefings must be accessible to all citizens of the United Kingdom; recognises the need for the Government to follow example of the Scottish Government by including sign language interpreters in those briefings; and acknowledges the British Deaf Association’s concerns that the …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 26 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 4
Labour: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
23rd April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 27th April 2020

NHS Fife medical graduates

Tabled by: Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat - North East Fife)
That this House acknowledges the more than 30 graduates from medical schools across the UK who have joined Fife’s medical workforce this week; recognises the extraordinary commitment that these people are making to helping treat people affected by covid-19; thanks them for their service; and recognises the role of all …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Alba Party: 1
23rd April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 27th April 2020

New starters under the CJRS

Tabled by: Angela Crawley (Scottish National Party - Lanark and Hamilton East)
That this House recognises there are loopholes in the Coronavirus Jobs Retention Scheme for new starters; acknowledges that the support offered of 80 per cent of wages up to £2,500 a month is vital for workers during the coronavirus outbreak; recognises that the cut-off date of 19 March 2020 for …
82 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 29
Scottish National Party: 27
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 27th April 2020

Thank you NHS workers

Tabled by: Drew Hendry (Scottish National Party - Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey)
That this House pays thanks to all key workers and front line staff in the NHS; notes that these workers risk their lives every day by going to work; and recognises their contribution to the safety and health of the public by continuing to work during the current covid-19 outbreak.
22 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 12
Labour: 3
Independent: 2
Alba Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
21st April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 27th April 2020

Support for small limited companies

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House commends the Chancellor’s job retention schemes to help the employed and the self-employed during the covid-19 outbreak; in addition acknowledges that thousands of people working in a creative freelance capacity are excluded from those schemes; notes that directors of small limited companies that are often comprised of …
61 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 17
Labour: 15
Liberal Democrat: 9
Conservative: 7
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
21st April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 27th April 2020

Extended cut-off date for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House expresses concern about the extended cut-off date for employees to receive support through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, after the eligibility date was extended from 28 February to 19 March; acknowledges that although this extension will allow more employees to now be furloughed following the changes to …
55 signatures
(Most recent: 12 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Scottish National Party: 9
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
27th April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 27th April 2020

Frontline Support Package

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House celebrates the NHS and care staff who are putting their lives on the line to look after people during the coronavirus pandemic; thanks them for their service and believes that the Government must look after them as well; regrets that many of them are being let down …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jul 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 1
22nd April 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Healthcare charges for migrants

Tabled by: Apsana Begum (Independent - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House notes that migrant communities, who are disproportionately at risk of exclusion, stigma and discrimination, are not currently receiving the necessary safeguards; further notes that the British Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians, and Doctors of the World have called on the Government to suspend the National …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 15
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
25th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 25th March 2020

VAT on energy bills

Tabled by: Jamie Stone (Liberal Democrat - Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
That this House commends the Government’s implementation of a VAT referral for businesses during the covid-19 outbreak; further commends the Government for ensuring that energy suppliers offer funding support for people who are unable to top up their meters, which has helped more than four million people; notes that, due …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 13 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Scottish National Party: 5
Labour: 5
18th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 24th March 2020

Repatriation of UK nationals from countries that have closed borders

Tabled by: Jonathan Edwards (Independent - Carmarthen East and Dinefwr)
That this House notes that as a result of the covid-19 outbreak, a number of countries have closed their borders to contain the virus; notes that as a result many UK subjects are stranded; calls on the Government to negotiate with all countries where borders have closed, ways of repatriating …
70 signatures
(Most recent: 5 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 28
Scottish National Party: 14
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
16th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 19th March 2020

Temporary universal basic income

Tabled by: Kevin Brennan (Labour - Cardiff West)
That this House calls on the Government to introduce a temporary universal basic income or an emergency measure to help freelancers and the self-employed effected by the covid-19 outbreak.
100 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 48
Scottish National Party: 28
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Alba Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
16th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 19th March 2020

SEND funding

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House commends the incredible work of teachers, parents and carers in supporting and nurturing children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities; recognises that children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities deserve equal opportunity to develop and flourish in our education system; further recognises the way individuals with Special …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
10th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th March 2020

Refugees on the Greek – Turkish border

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House expresses concern regarding the treatment of refugees in Greece and at that country's border with Turkey, the deterioration of conditions in refugee camps and the escalating violence towards refugees, journalists and aid workers in Greece; is profoundly concerned by the actions of the Greek authorities, including firing …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
11th March 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th March 2020

Points based immigration system and the consequences for care

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes the negative effect that the new points-based immigration system will have on?care, particularly considering the 122,000 job vacancies in the social care sector identified by Skills for Care; recognises the invaluable contribution that migrants bring to the UK as carers, and that low paid work should …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Apr 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 4
Labour: 2
Alba Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Alliance: 1
26th February 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 2nd March 2020

Pink Tax

Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House highlights that it is unacceptable that in 2020 women and girls pay more than men for basic products, including toiletries, clothes, and haircuts; notes that products marketed at women are, in some cases, 34 per cent more expensive than those aimed at men; further notes that the …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 4th February 2020

Max Freedman's service to parliamentary staff

Tabled by: Lord Cryer (Labour - Leyton and Wanstead)
That this House recognises Max Freedman's commitment over 10 years as the chair of the Parliamentary staff UNITE trade union branch representing staff of all parties in Parliament and constituency offices; appreciates that over the past decade he has worked tirelessly in representing staff of hon. Members both in individual …
77 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 53
Independent: 9
Scottish National Party: 7
Conservative: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
20th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 30th January 2020

Providing financial restitution to 1950s women

Tabled by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
That this House welcomes the positive interventions from many hon. Members from across the House on behalf of women born in the 1950s who have lost their pensions; welcomes the equalisation of retirement ages between women and men; recalls that women born in the 1950s were subject to discriminatory employment …
82 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Feb 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Scottish National Party: 21
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
13th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 29th January 2020

Young Carers Awareness Day

Tabled by: Paul Blomfield (Labour - Sheffield Central)
That this House supports Young Carers Awareness Day, led by Carers Trust, which takes place on 30 January 2020; recognises the importance of young carers, who include as many as 1 in 5 children and young people in the UK; highlights the challenges faced by young carers and the negative …
52 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Apr 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Scottish National Party: 11
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Alba Party: 2
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
21st January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 22nd January 2020

Future membership of Erasmus +

Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House celebrates that over 17,000 students at UK universities studied or worked abroad through the Erasmus+ programme in 2017-18, as well as thousands of school pupils, college students, apprentices, adult learners and teachers who took part in projects to study, work or train abroad, build international partnerships and …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 11
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Independent: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
13th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 21st January 2020

Suspension of NHS charges for maternity care

Tabled by: Kate Green (Labour - Stretford and Urmston)
That this House is deeply concerned by the growing body of evidence, including research reports by Doctors of the World, Maternity Action and the British Medical Association, that the NHS England overseas visitors charging regime is deterring vulnerable migrant women living in the UK from seeking essential maternity care; is …
101 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Dec 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 51
Scottish National Party: 24
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
9th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 9th January 2020

Future of the South Western rail franchise

Tabled by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)
That this House recognises the appalling service that passengers of South Western Railway (SWR) have experienced since the former Secretary of State for Transport, the Rt Hon Member for Epsom and Ewell, awarded the franchise to SWR in March 2017; further recognises that commuters' journeys were severely disrupted by the …
5 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jan 2020)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Labour: 2
8th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

Tabled by: Hannah Bardell (Scottish National Party - Livingston)
That this House supports Cervical Cancer Prevention Week from 20 to 26 January 2020; welcomes the fact that cervical screening prevents 75 per cent of cervical cancers from developing and the HPV vaccine protects against 70 per cent of cervical cancers; is concerned that more than one in four women …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Scottish National Party: 13
Conservative: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Alba Party: 1
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
7th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

Australia bushfire crisis

Tabled by: Ruth Jones (Labour - Newport West and Islwyn)
That this House acknowledges that the Commonwealth of Australia is fighting one of its worst bushfire seasons, fuelled by record-breaking temperatures and months of severe drought; recognises that the heart-breaking and vicious bushfire crisis is affecting states and territories right across the Commonwealth of Australia; sends its heartfelt sympathies to …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Scottish National Party: 7
Conservative: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
20th December 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

Committee on arms export controls

Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House notes that in 1998 members of the Foreign Affairs, Trade, Defence and International Development Committees met together to scrutinise the Government's annual report on arms exports; further notes that this arrangement has been repeated annually and gradually became more formalised as the Committees on Arms Exports Controls …
74 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Apr 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 28
Scottish National Party: 23
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Alliance: 1
Conservative: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
7th January 2020
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

Anti-Semitic incidents

Tabled by: Catherine West (Labour - Hornsey and Friern Barnet)
This House condemns the widely reported instance of a 13 year old boy receiving vile anti-Semitic abuse on a London bus on 5 January; sends this House’s solidarity and sympathy to the Jewish community following this and other recently widely reported instances of anti-Semitic abuse; again calls on the Government …
66 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Scottish National Party: 7
Conservative: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 4
Alba Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
20th December 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

Unsafe cladding

Tabled by: Hilary Benn (Labour - Leeds South)
That this House notes with concern the number of people living in blocks with cladding (both ACM and HPL) which has either been identified as unsafe or has yet to be inspected; is aware that a growing number of people are currently unable to sell their homes because of this …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Oct 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Conservative: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
19th December 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

Global Goals, Official Development Assistance, and the role of the Department for International Development

Tabled by: Patrick Grady (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North)
That this House affirms its commitment to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development agreed by Member States of the United Nations in 2015 with the aim of ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change by 2030; believes the United Kingdom’s statutory commitment to spending 0.7 per …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 14
Labour: 13
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Independent: 1
19th December 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

IR35 review and off-payroll tax roll-out to private sector

Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House notes with concern the previous Government’s plans to extend the off-payroll (IR35) changes to the private sector, despite the damage that this has done to the public sector including the NHS; further notes that the off-payroll tax means a 14.3 per cent extra cost on UK business …
51 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Mar 2021)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Alba Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Alliance: 1
Social Democratic & Labour Party: 1
19th December 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 9th January 2020

Climate Parliament

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes this Government could be responsible for five of the remaining 11 years the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned are left to halve global emissions and limit warming to 1.5C; further notes that the Committee on Climate Change report in July 2019 revealed the Government …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Sep 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Scottish National Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Alba Party: 1
19th December 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 20th December 2019

Review of democracy

Tabled by: Crispin Blunt (Independent - Reigate)
That this House welcomes the commitment in the main UK party manifestos for a review of democracy by a commission, convention or assembly; and encourages the Government to redeem this pledge with the active participation and deliberation of citizens of the UK.
11 signatures
(Most recent: 6 May 2020)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 5
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
28th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 29th October 2019

Water pollution in northern Sri Lanka

Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House expresses concern regarding water quality in northern Sri Lanka; is concerned by reports stating that the Sri Lankan Government refused to allow independent assessments of water quality in the region; notes that the consumption or use of water contaminated by waste oil has been linked to many …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2019)
Signatures by party:
Conservative: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
28th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 28th October 2019

People's Vote

Tabled by: Jo Swinson (Liberal Democrat - East Dunbartonshire)
That this House calls on the Government to bring forward legislation to hold a People’s Vote on whether the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or should leave the European Union on the final terms agreed between the Government and the European Union.
25 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 19
Labour: 4
Plaid Cymru: 1
Independent: 1
23rd October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Access to medical cannabis

Tabled by: Jim Cunningham (Labour - Coventry South)
That this House recognises the benefits of medical cannabis for people suffering with chronic pain, epilepsy and a variety of other conditions; welcomes the legalisation of medical cannabis on 1 November 2018; regrets the difficulties patients and their families continue to face accessing medical cannabis through the NHS; further regrets …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Scottish National Party: 6
Conservative: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Persecution of Christians

Tabled by: Jeremy Hunt (Conservative - Godalming and Ash)
That this House notes the 2019 report of Aid to the Church in Need entitled Persecuted and Forgotten? which shows that the Christian population of Iraq has declined by 90 per cent within a generation from 1.5 million before 2003 to less than 150,000 today; recognises that any Daesh resurgence …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Nov 2019)
Signatures by party:
Conservative: 15
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
22nd October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Cancer Research UK work with universities

Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House welcomes the announcement that Cancer Research UK will work with UK universities and in the US to investigate how cancer is formed to facilitate the earliest possible treatment.
23 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Conservative: 3
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
21st October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Royal Society of Biology's Biology Week 2019

Tabled by: Stephen Metcalfe (Conservative - South Basildon and East Thurrock)
That this House celebrates the Royal Society of Biology's ninth nationwide Biology Week from 5 to 13 October 2019; notes that among its key objectives is a commitment to encourage an interest in science among young people; congratulates the society on its initiative and on the range of innovative events …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 3
Conservative: 3
Independent: 2
Labour: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
21st October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Racism in football

Tabled by: Catherine West (Labour - Hornsey and Friern Barnet)
That this House condemns the appalling racism at the Haringey Borough v. Yeovil Town FA Cup game on 19 October; applauds the Haringey players and management for their brave and principled decision to walk off in the face of such abuse; calls on the Football Association to ensure that those …
59 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Conservative: 6
Independent: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
17th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Attack in Halle, Germany

Tabled by: Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent (Labour - Stoke-on-Trent North)
That this House condemns the attack and the ideology that radicalised the attacker in Halle, Germany; shows sympathy towards those who were tragically murdered, recognises that had it not been for the protective security measures at place in the synagogue, then it is likely that the death toll and the …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Independent: 4
Conservative: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
17th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Citizens' Climate Assembly

Tabled by: Jane Dodds (Liberal Democrat - Brecon and Radnorshire)
That this House notes with concern the urgent warnings from the world's scientific community on the need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius; commends Greta Thunberg and other climate protesters across the world for their work in raising global awareness of the Climate Emergency; further commends the campaigning …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Liberal Democrat: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
16th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Invasion of North-East Syria (No. 2)

Tabled by: Ann Clwyd (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House is extremely concerned by the Government of Turkey's military invasion of an area in north east Syria controlled by the Syrian Kurds, which is also known as Rojava, and the negative humanitarian consequences of that invasion following the unexpected announcement of the withdrawal of US military forces …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Nov 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Conservative: 4
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
16th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Trees and climate change

Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House welcomes the recommendation in the Committee on Climate Change report on Net Zero for a significant increase in tree planting rates in the UK, as one part of delivering the UK target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, in addition to rapid, deep and sustained emissions …
47 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Nov 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Conservative: 10
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
15th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Intimidation in public life

Tabled by: Alison McGovern (Labour - Birkenhead)
That this House recognises that intimidation experienced by those in public life poses a threat to the diversity, integrity, and vibrancy of representative democracy in the UK and that tackling intimidation is a cross-party issue; notes that abuse and intimidation know no political boundaries; welcomes the ongoing work on developing …
67 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 42
Conservative: 9
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Crossbench: 1
15th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Fire safety in schools

Tabled by: David Drew (Labour (Co-op) - Stroud)
This House notes with concern the findings of Zurich Municipal that 67 per cent of English schools are rated as poor for fire protection systems and that only 5 per cent of English schools are rated as excellent compared with 29 per cent of schools rated as excellent in Scotland; …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Independent: 2
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
15th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Accountability for violations in Yemen

Tabled by: Ann Clwyd (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House expresses deep concern at the catastrophic human cost of the war in Yemen, where hundreds of thousands of Yemeni civilians have been killed in the fighting and by disease and where millions have been deeply traumatised, are cut off from vital aid and are on the brink …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
14th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Anti-Semitic Attack in Halle, Germany

Tabled by: Catherine West (Labour - Hornsey and Friern Barnet)
That this House condemns in the strongest possible terms the heinous anti-semitic attack at the synagogue in Halle, Germany, and sends condolences to those affected; notes with concern the increase in antisemitism in society and the impact on the Jewish community; resolves to support the Jewish community in doing everything …
64 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 35
Scottish National Party: 7
Conservative: 6
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
14th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Psoriasis Awareness Week

Tabled by: David T C Davies (Conservative - Monmouth)
That this House recognises Psoriasis Awareness Week from 27 October – 3 November 2019 which this year aims to highlight how prospective parents can overcome the potential difficulties in treating psoriasis before, during and after childbirth; notes that the peak onset of psoriasis, which can affect as many as one …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Conservative: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
14th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 24th October 2019

Baby Loss Awareness Week

Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House notes that 9-15 October is Baby Loss Awareness Week; offers sincere sympathy to those families who have lost precious babies; notes the wonderful remembrance services that take place across the UK throughout the week; and urges those who have lost a baby to use this opportunity to …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Dec 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Scottish National Party: 5
Conservative: 4
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
15th October 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 15th October 2019

Barclays's withdrawal from the banking framework with Post Office Ltd

Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House expresses alarm on learning that Barclays bank has decided to withdraw from a key element of the banking framework agreement with Post Office Ltd, which allows personal and business customers to access their bank accounts via 11,500 post office locations across the UK; notes that the banking …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 17
Labour: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
30th September 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 7th October 2019


Tabled by: Kate Green (Labour - Stretford and Urmston)
That this House is concerned by the growing body of evidence, including research reports by Doctors of the World, Maternity Action and the BMA, that the NHS England overseas visitors charging regime is deterring vulnerable migrant women living in the UK from seeking essential maternity care, and is resulting in …
77 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 39
Scottish National Party: 14
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
24th July 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 9th September 2019


Tabled by: John Grogan (Labour - Keighley)
That this House calls on the Secretary of State for Transport to undertake a review of the Airports National Planning Statement which supports the construction of an additional runway at Heathrow Airport exercising powers outlined in the Planning Act (2008); and believes that since the statement was first adopted there …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Liberal Democrat: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
23rd July 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 28th August 2019


Tabled by: Ian Blackford (Scottish National Party - Ross, Skye and Lochaber)
That an Humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that this Parliament be not prorogued before Friday 8 November 2019.
87 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 32
Labour: 32
Liberal Democrat: 16
Independent: 4
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
23rd July 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 8th August 2019


Tabled by: Wes Streeting (Labour - Ilford North)
That this House condemns the demolition of Palestinian buildings in the Sur Baher neighbourhood in East Jerusalem; notes that this is an area under the control of the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo Accords; further notes that these demolitions have been condemned by the EU, UN and both Israeli and …
60 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 46
Liberal Democrat: 6
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 2
Conservative: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
24th July 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 24th July 2019


Tabled by: Jo Swinson (Liberal Democrat - East Dunbartonshire)
That this House has no confidence in the Prime Minister; rejects the option of the UK crashing out of the EU; and rejects the option of Parliament being prorogued before Friday 8 November 2019.
14 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 14
15th July 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 16th July 2019


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House welcomes the decision by the Welsh Government to make school uniforms accessible and gender neutral; acknowledges the role that Welsh Education Minister Kirsty Williams AM played in securing this progressive change; recognises the importance of supporting all children in wearing clothes that they are happy, confident and …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 6
Labour: 4
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
13th March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 11th July 2019


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes the stark warning from the world’s scientific community that there are just 12 years left to prevent 1.5 degrees warming; further notes that warming beyond 1.5 degrees represents a threat to the future of humanity, and that even warming limited to that level will wreak havoc …
107 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 70
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 9
Conservative: 6
Scottish National Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
27th June 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th July 2019


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House commends the success of UK creative talent at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity; congratulates the 27 UK creative agencies that together won 90 awards at the festival and 10 per cent of the awards in each category on average; notes that these awards made the …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Liberal Democrat: 6
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
2nd May 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th July 2019


Tabled by: Debbie Abrahams (Labour - Oldham East and Saddleworth)
That this House notes that an estimated 60 per cent of recipients of homecare and 70 per cent of care home residents live with dementia; acknowledges that dementia is a condition caused by diseases of the brain with complex support needs that should be met by the NHS, like any …
112 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 69
Conservative: 14
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Crossbench: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
13th June 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 24th June 2019


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House notes that there are an estimated 25 million refugees and three million asylum seekers around the world today; further notes that the Government committed to resettle 20,000 refugees in the UK by 2020 under the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS) and 3,000 more under the Vulnerable Children’s …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
20th June 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 21st June 2019


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House strongly condemns the Iranian Government for continuing to hold Ms Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a dual British-Iranian national, in arbitrary detention and calls for her immediate release; expresses dismay that Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been detained for over three years; supports Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe and her husband Richard Ratcliffe as they …
46 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Liberal Democrat: 9
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 2
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 11th June 2019


Tabled by: Anna McMorrin (Labour - Cardiff North)
That this House welcomes the positive interventions from many hon. Members from across the House on behalf of women born in the 1950s who have lost their pensions; welcomes the equalisation of retirement ages between women and men; recalls that women born in the 1950s were subject to discriminatory employment …
225 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 131
Conservative: 24
Scottish National Party: 22
Independent: 15
Liberal Democrat: 15
Democratic Unionist Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Non-affiliated: 3
Crossbench: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
5th June 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 6th June 2019


Tabled by: Fiona Bruce (Conservative - Congleton)
That this House welcomes the establishment by the UN General Assembly of the UN International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief on 22 August each year; is deeply concerned that acts of violence based on religion or belief are increasing all over the …
52 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 13
Conservative: 9
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 1
25th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Alison Thewliss (Scottish National Party - Glasgow Central)
That this House notes that Amnesty International’s Football Welcomes weekend of action will take place on 27 and28 April 2019; recognises that the purpose of the campaign is to highlight the contribution that refugees have made to football both in the UK and around the world, while also encouraging clubs, …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 9
Labour: 9
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
25th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House notes that despite signing up to the Istanbul Convention in 2012, the UK has failed to enshrine the Convention in law; further notes that the Convention stipulates necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that survivors have access to services facilitating their recovery from sexual violence; welcomes …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Liberal Democrat: 11
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
25th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Paul Williams (Labour - Stockton South)
That this House regrets the tragic death of Jodey Whiting in February 2017 who took her life 15 days after her disability benefits were stopped for missing a work Capability Assessment when she was seriously ill; believes this was the latest avoidable tragedy to be caused by the failings of …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
25th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes with concern that under the Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations, waste collection authorities may charge for the collection and disposal of waste from premises forming part of a school; further notes that the Government has not made an estimate of the number of schools that …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 14 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Liberal Democrat: 5
Conservative: 1
Independent: 1
24th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: David Linden (Scottish National Party - Glasgow East)
That this House warmly congratulates Diageo on its recent announcement that all of its UK employees now benefit from a policy which offers both women and men an equal 52 weeks of parental leave, with the first 26 weeks fully paid; commends Diageo on implementing this policy that strengthens its …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 8
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Conservative: 1
23rd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House mourns the death of Lyra McKee, murdered on Thursday 18 April 2019 by dissident republican terrorists in the course of her work reporting as an investigative journalist; recognises the profound shock and sympathy that greeted this news right across the community; notes that the killing is a …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 14
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Green Party: 1
23rd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Virendra Sharma (Labour - Ealing, Southall)
This House utterly and totally condemns the heinous attacks on Christians at prayer on their most holy day in Sri Lanka; supports the Sri Lankan Government in its attempts to catch those responsible; urges the UK Government to lend all the support that it can to Sri Lanka in trying …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 7
Conservative: 4
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
23rd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House condemns the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka which killed 321 people and injured hundreds more; offers sympathies to all those killed or injured in the attack and their families and friends; recognises that many of those killed were Christians gathering peacefully for prayer; condemns all attacks …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Scottish National Party: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
23rd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Patrick Grady (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North)
That this House congratulates the Riding for the Disabled Association, which was founded in 1969, on its 50th anniversary; recognises the opportunities that the charity provides to ride and carriage drive to more than 25,500 people with disabilities at 500 groups across the UK; appreciates the therapeutic benefits of riding …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 9
Labour: 6
Conservative: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
23rd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Stephen Doughty (Labour (Co-op) - Cardiff South and Penarth)
That this House deplores the record of US President Donald Trump, including his misogynism, racism and xenophobia; condemns his previous comments on women, refugees and torture; further condemns his lack of action on climate change and failure to support the Paris Climate Change Deal; further deplores his sharing of online …
106 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 73
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
9th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 29th April 2019


Tabled by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)
That this House agrees with the Prime Minister that the state of mental health legislation as it stands constitutes a burning injustice to people living with a mental health illness and notes her intention to introduce a Bill in 2019; further notes that every year one young person in ten …
54 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 27
Liberal Democrat: 13
Conservative: 6
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
8th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th April 2019


Tabled by: Bob Blackman (Conservative - Harrow East)
That this House remembers the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, where troops of the British Indian Army opened fire on a peaceful crowd in the Jallianwala Bagh Gardens of Amritsar, Punjab; notes with horror, figures supplied by the UK Government which state 379 died and 1,000 were wounded, while the Indian Government …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 8
Conservative: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th April 2019


Tabled by: Alex Cunningham (Labour - Stockton North)
That this House notes the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) review of its CAP1145 measures introduced in 2014 to improve commercial offshore helicopter safety as a result of a series of incidents involving Super Puma helicopters in the North Sea which claimed twenty lives in four years; recalls that CAP1145 included …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 8 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
8th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th April 2019


Tabled by: Lord Mann (Labour - Bassetlaw)
That this House notes the contribution of one million euros made by Borussia Dortmund Football Club towards the expansion of Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Israel; congratulates the club for their commitment to the memory of the Holocaust and their ongoing action against modern day antisemitism; highlights an example of …
74 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 44
Conservative: 9
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Crossbench: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
8th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 9th April 2019


Tabled by: Jo Swinson (Liberal Democrat - East Dunbartonshire)
That this House notes with alarm that stoning to death as the punishment for homosexual sex came into force on 3 April 2019 in Brunei; further notes that this is part of an enactment of the Sharia penal code formally published in 2013 that also includes stoning for adultery and …
40 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
8th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 9th April 2019


Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House notes with concern the proposed introduction of a new penal code in Brunei which would be a major infringement of the human rights of the LGBT+ community in that country; welcomes the decision of the University of Aberdeen to review the honorary degree awarded to the Sultan …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 1 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 6
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 1
2nd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th April 2019


Tabled by: Neil Coyle (Labour - Bermondsey and Old Southwark)
That this House commends the work of youth homelessness charity Centrepoint on their 50th anniversary; is deeply concerned that in 2017-18 an estimated 103,000 young people in the UK were homeless or at risk; regrets that five decades on Centrepoint are still working with homeless young people in crisis who …
89 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 52
Scottish National Party: 11
Conservative: 7
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
4th April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Helen Hayes (Labour - Dulwich and West Norwood)
That this House expresses deep concern at the planned introduction of a new penal code in Brunei; notes the UN Secretary-General’s belief that these new laws are in clear violation of human rights principles; expresses solidarity with LGBT+ Bruneians and grave concern about the impact of this legislation upon the …
80 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 55
Scottish National Party: 11
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 4
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
3rd April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Keith Vaz (Labour - Leicester East)
That this House deplores the bombing of the Kitaf hospital in the Saada province of Yemen on 27 March 2019 which resulted in the death of eight people, five of whom were children; notes that the number of civilians killed in airstrikes has now reached over 17,500 since the four-year …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 8 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 8
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
1st April 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House recognises that Vote Leave committed multiple offences under electoral law regarding campaign spending and funding; acknowledges that Vote Leave was fined a total of £61,000 for multiple offences under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (“PPERA”); notes with concern that Vote Leave has acknowledged that …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 7 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 7
Scottish National Party: 3
Labour: 2
27th March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House acknowledges the progress made towards addressing sexual harassment in Parliament as a workplace with the establishment of a bicameral working group on an lndependent Complaints and Grievance Policy and the subsequent creation of two new independent helpline services; recognises the important work done by Laura Cox QC, …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
26th March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Patrick Grady (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North)
That this House encourages further steps to be taken to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Peace Accord between the Colombian Government and the FARC signed in November 2016, including its gender-based agreements and prioritisation of victims' rights; recognises the vital role of civil society organisations and human …
86 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 31
Scottish National Party: 24
Liberal Democrat: 10
Conservative: 7
Independent: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
26th March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Alex Sobel (Labour (Co-op) - Leeds Central and Headingley)
That this House condemns the racist abuse directed at players in the England football team in their Euro 2020 qualification match in Montenegro on 25 March 2019; supports UEFA’s quick and decisive action in opening disciplinary proceedings against Montenegro; and agrees with footballer Raheem Sterling that any racist chanting should …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
26th March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House supports the Fairtrade Foundation petition which calls on an end to the exploitation of cocoa farmers; understands that some cocoa farmers are currently earning less that 75p a day, which is less than half of what they need for a good standard of living; further understands that …
49 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Scottish National Party: 12
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Conservative: 3
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
22nd March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 8th April 2019


Tabled by: Keith Vaz (Labour - Leicester East)
That this House notes with deep sadness that 26 March 2019 marks the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the conflict in Yemen during which an estimated 60,000 people have been killed; further notes that despite the Stockholm Agreement, an average of three civilians a day are still dying and …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
22nd March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 22nd March 2019


Tabled by: Richard Burden (Labour - Birmingham, Northfield)
That this House reiterates its support for the long-held international position that Israel is in occupation of the Golan Heights and has been for nearly 52 years; notes that such an occupation should be temporary and that all Israeli settlements there are illegal under international law; urges the UK Government …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Scottish National Party: 6
Independent: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
11th March 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 8th March 2019


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House recognises the enormous contribution made by thousands of Foreign and Commonwealth members of the UK’s Armed Forces; notes that those who have served for at least four years are eligible to apply for indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK for themselves, their partners and …
47 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Scottish National Party: 8
Conservative: 6
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
17th July 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 28th January 2019


Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House recognises that there is public concern about meat slaughtered in accordance with religious beliefs and thus not been pre-stunned, being sold or served to consumers who do not require their meat to be prepared in this way; further recognises that there are calls for such meat to …
95 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 37
Conservative: 21
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Independent: 4
Crossbench: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd January 2019
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 23rd January 2019


Tabled by: Louise Haigh (Labour - Sheffield Heeley)
That this House notes the case of Sammy Woodhouse, in which a man convicted of rape and serving a 35-year prison sentence was notified of family court proceedings for the child he fathered as a result of the rape; further notes that the man had no parental responsibilities for the …
97 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 70
Conservative: 9
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
18th December 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 10th January 2019


Tabled by: Ian Blackford (Scottish National Party - Ross, Skye and Lochaber)
That this House has no confidence in Her Majesty's Government.
51 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 33
Liberal Democrat: 11
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Labour: 1
11th December 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 7th January 2019


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House expresses concern regarding water quality in northern Sri Lanka; is concerned by reports stating that the Sri Lankan Government refused to allow independent assessments of water quality in the region; notes that the consumption or use of water contaminated by waste oil has been linked to many …
48 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 6
Conservative: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
28th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 28th November 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House welcomes the report of the Housing, Communities and Local Government committee on its inquiry into Land Value Capture published in September 2018 and the report on the inquiry undertaken by the All Party Group on Land Value Capture Capturing Land Value for the Public Benefit published in …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
19th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Keith Vaz (Labour - Leicester East)
That this House congratulates the decision made by NHS England on World Diabetes Day to fund flash glucose monitoring for Type 1 diabetes patients across England from April 2019; commends all individuals and organisations that have continuously campaigned to end the postcode lottery for this life changing device which reduces …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
15th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Hywel Williams (Plaid Cymru - Arfon)
That this House expresses its concern for the status and identity of EU citizens living in the UK; notes that since the referendum on the UK leaving the EU, many EU citizens in the UK have felt increasingly unwelcome; further notes worrying reports of increased harassment; is concerned at figures …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 8
Labour: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
15th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House expresses its deep concern that on 27 October 2018, Turkish forces launched a series of attacks against villages west of Kobane and in Gire Spi in Northern Syria; condemns these attacks, the impact on the civilian population of these villages and, in particular, the killing of a …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Scottish National Party: 5
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
15th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Lord Field of Birkenhead (Crossbench - Birkenhead)
That this House commends Iceland supermarket for committing to ending the use of palm oil in the production of all of its own brand food, becoming the first major supermarket in the world to do so; notes its significant contribution to local organisations, such as those in Birkenhead, seeking to …
7 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 2
Independent: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Crossbench: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
15th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Jim Fitzpatrick (Labour - Poplar and Limehouse)
That this House recognises the work of Electrical Safety First, the only UK charity dedicated to preventing deaths, injuries and damage caused by electricity; notes that 19 November 2018 is the start of Electrical Fire Safety Week, which is run in conjunction with the Home Office; further notes that the …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Independent: 3
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
14th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Patrick Grady (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North)
That this House celebrates the life of the late Glasgow artist Hannah Frank; notes that the artist studied at the Glasgow School of Art and University of Glasgow in the 1920s and 1930s and is recognised as a key figure in the Art Nouveau, Glasgow Style movement; recognises that her …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 7
Independent: 2
Labour: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
14th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Patrick Grady (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North)
That this House welcomes the launch by Faces and Voices of Recovery UK of the UK Recovery Declaration of Rights which states that all people have a right to recover from addiction to alcohol and other drugs; understands that the Declaration calls for action to build communities of recovery and …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 7
Labour: 5
Conservative: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
14th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House recognises and welcomes the legalisation of medical cannabis with effect from 1 November 2018 but regrets the immense ongoing disappointment and suffering being caused to patients and their families, particularly those affected by severe childhood epilepsy, who continue to be prevented from accessing medical cannabis as a …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
13th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Fiona Bruce (Conservative - Congleton)
That this House notes with concern the upcoming trial on 19 November 2018 of nine leaders of the Hong Kong Umbrella movement, including the co-founders of the Occupy Central campaign Professor Benny Tai Yiu-ting, Professor Chan Kin-man, and Reverend Chu Yiu-ming; is further concerned that they are facing vague and …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Conservative: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
13th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House condemns the threats made to Asia Bibi and her family's lives following her acquittal by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in a blasphemy trial; recognises that Britain's commitment to freedom of religious expression, for those of all faiths and none, is one of our most important values; …
50 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Feb 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 18
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Conservative: 5
Independent: 3
Green Party: 1
13th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Keith Vaz (Labour - Leicester East)
That this House supports World Diabetes Day on 14 November 2018 where millions of people around the world come together to raise awareness of diabetes including the 4.6 million who have been diagnosed with diabetes in the UK and 425 million that are estimated to suffer from diabetes worldwide; commends …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Independent: 1
12th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House welcomes the acquittal of Asia Bibi and the steps taken by the Supreme Court of Pakistan; condemns the subsequent threats to her and the Supreme Court Justices' lives; calls for the strikes, consequential anarchy, and damage to the property of citizens by extremists to immediately cease; expresses …
19 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Feb 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Conservative: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
12th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 20th November 2018


Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House congratulates Queensferry Churches Care in the Community for receiving £3,200 in National Lottery funding; understands that it plans to use the funding to expand volunteering opportunities in North West Edinburgh and prevent social isolation and loneliness amongst vulnerable groups; commends the charity for the work that its …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Labour: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
14th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 14th November 2018


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes that, since fracking was resumed in Lancashire in October 2018, the safety limit threshold for earthquakes has been breached three times, including one at Preston New Road that recorded eight times the energy of the 0.5 Red light magnitude set by the Government; further notes that …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
6th November 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 6th November 2018


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House is concerned that, according to a survey by the charity Disability Law Service, 52 per cent of those caring for a disabled person are denied requests for flexible working and that 72 percent of carers would work, or would work more, if they could work flexibly; notes …
44 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 28
Liberal Democrat: 9
Scottish National Party: 4
Conservative: 1
Independent: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
30th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 30th October 2018


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House gives its support to the Livia Award for Professionalism and Service to Justice; notes that the award is made annually to the Metropolitan Traffic Police Officer in the Roads and Transport Policing Command independently judged to have been most meritorious in its investigation of fatal and serious …
15 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 5
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
25th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 25th October 2018

LANDLORD AND TENANT (S.I., 2018 No 1043)

Tabled by: Peter Bottomley (Conservative - Worthing West)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Tenants' Associations (Provisions Relating to Recognition and Provision of Information) (England) Regulations 2018 (S.I., 2018 No 1043) dated 3 October 2018 a copy of which was laid before this House on 5 October 2018 be annulled.
6 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Liberal Democrat: 1
Conservative: 1
23rd October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House is deeply concerned by the announcement on 20 October 2018 by the US President of the decision to withdraw the US from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF); notes that withdrawal from the INF will serve to undermine international attempts to curb nuclear proliferation; further notes that …
49 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 20
Liberal Democrat: 10
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
23rd October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent (Labour - Stoke-on-Trent North)
That this House recognises the extraordinary work of There But Not There, an art installation project which commemorates the fallen heroes of the First World War; notes that the project has raised £4 million for six military charities; further notes that £800,000 of the funds raised will be paid as …
62 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 28
Conservative: 15
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
18th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House welcomes the recent campaign started by the female pupils of Willingdon School, in Eastbourne constituency, which builds on the work of previous supporters to create a Women's Equality Day in the UK; calls for Women's Equality Day to be established on the date of the Spring Bank …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Independent: 1
18th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House recognises the importance of disability inclusive development; acknowledges progress made at the Global Disability Summit co-hosted by the Governments of the UK and Kenya and the International Disability Alliance on 24 July 2018, and the importance of commitments made to ensure people with disabilities are empowered across …
81 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 35
Scottish National Party: 17
Independent: 9
Conservative: 7
Liberal Democrat: 5
Non-affiliated: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
18th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Ann Clwyd (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House is concerned about Saudi Arabia’s on-going violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law; acknowledges that serious and systematic violations are being committed by all parties to the conflict in Yemen; notes with alarm that since 2015 the Saudi-led coalition has reportedly undertaken 18,000 airstrikes, one-third …
107 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 58
Scottish National Party: 24
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
17th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Anna Turley (Labour (Co-op) - Redcar)
That this House welcomes International Stammering Awareness Day on 22 October 2018, which aims to raise awareness and increase understanding of stammering, a speech condition that affects around one in 20 young children and one in 100 adults; recognises individuals and groups of volunteers and professionals who do incredible work …
66 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 35
Scottish National Party: 11
Conservative: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 5
Non-affiliated: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
17th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Jim Cunningham (Labour - Coventry South)
That this House expresses its concern at the actions of Orbit Housing and other organisations in withholding information from hon. Members in relation to casework they are pursuing on behalf of constituents; supports the rights of constituents to ask their hon. Member for their assistance with casework and to give …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 10
Conservative: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
17th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Karen Lee (Labour - Lincoln)
That this House takes note of the proposals of American Senator, Elizabeth Warren on accountable capitalisation to make businesses more accountable and socially beneficial; believes that the proposals to increase the voice of employees on corporate boards and take into account the public good would be a hugely beneficial change …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 7
Labour: 6
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
16th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House expresses concern about reports that over 100 Pakistani refugees, including 30 children, have recently been rounded up by Thai police and taken to detention centres; notes that Thai Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan has issued an instruction to the Thai Immigration Bureau to detain all foreigners without …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Scottish National Party: 6
Labour: 5
Conservative: 4
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
15th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 25th October 2018


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House again condemns the assassination of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was killed by a car bomb one year ago on 16 October 2017; notes that a full year on there has still not been justice for her murder; commends her courageous investigative reporting, including her …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 11
Liberal Democrat: 7
Labour: 7
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
23rd October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd October 2018


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House celebrates the fact that over 700,000 people marched on 20 October 2018 in favour of a People's Vote on the Government's Brexit deal; congratulates the People's Vote campaign and other cross-party movements which helped organise the march; notes that the march was the largest march held in …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Labour: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
23rd October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 23rd October 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes with concern that, under universal credit, at least 100,000 families with disabled children will be worse off by some £1,750 per year; notes that this is due to the lower rate of child disability addition being set at £29.10 per week, representing a 54 per cent …
95 signatures
(Most recent: 14 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 43
Scottish National Party: 26
Liberal Democrat: 13
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Crossbench: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
11th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 11th October 2018


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes with great concern the Home Secretary's decision to offer assistance to the US in the prosecution of two British citizens, Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh, without seeking assurances that the death penalty will not be used; further notes that Ministers have confirmed that death penalty …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 3
Labour: 2
9th October 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 9th October 2018


Tabled by: Stephen Lloyd (Liberal Democrat - Eastbourne)
That this House celebrates the hard work and determination of police officers across the country to serve their community against the backdrop of financial cuts preventing their ability to do so as effectively as they could; notes that it has become difficult to establish precisely what resources the police need …
51 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 27
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 6
Conservative: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
12th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 9th October 2018


Tabled by: Jo Swinson (Liberal Democrat - East Dunbartonshire)
That this House notes with concern that 54,000 women lose their jobs each year because of pregnancy and maternity discrimination; recognises that greater transparency on parental leave and pay would reduce the risk of discrimination during recruitment and would incentivise employers to offer more generous parental pay; and calls upon …
66 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Liberal Democrat: 11
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Crossbench: 1
4th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House urges the Government to enhance the scrutiny of companies linked to the Russian state operating in the UK; notes the controversy over the EN+ Group's decision to develop a UK presence following the decision of the US Administration to impose sanctions upon the company in response to …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 5
Labour: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House notes that 3 September 2018 was Merchant Navy Day to honour the brave men and women who kept our island nation afloat during both World Wars and to mark our dependence on modern day merchant seafarers who are responsible for 95 per cent of the UK's imports; …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Democratic Unionist Party: 9
Scottish National Party: 8
Labour: 7
Conservative: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
4th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Stephen Lloyd (Liberal Democrat - Eastbourne)
That this House believes that the Government has a duty to ensure that all citizens have financial security in their retirement; notes that a pensions dashboard would allow consumers to view the value of their state, occupational and private pensions in one place; recognises the importance of giving future pensioners …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 11
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
4th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Keith Vaz (Labour - Leicester East)
That this House supports the efforts made by Martin Griffiths, the UN Special Envoy to Yemen in convening peace talks in Geneva beginning on 6 September 2018; notes that 22.2 million Yemenis countrywide are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance and that nine million are on the brink of famine; …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 11
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Sandy Martin (Labour - Ipswich)
That this House notes that across England, 40,000 babies,·children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions rely on palliative care to enhance their quality of life, manage symptoms and provide their families with much needed help and rest; expects demand for children's palliative care to grow as the number …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Conservative: 5
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Richard Burden (Labour - Birmingham, Northfield)
That this House is appalled by the decision of the US Administration to end its funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which amounts to a reduction of nearly a third of UNRWA's operating budget; believes that such a move takes the Middle East further away from …
87 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 60
Scottish National Party: 12
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 5
Conservative: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
4th September 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour (Co-op) - Brighton, Kemptown)
That this House acknowledges the importance of youth services as a vital component of lifelong learning and civil society; notes that youth work provides many opportunities to support and extend the formal education curriculum, raises self esteem, promotes the development of communication skills and helps young people explore boundaries between …
18 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd July 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 10th September 2018


Tabled by: Ellie Reeves (Labour - Lewisham West and East Dulwich)
That this House expresses concern at the planned increase in the small claims limit for personal injury; regrets the small claims limit increase is not on the face of the Civil Liability Bill and unable to be debated; further regrets the proposal to increase the small claims limit by 100 …
54 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 46
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
17th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 4th September 2018


Tabled by: Lisa Nandy (Labour - Wigan)
That this House notes with concern the upcoming Israeli High Court hearing on 25 April 2018 on the demolition of buildings in the village of Khan al-Ahmar in the West Bank; condemns those plans and the impact they will have on communities in the occupied Palestinian territories; believes that the …
109 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 60
Scottish National Party: 21
Liberal Democrat: 12
Conservative: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
5th July 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 23rd July 2018


Tabled by: Seema Malhotra (Labour (Co-op) - Feltham and Heston)
That this House notes the urgent need to institute a national screening and surveillance programme for people suffering from Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS); further notes that this rare genetic condition predisposes sufferers to cancer development; notes that for affected individuals the lifetime risk of developing one or more cancers exceeds 90 …
4 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
3rd July 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 3rd July 2018


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes the Tamil Information Centre's report of June 2017, Armament for Repression: Militarization of Sri Lanka, detailing the UK's arms trade with Sri Lanka and training of security forces, based on evidence from international human rights agencies and UN bodies; further notes that Sri Lanka remains of …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
Conservative: 3
Independent: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
4th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 3rd July 2018


Tabled by: Mike Penning (Conservative - Hemel Hempstead)
That this House commends the efforts of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust in campaigning for access to the precision medicine Orkambi; recognises that the campaign has been ongoing for nearly three years; further recognises the urgency of the situation as every month that passes is critical for people with cystic fibrosis; …
82 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Conservative: 14
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 8
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
26th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Anna Turley (Labour (Co-op) - Redcar)
That this House notes that the UK Co-operative movement has grown in 2017 to now boasting a combined annual turnover of £36.1 billion owned by 13.1 million members and 234,577 employees; further notes that co-operatives in the UK span across a wide range of sectors from agriculture to arts and …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
26th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Tonia Antoniazzi (Labour - Gower)
That this House welcomes the establishment of a new All Party Parliamentary Group on Medicinal Cannabis on 10 July 2018; notes with concern the initial failure to licence medicinal cannabis products needed by patients to treat epilepsy and other conditions, as recently demonstrated by the cases of six year old …
54 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 28
Scottish National Party: 11
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
25th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House expresses concern for the arbitrary detention of dual nationals in Iran from the UK and other nations; stands in solidarity with recent petitions in the European Parliament, US Congress and Canadian Parliament echoing concerns for the treatment of dual nationals imprisoned in Iran; further expresses particular concern …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
20th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Martin Docherty-Hughes (Scottish National Party - West Dunbartonshire)
That this House celebrates the value of the Gypsy Traveller and Roma Community through Gypsy Traveller and Roma History month; expresses its grave concern at the statements of the Foreign Minister of Italy regarding deporting en-masse the Roma community of Italy; and calls on the Secretary of State for Foreign …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 16
Labour: 7
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
21st June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Ruth George (Labour - High Peak)
That this House is aware that around 4,000 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year; recognises that young people must spend an average £360 a month extra during active cancer treatment, while families of children with cancer travel an additional 440 miles per month to access specialist …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
21st June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Jo Stevens (Labour - Cardiff East)
That this House welcomes the Government's decision to cut the stake on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals to £2; acknowledges that a £2 stake is now supported by parties across this House; notes that a reduced stake will greatly improve the lives of problem and at-risk gamblers, as well as their …
63 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Nov 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Scottish National Party: 21
Conservative: 7
Independent: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Crossbench: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
20th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Lord Mann (Labour - Bassetlaw)
That this House pays tribute to Gena Turgel MBE following her sad passing on 7 June 2018; remembers Gena for her determination to educate about her story of surviving the Krakow ghetto, Plaznow concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen, where she was eventually liberated and married one of her liberators, …
57 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 21
Scottish National Party: 9
Conservative: 7
Independent: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Non-affiliated: 2
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
20th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 27th June 2018


Tabled by: Ged Killen (Labour (Co-op) - Rutherglen and Hamilton West)
That this House notes that LINK, the manager of the UK's free-to-use ATM network, proposes to cut the interchange rate fee the method by which ATMs are funded, by 20 per cent over the next four years; further notes that the first five per cent cut is to be implemented …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Crossbench: 1
28th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 26th June 2018


Tabled by: Catherine West (Labour - Hornsey and Friern Barnet)
That this House notes the Government's publication of the Civil Liability Bill; supports the Government's intention to reduce fraudulent and frivolous claims; expresses concern that vulnerable road users (VRUs), including cyclists, pedestrians, horse riders and motorcyclists, will be swept up within the scope of the Bill and the broader personal …
91 signatures
(Most recent: 1 Feb 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 46
Scottish National Party: 18
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Non-affiliated: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
21st June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 21st June 2018


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House welcomes the decision made by the Home Secretary on 16 June 2018 to provide a temporary licence to Billy Caldwell; notes that it was given on the basis of emergency medical need; further notes that it calls into question the rationality of cannabis being assigned to schedule …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 10
Labour: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Conservative: 2
Independent: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
19th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th June 2018


Tabled by: Peter Bottomley (Conservative - Worthing West)
That this House and Governent take action to fix the capitalisation rate at eight per cent in claims brought by residential leaseholders to buy freeholds and to extend residential leases in order to guarantee that the prices paid to freeholders are fair and proportionate and to remove the excessive costs, …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 4
Conservative: 3
19th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th June 2018


Tabled by: Peter Bottomley (Conservative - Worthing West)
That this House and Government take action to rectify the onerous ground rent situation that causes leaseholders to have to overpay to purchase their properties suffering unreasonable and unethical ground rents introduced by developers over the last 10 years rendering their properties unsaleable at reasonable prices; and further calls on …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 11 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 9
Liberal Democrat: 4
Conservative: 3
8th May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th June 2018


Tabled by: Luciana Berger (Liberal Democrat - Liverpool, Wavertree)
That this House welcomes the publication of the interim report of the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act; notes with concern that there are over 45,000 detentions under the Mental Health Act every year, that detentions rose 47 per cent in the decade to 2015-16 and that Black African …
49 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 28
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 6
Non-affiliated: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
2nd May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th June 2018


Tabled by: Toby Perkins (Labour - Chesterfield)
This House notes that pubs are at the heart of communities across the UK; welcomes ongoing cross-party efforts to protect the British pub; acknowledges that an increasing number of pubs are diversifying in order to provide an ever more valuable and enjoyable offer to their customers; further notes that pubs …
116 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 57
Scottish National Party: 25
Conservative: 11
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Non-affiliated: 2
Crossbench: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
4th June 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 4th June 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes the profound impact that climate change is having across the world; is concerned following the recent warning from the Governor of the Bank of England that climate change could have a catastrophic impact on the global financial system; welcomes the recent report by the UK Sustainable …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 7
Independent: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
30th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th June 2018


Tabled by: Paul Sweeney (Labour (Co-op) - Glasgow North East)
That this House expresses its deep regret and sadness at the death of the right hon. Lord Michael Martin of Springburn and Port Dundas; recognises that Michael had diligently represented the communities in the north-east of Glasgow as a Councillor and hon. Member for over three decades, spanning seven general …
64 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 34
Scottish National Party: 14
Independent: 6
Conservative: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Liberal Democrat: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 2
25th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th June 2018


Tabled by: Joan Ryan (The Independent Group for Change - Enfield North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Detention Centre (Amendment) Rules 2018 (S.I., 2018, No. 411), dated 22 March 2018, a copy of which was laid before this House on 27 March, be annulled.
114 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 77
Scottish National Party: 19
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
25th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th June 2018


Tabled by: Joan Ryan (The Independent Group for Change - Enfield North)
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Immigration (Guidance on Detention of Vulnerable Persons) Regulations 2018 (S.I., 2018, No. 410), dated 22 March 2018, a copy of which was laid before this House on 27 March, be annulled.
118 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 81
Scottish National Party: 19
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 7
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
23rd April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 4th June 2018


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House condemns the terrorist attack on Christians as they were coming out of a church service in the Essa Nagri, Quetta, Pakistan, on Sunday 15 April 2018, when two innocent worshippers were murdered and five seriously injured; notes that responsibility for this terrorist act was claimed by ISIS; …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Democratic Unionist Party: 9
Scottish National Party: 6
Labour: 4
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Independent: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
24th May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 24th May 2018


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House congratulates the Welsh Education Secretary Kirsty Williams AM on the announcement of a new comprehensive age appropriate sex and relationships education curriculum for Wales; welcomes the inclusion of healthy LGBTQI+ sex and relationships in the curriculum alongside issues such as consent, domestic abuse and respecting diversity; believes …
11 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Green Party: 1
22nd May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 22nd May 2018


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes that the School Teachers' Pay Review Body is likely to make its 2018 recommendations to the Government in the near future; believes that if that body recommends an increase in pay for teachers that Her Majesty's Government must accept the recommendation in full and ensure that …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 8
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
15th May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House congratulates Lendlease’s not-for-profit company, Be Onsite, on the first anniversary of its Mind the Gap project, working with offenders and ex-offenders; welcomes its cooperation with the Construction Industry Training Board to deliver this £1 million project; supports Be Onsite's aim to reduce re-offending by developing an infrastructure …
13 signatures
(Most recent: 13 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 4
Liberal Democrat: 4
Labour: 3
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Carol Monaghan (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North West)
That this House recognises Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Awareness Week from 6 to 12 May 2018, which aims to highlight the impact this invisible illness has on 250,000 people across the UK; recognises the fantastic work campaigners and charities are doing to highlight ME as a physical condition which is not …
139 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 53
Scottish National Party: 35
Conservative: 17
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 11
Democratic Unionist Party: 8
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
8th May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Stephen Lloyd (Liberal Democrat - Eastbourne)
That this House expresses its concern at the 2019 Loan Charge; notes that it is retrospective applying back to 1999; further notes that as a result of the introduction of IR35, umbrella companies were set up and recommended by professional advisers and employment agencies; recognises that the Charge will affect …
152 signatures
(Most recent: 31 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 75
Conservative: 31
Liberal Democrat: 13
Independent: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 8
Scottish National Party: 7
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Non-affiliated: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
25th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Thelma Walker (Labour - Colne Valley)
That this House calls for reform to extend Bereavement Support Payment to people who were cohabiting but were not married or in a civil partnership; considers that the current position is manifestly unfair and ignores the reality of modern day Britain where cohabiting couples account for approximately one in five …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 21 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Scottish National Party: 8
Conservative: 3
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
24th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House celebrates the 20th anniversary of Refugee Week which lasts from 18 to 24 June 2018; notes that the refugee crisis has uprooted almost 50 million children from their homes who are now vulnerable to exploitation, abuse and trafficking; further celebrates this year's message for Refugee Week, Different …
79 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 31
Scottish National Party: 19
Liberal Democrat: 12
Conservative: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
19th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Helen Hayes (Labour - Dulwich and West Norwood)
That this House notes that 22 June 2018 will be the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the HMT Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks carrying passengers from the Caribbean; further notes with gratitude that many Windrush passengers had previously served in the UK armed forces during the Second World War; …
74 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Scottish National Party: 18
Liberal Democrat: 9
Conservative: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
16th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Richard Burden (Labour - Birmingham, Northfield)
That this House is gravely concerned by recent developments on the Israel-Gaza border and the killing and injuring of Palestinian protestors; affirms the right to peaceful protest and the right to freedom of expression; deplores the actions of those who seek to exploit peaceful protests to engage in violence; notes …
86 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 49
Scottish National Party: 17
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
21st March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House expresses concern over the pursuit of Northern Ireland (NI) born football players by the Football Association Ireland; and calls for the Chief Executive of the FAI, John Delaney, to send out a clear message that there will be no poaching of NI players, that the boundary lines …
6 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 1
22nd February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 16th May 2018


Tabled by: Roger Godsiff (Labour - Birmingham, Hall Green)
That this House notes with concern that every year some 50 million pheasants and partridges are mass-produced to be shot for so-called sport, and that a large number of the breeding birds are confined for the whole of their productive lives in unnatural, unpleasant, crowded metal battery units, known in …
121 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Aug 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 69
Scottish National Party: 23
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Crossbench: 2
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
8th May 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 10th May 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes with concern the persistent harassment, intimidation and targeting of people accessing and providing healthcare services at abortion clinics and pregnancy advisory bureaux; further notes repeated instances of women and staff being approached, recorded without their consent, followed and given false information about medical procedures; endorses the …
60 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 39
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
28th June 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 8th May 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House welcomes the election of five disabled hon. Members on 8 June 2017, an increase of three on the 2015-2017 Parliament; notes that disabled people are still under-represented in the House, and in politics more widely; further notes that a strong democracy is an inclusive one, and that, …
93 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 47
Scottish National Party: 23
Liberal Democrat: 13
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
19th April 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 19th April 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes the Home Office's long track record of delay, maladministration and poor quality decision-making while implementing increasingly harsh anti-immigrant policies; deplores the cruel and grossly unfair treatment of Commonwealth citizens legally resident in the UK, including denial of NHS health care, dismissal from employment, arbitrary detention under …
90 signatures
(Most recent: 24 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 47
Scottish National Party: 21
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
8th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 16th April 2018


Tabled by: Daniel Zeichner (Labour - Cambridge)
That this House notes that the strength of the UK Civil Service lies in its political impartiality and its responsibility to provide objective advice to Ministers without fear or favour; recognises the contribution civil servants make to the good of the country; further recognises the important role that independent advice …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Liberal Democrat: 5
Scottish National Party: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
27th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 29th March 2018


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House notes that over 240,000 people in the UK are living with lymphoedema; recognises lymphoedema as a serious and debilitating illness which has a huge impact on patients' lives, which if not properly treated can lead to traumatic complications such as limb amputations; congratulates the specially trained staff …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 10 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 3
Labour: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
22nd March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 29th March 2018


Tabled by: Ann Clwyd (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House is concerned about the lack of a comprehensive strategy to address accountability for crimes committed during the 27 year civil war between the Sri Lankan Government and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam, further to UN Human Rights Council Resolutions 30/1 and 34/1; notes that despite …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 10 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Independent: 2
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
19th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 29th March 2018


Tabled by: Robert Halfon (Conservative - Harlow)
That this House notes the Government guidance published in 2014 about hospital car parking charges; further notes the Government recommends in this guidance that hospitals make concessions or free parking available for disabled people, frequent outpatient attenders, visitors with relatives who are gravely ill, or carers of such people, visitors …
14 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Conservative: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
19th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 29th March 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House welcomes the Government's commitment to come down hard on businesses that breach the National Minimum Wage; notes that a key plank of the Government's efforts to both raise awareness and discourage such breaches is the naming and shaming of non-compliant businesses by the Department for Business, Energy …
80 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 32
Scottish National Party: 23
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
23rd November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 21st March 2018


Tabled by: Baroness Harman (Labour - Camberwell and Peckham)
That this House notes with great concern the high levels of income and particularly wealth inequality in our society; further notes the recommendation in the 2016 Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to bring into force the outstanding provisions of the Equality Act 2010; …
83 signatures
(Most recent: 9 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 48
Scottish National Party: 17
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 2
Crossbench: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
14th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House notes the Department of Health and Social Care task and finish working group report on brain tumour research which seeks to increase the level and impact of brain tumour research and congratulates that group on its on progress to date; further notes that brain tumours are indiscriminate …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 1 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Democratic Unionist Party: 8
Labour: 7
Conservative: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
14th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Wera Hobhouse (Liberal Democrat - Bath)
That this House notes the figures released by the Local Government Association as part of its Bright Futures campaign, where it is estimated that between 70 and 75 per cent of young people experiencing a mental health problem are unable to access any treatment due to lack of funding, despite …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Oct 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Liberal Democrat: 10
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
14th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Lord Walney (Crossbench - Barrow and Furness)
That this House unequivocally accepts the Russian state's culpability for the poisoning of Yulia and Sergei Skripal in Salisbury using the illegal novichok nerve agent which has also led to the serious illness of Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey who went to their rescue, and to the possible poisoning of other …
52 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
The Independent Group for Change: 4
Crossbench: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
13th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Roger Godsiff (Labour - Birmingham, Hall Green)
That this House notes with great concern that cleaners employed at the Ministry of Justice in Whitehall by the contractor OCS Group receive the minimum wage of £7.50 per hour, and also suffer from inferior terms and conditions than those of their in-house counterparts regarding occupational leave and sick pay; …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
13th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House recognises the work undertaken by Syria Relief in providing ground support in Syria, covering 48 schools in rebel held areas; praises the network of 1,700 Syria Relief workers who are inside Syria; further recognises that the lack of access to health facilities and supplies remains one of …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Oct 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
13th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Roger Godsiff (Labour - Birmingham, Hall Green)
That this House notes with concern that British women who are affected by the WASPI changes to state pension age for women, and who choose to retire in other EU countries, may not be eligible for healthcare in that country; notes that these women are UK citizens who paid UK …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Oct 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
13th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Richard Burden (Labour - Birmingham, Northfield)
That this House expresses concern that the Israeli Knesset has passed an amendment to the Entry Into Israel Law 1952 which gives the Interior Ministry unrestricted powers to revoke the residency of Palestinian Jerusalemites; condemns any and all violations of international humanitarian law, specifically the forcible transfer and deportation of …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 7
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
13th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Tommy Sheppard (Scottish National Party - Edinburgh East)
That this House welcomes the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ consultation on banning the use of electronic shock collars for training dogs and other domestic pets in England; recognises that legislation on this would ensure England has a similar ban to Scotland and Wales where the devolved Governments …
57 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 24
Scottish National Party: 17
Conservative: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
12th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Martyn Day (Scottish National Party - Linlithgow and East Falkirk)
That this House notes that March is Brain Tumour Awareness Month across the UK; congratulates all brain tumours charities and their supporters for their activities to raise awareness of the disease; recognises that brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40; congratulates The Brain Tumour …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 8
Conservative: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
8th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 16th March 2018


Tabled by: Baroness Hoey (Non-affiliated - Vauxhall)
That this House applauds the outstanding service given by the staff of the House; specifically recognises the dedication over 40 years by Phil Short, Les Stockwell, Mike King and Ron Lucken; notes that all four attended Scott Lidgett School in Drummond Road, Bermondsey in the same year together and began …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 9
Labour: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 3
Independent: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
7th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th March 2018


Tabled by: Philippa Whitford (Scottish National Party - Central Ayrshire)
That this House notes that the charities Women's Aid, Child Poverty Action Group, Surviving Economic Abuse and the Women's Budget Group have expressed concern regarding paying the combined universal credit payment of a couple into a single bank account; believes that paying recipient couples one joint payment, rather than individually, …
67 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 31
Labour: 20
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
7th March 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th March 2018


Tabled by: Robert Halfon (Conservative - Harlow)
That this House notes the difficulty faced by disabled people who are unable to use standard accessible toilets in public places; understands the impact this has on the ability of many people to carry out day-to-day tasks outside of the home; is aware that Changing Places toilets would enable over …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Oct 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Scottish National Party: 13
Conservative: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
29th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 14th March 2018


Tabled by: Carol Monaghan (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North West)
That this House recognises that academic staff in universities make a vital contribution to ensuring the supply of skilled graduates to UK businesses; believes all staff working in universities should have access to a secure and decent pension; notes with concern the proposal by Universities UK to close the defined …
137 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 75
Scottish National Party: 32
Liberal Democrat: 14
Independent: 8
Plaid Cymru: 3
Non-affiliated: 2
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
28th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 5th March 2018


Tabled by: Lord Field of Birkenhead (Crossbench - Birkenhead)
That this House notes the lack of long-term support offered to victims of modern slavery; recognises the risk of victims being re-trafficked if they do not have a secure pathway to adequate levels of support, including a period of leave to remain; regrets the missed opportunities to convict more perpetrators …
85 signatures
(Most recent: 22 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 38
Scottish National Party: 17
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 7
Conservative: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Non-affiliated: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
27th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House recognises that the City of London plays a leading role in the global finance industry; welcomes initiatives designed to promote green finance, such as the Green Finance Taskforce; recognises that enabling financial flows through data and disclosure is important in upholding this status and meeting the goals …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 9
Labour: 5
Conservative: 3
Scottish National Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
27th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Layla Moran (Liberal Democrat - Oxford West and Abingdon)
That this House notes that the adoption of a gender-neutral school uniform policy creates an environment in which everyone is accepted and students are not labelled by the clothing they wear; welcomes the growing trend toward gender-neutral uniform policies; further welcomes that over 150 schools in the UK have already …
34 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 10
Labour: 7
Conservative: 2
26th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Norman Lamb (Liberal Democrat - North Norfolk)
That this House expresses grave concern over proposed changes to NICE guidelines on the recognition and management of depression in adults, which could have a profoundly detrimental impact on patient care and access to effective treatments; notes the concerns expressed by several respected clinical leaders and professional bodies that the …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
23rd February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House welcomes the work undertaken by the Disability Rights Commission, an independent body set up by the Government to help secure civil rights for disabled people; recognises disabled people still face difficulties accessing public buildings; encourages smaller firms to seek expert advice on how to meet the needs …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 8
Labour: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
20th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Sandy Martin (Labour - Ipswich)
That this House notes the nuisance and unsightly blight imposed on streets throughout the UK by the careless disposal of chewing gum; further notes the extent of this problem with an estimated 2,000,000 pieces of gum being dropped in public places each day; acknowledges the high cost of removal of …
24 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Conservative: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 1
20th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Kelvin Hopkins (Independent - Luton North)
That this House mourns and pays its respects on the death of Asma Jahangir, the brave and remarkable Pakistani rights activist, staunch defender of the rule of law and fearless critic of military interference in politics; notes her reputation for speaking truth to power and defending the weak and marginalised, …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 8
Labour: 6
Conservative: 3
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
20th February 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Ruth George (Labour - High Peak)
That this House celebrates the long-standing availability of free-to-access cash in the UK and the positive impact the availability of cash has on local businesses, high street shops and consumers, especially in rural areas; recognises that the long term sustainability of the existing free-to-access cash network is now under threat, …
45 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 14
Liberal Democrat: 4
Conservative: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
Crossbench: 1
30th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 27th February 2018


Tabled by: Roger Godsiff (Labour - Birmingham, Hall Green)
That this House welcomes the announcement of the doubling of UK exports to India, increasing trade and developing economic relations; acknowledges the importance of the UK and India's long-term historical, cultural and business ties, and celebrates the positive relationship between the two countries; notes that the Government's hosting of the …
27 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Crossbench: 1
14th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 2nd February 2018


Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House calls for the immediate ban on the sale of puppies by pet shops and other third­party commercial dealers; recognises that implementing Lucy's Law will be a major step forward in putting an end to unnecessary animal cruelty and helping to eradicate forms of irresponsible dog breeding and …
92 signatures
(Most recent: 15 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 42
Scottish National Party: 17
Conservative: 10
Independent: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
12th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Friday 2nd February 2018


Tabled by: Norman Lamb (Liberal Democrat - North Norfolk)
That this House recognises the support expressed in previous parliamentary sessions to address the issues faced by people whose identities are neither male nor female; believes that people are compromised and diminished as a result of inappropriate gender references on their personal identity information; acknowledges that all passports issued by …
82 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Mar 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Scottish National Party: 23
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 6
Conservative: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
23rd January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 24th January 2018


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House condemns the murder of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was killed by a car bomb on 16 October 2017; notes that 24 January 2018 marks 100 days since her murder; commends her courageous reporting exposing corruption in Malta and throughout Europe, notably her work on …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 17 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 9
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
17th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Richard Burden (Labour - Birmingham, Northfield)
That this House is appalled by the announcement by the US Administration that it is to cut its funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency by more than half; notes that this decision threatens the human security of millions of Palestinian refugees, including those in need of emergency …
57 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 27
Scottish National Party: 12
Liberal Democrat: 7
Conservative: 4
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
16th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Keith Vaz (Labour - Leicester East)
That this House recognises the contributions made by foreign students to the UK’s economy; notes the research carried out by the Higher Education Policy Institute and Kaplan International Pathways showing that international students bring £20 billion to the UK each year; further notes the role played by universities in promoting …
25 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 11
Labour: 6
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
16th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Stephen Gethins (Scottish National Party - Arbroath and Broughty Ferry)
That this House urges the Government to fulfil the demands of Greenpeace UK and use its role on the Antarctic Ocean Commission to help build an 1.8 million square kilometre Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary in the continent's Weddell Sea to protect its marine life when the organisations makes its decision in …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 14
Labour: 8
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 4
Conservative: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
16th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Robert Halfon (Conservative - Harlow)
That this House notes that Government guidance published in August 2014 on Hospital Car Parking recommended that concessions, including free or reduced charges or caps, should be available for disabled people; further notes that blue badge holders drive to hospital as public transport use may be more difficult; is disappointed …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Conservative: 3
Labour: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
15th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House expresses deep concern over the allegations raised by the human rights organisation B'Tselem that Palestinian land in the West Bank is being used for the treatment of Israeli waste, including hazardous waste; notes that Israel is using the occupation of the Palestinian Territories to deny the Palestinian …
31 signatures
(Most recent: 31 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 10
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
15th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Lord Watson of Wyre Forest (Labour - West Bromwich East)
That this House notes the passing of footballer Cyrille Regis MBE at the age of 59; recognises his achievements as one of the most talented, dynamic and prolific footballers of the 1970s and 1980s and his huge popularity at the clubs he played at, in particular West Bromwich Albion and …
39 signatures
(Most recent: 21 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 17
Scottish National Party: 10
Conservative: 4
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 2
Non-affiliated: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
15th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Stephen Lloyd (Liberal Democrat - Eastbourne)
That this House holds grave concerns for the thousands of Carillion pension scheme members who face a cut to their pensions of at least 10 per cent because of the company's administration; is concerned that the former Carillion Chief Executive is to be rewarded for failure by continuing to receive …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 7 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 10
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 7
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
15th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Hywel Williams (Plaid Cymru - Arfon)
That this House understands that the Office for National Statistics has yet to finalise its recommendations for the 2021 Census; notes that, once it has done so, the Government will bring forward a White Paper in 2018 setting out the proposals for the 2021 Census; expresses concern over the UK …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 21 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
10th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Helen Hayes (Labour - Dulwich and West Norwood)
That this House is concerned about the damage to health caused by air pollution in the UK; recognises the public's desire to tackle air pollution and to be given guidance on how to cut and avoid air pollution from a trusted, independent, medically-sound source; acknowledges the success of 2017’s National …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 22 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 9
Liberal Democrat: 4
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
10th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Kevin Brennan (Labour - Cardiff West)
This House notes with concern that airlines are increasingly requiring musicians to purchase a seat for guitars, and other musical instruments of similar size, or requiring that they be placed in the aircraft hold where temperatures are very low and damage may occur during transit; further notes the campaign led …
41 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Mar 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 16
Scottish National Party: 15
Conservative: 3
Independent: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
10th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Grahame Morris (Labour - Easington)
That this House expresses grave concern over the sentencing of elected Kurdish MP Idris Baluken on 4 January 2018 to 16 years and eight months in jail; notes that Mr Baluken has been an elected parliamentarian in Turkey since 2011, and has played an active role as a mediator in …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Scottish National Party: 9
Independent: 6
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
9th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Chris Law (Scottish National Party - Dundee Central)
That this House notes that 11 January 2018 marks the 16th anniversary of the opening of the Guantánamo Bay Prison Camp; further notes that 41 men remain imprisoned at the camp, including five men who were approved for release by the previous US Administration; notes that over half of the …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 26
Labour: 4
Independent: 3
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
10th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Ged Killen (Labour (Co-op) - Rutherglen and Hamilton West)
That this House notes that under the terms of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, provisions are made for the marriages of same sex couples performed in England, Scotland and Wales to be treated as civil partnerships, and thus the spouses to be treated and referred to as civil …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 22
Scottish National Party: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 3
Conservative: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
9th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House condemns the terrorist attack on Christians in the Bethel Memorial Methodist Church, Quetta, Pakistan, on 17 December 2017, when nine innocent worshippers were murdered and over 50 seriously injured; notes that the quick action by the security forces prevented several more casualties; and urges the Government of …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 21 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Democratic Unionist Party: 8
Scottish National Party: 8
Conservative: 3
Labour: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 1
8th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Patricia Gibson (Scottish National Party - North Ayrshire and Arran)
That this House notes the unfair practice and lack of transparency around expiry dates on gift cards from retailers; urges the Government to take action to introduce greater protections for consumers purchasing and using gift cards, such as banning use-by-dates altogether, or at the very least introducing a minimum five-year …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 17
Labour: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
8th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Bob Blackman (Conservative - Harrow East)
That this House notes that on 27 January 2018 the UK will observe Holocaust Memorial Day, marking the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, where an estimated 1.1 million people were murdered; commemorates the six million victims of the Holocaust; further notes that the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 …
78 signatures
(Most recent: 21 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 25
Scottish National Party: 20
Conservative: 10
Independent: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 5
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
8th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House deeply regrets the appointment of Toby Young to the Board of the Office of Students; notes the seven principles of public life, including selflessness, integrity, and objectivity, known as the Nolan principles and set out in the Department for Education's application guidelines; considers the stream of sexist, …
36 signatures
(Most recent: 24 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 19
Labour: 10
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
21st December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Philippa Whitford (Scottish National Party - Central Ayrshire)
That this House expresses deep concern that in the early hours of 19 December an Israeli Border Police unit broke into the Tamimi family home during a night raid in Nabi Saleh and arrested 17-year-­old Ahed Tamimi, taking her away for interrogation; believes that Ahed is targeted because she is …
49 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Mar 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 26
Scottish National Party: 12
Independent: 5
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
6th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 18th January 2018


Tabled by: Ann Clwyd (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House is very concerned about the three-year prison sentences handed down recently in Bahrain for alleged terrorism offences committed by three family members of the UK-based Bahraini human rights activist, Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei; notes that the trial has been widely criticised, including by UN experts, and seen as …
83 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Jan 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 38
Scottish National Party: 20
Liberal Democrat: 11
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
9th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 16th January 2018


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes that childcare vouchers are a widely-used benefit that are popular with parents and employers alike, with more than 60,000 businesses of all sizes offering vouchers to more than 750,000 parents; further notes that, with childcare costs having risen faster than incomes in recent years, a large …
126 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Oct 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 63
Scottish National Party: 34
Liberal Democrat: 13
Independent: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
20th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 16th January 2018


Tabled by: Lisa Nandy (Labour - Wigan)
That this House notes with concern that hundreds of Palestinian children continue to be arrested, detained and tried in Israeli military courts, despite the practice involving widespread and systematic violations of international law and being widely condemned; further notes that allegations of ill-treatment at the hands of Israeli authorities include …
144 signatures
(Most recent: 6 Dec 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 81
Scottish National Party: 28
Liberal Democrat: 12
Conservative: 9
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
8th January 2018
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 15th January 2018


Tabled by: Jo Stevens (Labour - Cardiff East)
That this House believes that the resignation of Carrie Gracie, the former China Editor of the BBC, highlights the anger and frustration of many women journalists at the BBC that a swifter resolution has not been reached to the scourge of unequal pay at our public service broadcaster; notes that …
56 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 29
Scottish National Party: 15
Independent: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
19th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th December 2017


Tabled by: Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi (Labour - Slough)
That this House appreciates the extraordinary bravery and sacrifices of Sikh soldiers in service of Great Britain, including during both World Wars, and supports the erection of a permanent national monument in a prime central London location to commemorate and highlight these contributions; notes that for over a decade there …
265 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 167
Conservative: 33
Scottish National Party: 25
Independent: 15
Liberal Democrat: 9
Democratic Unionist Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Non-affiliated: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
14th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 20th December 2017


Tabled by: Joan Ryan (The Independent Group for Change - Enfield North)
That this House notes with concern the recent High Court judgment against the Government which found that the Home Office 's redefinition of torture in its flagship Adults at Risk immigration detention policy was unlawful; further notes that Mr Justice Ouseley ruled that the Home Office's decision to narrow the …
131 signatures
(Most recent: 28 Mar 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 70
Scottish National Party: 29
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 12
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 2
Green Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
19th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes the vital contribution that EU citizens living in the UK make to our communities and to the UK economy; welcomes confirmation from Government that it will remove comprehensive sickness insurance (CSI) checks for those who are self-sufficient or studying and the genuine and effective work test …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 4
Labour: 1
13th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House recognises the need to maintain and build on food, environmental and public health standards in the UK; notes that these standards have been substantially driven by the EU, and that the UK’s future departure from the EU raises significant questions on the maintenance of these standards in …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Scottish National Party: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
Conservative: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
12th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Gethins (Scottish National Party - Arbroath and Broughty Ferry)
That this House notes with concern the imprisonment of Ukrainians by Russian authorities in Crimea and other parts of Ukraine; is concerned by reports that the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine continues to be denied access to Crimea; and urges Russian authorities to ensure free access to international …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Labour: 3
Conservative: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
12th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
That this House recognises the real meaning of Christmas being the celebration of the birth of Christ; urges people to remember to keep Christ in their Christmas and to use the time to show love to family, friends, neighbours and community alike; and takes the opportunity to wish everyone in …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Dec 2017)
Signatures by party:
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Scottish National Party: 4
Conservative: 2
Labour: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Independent: 1
11th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Virendra Sharma (Labour - Ealing, Southall)
That this House notes the contribution of Sikh soldiers in the First World War when over 138,000 Indian troops fought in Belgium and France, many of them Sikh; recognises that more than one-quarter of these soldiers would become casualties; further notes that in March 1915, Sikh troops, along with counterparts …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 29 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 13
Scottish National Party: 10
Conservative: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
5th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Jack Lopresti (Conservative - Filton and Bradley Stoke)
That this House is relieved that there has been no armed conflict between the Iraqi Army, its associated Shia militia and the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Peshmerga for some weeks; is disappointed that the federal government in Baghdad has so far refused all the reasonable requests from the KRG, supported …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Dec 2017)
Signatures by party:
Conservative: 4
Scottish National Party: 4
Independent: 3
Labour: 3
Liberal Democrat: 1
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West)
That this House recognises the beginning of the 85th anniversary commemorations of the Holodomor famine in Ukraine in 1932 to 1933; commends the work undertaken to honour those who died; notes that up to seven million Ukrainians starved to death; and condemns similar atrocities committed in the 20th century.
19 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Dec 2017)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 6
Labour: 6
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 19th December 2017


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House recognises that the flooding caused by Storm Desmond in December 2015 was the most extreme on record in the UK; stands in solidarity with the thousands of people who had their homes and businesses damaged by the storm and who are still struggling two years on from …
9 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Dec 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 4
Liberal Democrat: 3
Scottish National Party: 1
Independent: 1
7th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Philippa Whitford (Scottish National Party - Central Ayrshire)
That this House recognises that people who adopt do so out of love and care and ought to receive parity in financial support to that of birth parents; further recognises that though there is such parity for employees, there is an unjustifiable inequality in financial support for self employed adopters; …
32 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Dec 2017)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 19
Labour: 5
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
7th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes with deep concern the findings of the recent research report by Middlesex University Business School, Unpaid Britain: wage default in the British labour market, that at least two million workers experience non-payment of wages or holiday pay each year and that those unpaid wages amount to …
73 signatures
(Most recent: 17 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 33
Scottish National Party: 17
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Crossbench: 1
7th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Wes Streeting (Labour - Ilford North)
"at end insert, '; thoroughly condemns any calls for days of rage or violence in response to President Trump's decision; and calls on the Government to redouble its efforts to restart a meaningful peace process and to support projects that promote peaceful coexistence and dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians, which …
8 signatures
(Most recent: 10 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 6
Scottish National Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
6th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Gethins (Scottish National Party - Arbroath and Broughty Ferry)
That this house congratulates Finland on celebrating the 100th anniversary of its Independence Day on 6 December 2017; recognises the success that Finland has made of its independence; notes that the occasion was commemorated by the Government with a ceremonial session of the Senate of Finland which drafted the declaration …
28 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 20
Independent: 3
Conservative: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Labour: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Timms (Labour - East Ham)
That this House commemorates the centenary of the First World War, pays tribute to the 96,000 men of the Chinese Labour Corps, of whom the first arrived in France in April 1917; notes their extraordinary sacrifices in support of front line allied troops, and that over 2000 died; further notes …
26 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Scottish National Party: 6
Liberal Democrat: 5
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Conservative: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
6th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Alistair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat - Orkney and Shetland)
That this House supports the application and enforcement of National Minimum Wage (NMW) pay rates for seafarers in the UK shipping industry; notes that the Legal Working Group on Seafarers and the NMW, including maritime trade unions and Government, completed its work on 1 November 2017; looks forward to the …
35 signatures
(Most recent: 16 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 14
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Crossbench: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
5th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Patrick Grady (Scottish National Party - Glasgow North)
That this House notes the visit of Bishop William Nolan, Bishop of Galloway and President of Justice and Peace Scotland and Bishop Paul McAleenan, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and Lead Bishop for Asylum and Migration to Calais on 28-29 November 2017 as guests of the Maria Skobtsova Catholic Worker House; …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Dec 2017)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 15
Independent: 2
Liberal Democrat: 1
Labour: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
5th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 11th December 2017


Tabled by: Angela Smith (Liberal Democrat - Penistone and Stocksbridge)
That this House congratulates Sir David Attenborough and the BBC on the spectacular Blue Planet 2 series; notes that, with the fifth largest marine estate in the world, the UK and its Overseas Territories are custodian to the largest coral atoll on earth, globally significant populations of albatross, whales and …
103 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 61
Scottish National Party: 16
Liberal Democrat: 12
Conservative: 6
Independent: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Green Party: 1
4th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Lisa Cameron (Conservative - East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
That this House marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2017 by celebrating the achievements of disabled people across the world; supports the aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilise support for the dignity, rights and wellbeing of persons with disabilities; further supports the integration of …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 16
Labour: 8
Conservative: 3
Independent: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Liberal Democrat: 3
Green Party: 1
4th December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat - Carshalton and Wallington)
That this House notes the guilty verdict against Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic for directing the Srebrenica genocide; welcomes that Mladic has finally been brought to justice 22 years after the genocide he oversaw from 11 to 22 July 1995; further notes that 8,372 Bosnian Muslim men and boys …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Dec 2017)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 7
Labour: 6
Liberal Democrat: 3
Independent: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
1st December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes that 5 December 2017 is the 65th anniversary of the lethal Great Smog of London, which brought the city to a standstill for four days and during which at least 4,000 people lost their life; further notes that by 5 December 2017 an estimate suggests that …
17 signatures
(Most recent: 23 Apr 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Liberal Democrat: 4
Scottish National Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
1st December 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Mary Glindon (Labour - Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend)
That this House is deeply concerned that new build houses are sold as freehold but have leasehold terms, also known as, fleecehold attached in the form of charges, including restrictive covenants on the need to apply for permission and pay a charge for any alterations and extensions, changes that fall …
22 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Scottish National Party: 4
Conservative: 3
Liberal Democrat: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
29th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru - Ceredigion Preseli)
That this House notes with extreme concern the plight of the Palestinian village of Susiya, a fifth of which the Israeli State has announced will be demolished; further notes that the Israeli State claims that this village was constructed in violation of judicial order, yet has repeatedly refused to regulate …
76 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Jun 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 43
Scottish National Party: 15
Liberal Democrat: 8
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
29th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Lloyd (Liberal Democrat - Eastbourne)
That this House calls on the Government to acknowledge that 50 is the internationally-recognised optimal age at which bowel cancer screening should begin; further calls for a commitment from the Government to reduce the age for bowel cancer screening from 60 to 50 in England to bring policy in line …
76 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 38
Conservative: 9
Scottish National Party: 7
Liberal Democrat: 6
Democratic Unionist Party: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 2
Non-affiliated: 2
Green Party: 1
29th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House notes that there is a lack of awareness of pancreatic cancer, which sees 9,600 people diagnosed with it each year with only seven per cent of people surviving five years beyond diagnosis; calls for action to be taken to increase funding of pancreatic cancer research which has …
20 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Liberal Democrat: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Plaid Cymru: 1
22nd November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th December 2017


Tabled by: Graham P Jones (Labour - Hyndburn)
That this House believes that there is inadequate provision of toilet facilities at motorway service stations for over 250,000 disabled people in the UK who wish to use such facilities; notes the campaign and petition led by Zack Kerr to encourage the introduction of Changing Places Toilets in every motorway …
43 signatures
(Most recent: 15 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 17
Labour: 14
Liberal Democrat: 3
Conservative: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
Green Party: 1
27th June 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 20th November 2017


Tabled by: Kelvin Hopkins (Independent - Luton North)
That this House notes the science-based campaign For Life On Earth which is critical of avoidable experiments on animals; further notes Patients Campaigning For Cures, which opposes animal models on medical grounds; is alarmed that scientific studies reveal that the widespread claimed ability of animals to predict human responses to …
62 signatures
(Most recent: 23 May 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 23
Scottish National Party: 13
Liberal Democrat: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 5
Independent: 4
Conservative: 4
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
15th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 15th November 2017


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes with concern the reduction in financial support given to widowed parents with dependent children through the new Bereavement Support Payment (BSP); believes that the duration of 18 months of payments is too short to provide families with the financial support they need; recognises that the limited …
30 signatures
(Most recent: 18 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 11
Labour: 9
Liberal Democrat: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Conservative: 1
Independent: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
15th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 15th November 2017


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House welcomes the campaign around Children's Grief Awareness Week from 16 to 22 November 2017, especially the concern that too many bereaved children suffer from a deep sense of loneliness; notes the finding that one in 29 children and young people in our schools have been bereaved of …
33 signatures
(Most recent: 8 Jan 2018)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 12
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Conservative: 2
Independent: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
14th November 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 14th November 2017


Tabled by: Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat - Westmorland and Lonsdale)
That this House regrets that currently 2.5 billion disposable cups are thrown away every year in the UK, which equates to around seven million every day; notes that fewer than one in 400 of these cups are recycled; expresses serious concern at the volume of disposed cups which litter our …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 9 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 10
Labour: 4
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Green Party: 1
30th October 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Monday 30th October 2017


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House calls on the Government to announce in the forthcoming Budget to proceed with Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon as a pathfinder project, as recommended in the Hendry Review, as it represents value for money; refers the Government to the fact that the proposed financing structure was developed in …
21 signatures
(Most recent: 30 Apr 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 7
Scottish National Party: 5
Liberal Democrat: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Conservative: 2
Independent: 1
25th October 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 30th October 2017


Tabled by: Catherine West (Labour - Hornsey and Friern Barnet)
That this House is deeply concerned that the UK detains people indefinitely under immigration rules, is the only country in Europe without a time limit on detention and that people can be detained for months and years on end without knowing when they will be released; notes that in the …
42 signatures
(Most recent: 25 Jul 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Scottish National Party: 13
Liberal Democrat: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 1
20th October 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Friday 20th October 2017


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House is proud of the UK's leadership in ending animal testing for cosmetics; notes that the EU and several other countries have also ended this unnecessary practice; believes that it is now in the interests of animals, consumers and a fair platform for UK industry and international trade …
116 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Sep 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 55
Scottish National Party: 28
Liberal Democrat: 10
Independent: 8
Conservative: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
11th October 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Wednesday 11th October 2017


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House is deeply concerned by growing evidence, including reports by Amnesty International and the Law Society, that cuts to legal aid since April 2013, under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO), have left thousands of the most disadvantaged in society, including children and …
83 signatures
(Most recent: 31 Oct 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 51
Liberal Democrat: 13
Independent: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Crossbench: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
10th October 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 10th October 2017


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House notes with concern reports of disabled people losing blue badges for accessible parking as they transfer from disability living allowance to the Personal Independence Payment (PIP); understands that for many, this has occurred because mobility support has been reduced; calls on the Government to take into account …
37 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Scottish National Party: 9
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
10th October 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 10th October 2017


Tabled by: Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat - Kingston and Surbiton)
That this House welcomes the end-of-life care for homeless people: A qualitative analysis exploring the challenges to access and provision of palliative care by Dr Caroline Shulman et al, published on 3 July 2017; recognises the report's findings that many homeless people are dying in unsupported, unacceptable situations; notes the …
23 signatures
(Most recent: 2 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 11
Liberal Democrat: 7
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
Scottish National Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
4th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 9th October 2017


Tabled by: Ann Clwyd (Labour - Cynon Valley)
That this House calls for the re-establishment of the Committees on Arms Export Controls (CAEC), as a matter of urgency, to provide scrutiny over current UK arms sales and the UK's arms export control regime post-Brexit; believes that CAEC should include Members from the following Committees: Business, Energy and Industrial …
69 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jul 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 40
Scottish National Party: 13
Liberal Democrat: 6
Independent: 5
Plaid Cymru: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Green Party: 1
4th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Monday 9th October 2017


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House is concerned about the lack of parliamentary scrutiny and accountability of trade deals to which the UK is a party; and calls on the Government to ensure the right of Parliament to set a thorough mandate to govern each trade negotiation, with a remit for the devolved …
124 signatures
(Most recent: 21 Feb 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 66
Scottish National Party: 35
Liberal Democrat: 13
Independent: 3
Plaid Cymru: 3
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
7th September 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th September 2017


Tabled by: Stuart C McDonald (Scottish National Party - Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East)
That this House welcomes the undercover journalism that led to the harrowing and disturbing footage broadcast during the BBC Panorama programme, Undercover: Britain's Immigration Secrets, on 4 September 2017; urges G4S to fully investigate any and all incidents of abuse and mistreatment by its staff towards people detained at Brook …
38 signatures
(Most recent: 20 Nov 2017)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 20
Liberal Democrat: 10
Labour: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Independent: 2
Green Party: 1
5th September 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th September 2017


Tabled by: John Grogan (Labour - Keighley)
This House expresses its deep concern at recent developments in Myanmar; condemns the murderous attacks by militants against Burmese border posts but also the completely disproportionate response of the Burmese military against the Rohingyas who the UN consider are the most persecuted minority group in the world; further condemns the …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Oct 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 10
Scottish National Party: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Conservative: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Independent: 1
17th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th September 2017


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House notes with deep concern the findings of the recent research report by Refugee Action, Slipping Through The Cracks, that a failure by the Home Office to follow its own guidance for supporting those seeking asylum in the UK is resulting in vulnerable people being wrongly denied assistance …
98 signatures
(Most recent: 3 Sep 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 47
Scottish National Party: 23
Liberal Democrat: 13
Independent: 7
Plaid Cymru: 3
Democratic Unionist Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Conservative: 1
11th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th September 2017


Tabled by: Eleanor Smith (Labour - Wolverhampton South West)
That this House recognises the value and effectiveness of the NHS; notes the success of NHS Professionals in supplying short-term and flexible staff to NHS trusts with staffing gaps at a very low overhead cost; understands that private agencies perform the same function at a higher cost by charging expensive …
113 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Nov 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 70
Scottish National Party: 16
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Non-affiliated: 2
Plaid Cymru: 2
Green Party: 1
Crossbench: 1
5th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 13th September 2017


Tabled by: Conor McGinn (Independent - St Helens North)
That this House notes that in 2017-18 NHS pay rises have been capped at one per cent and that this represents another below-inflation pay settlement; further notes that applications for nursing degrees have fallen 23 per cent this year; notes that the number of nurses and midwives joining the Nursing …
76 signatures
(Most recent: 26 Oct 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 48
Liberal Democrat: 11
Scottish National Party: 9
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 2
Democratic Unionist Party: 2
Green Party: 1
6th September 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 12th September 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Timms (Labour - East Ham)
That this House welcomes NICE's consultation with patients and their representatives on whether to review its clinical guidelines on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME (CG53); notes that myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a serious, debilitating, chronic health condition affecting about 250,000 people in the UK, and is concerned that about half of the …
92 signatures
(Most recent: 16 May 2018)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 42
Scottish National Party: 16
Liberal Democrat: 9
Conservative: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 7
Independent: 6
Plaid Cymru: 2
Crossbench: 1
Green Party: 1
Non-affiliated: 1
5th September 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 5th September 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Lloyd (Liberal Democrat - Eastbourne)
"leave out 'the' to 'constituencies' in line 9, and insert 'the work done by the hon. Member for Eastbourne in securing a public commitment from the general secretaries of the trades unions to suspend planned strikes in early August if the Secretary of State for Transport agreed to meet them, …
5 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2017)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 5
11th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th September 2017


Tabled by: Ian Mearns (Labour - Gateshead)
That this House shares the longstanding concerns of cabin crew about the quality of cabin air on commercial airliners; is appalled at reports that cabin crew members have serious long-term illnesses, such as aerotoxic syndrome, which is believed to be linked to cabin air quality; acknowledges the unknown impact of …
29 signatures
(Most recent: 5 Sep 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 19
Independent: 4
Scottish National Party: 3
Green Party: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
11th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Tuesday 5th September 2017


Tabled by: Roger Godsiff (Labour - Birmingham, Hall Green)
That this House expresses concern about the alleged secret loans given by London-based banks in 2013 to Mozambican companies, with Mozambique Government guarantees, and without approval of the Mozambique parliament; notes that over 90 per cent of sub-Saharan Africa Government international bonds are owed under UK law; calls for measures …
110 signatures
(Most recent: 4 Jun 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 54
Scottish National Party: 27
Liberal Democrat: 12
Independent: 7
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Plaid Cymru: 3
Non-affiliated: 2
Green Party: 1
The Independent Group for Change: 1
18th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM as a sponsor on Tuesday 18th July 2017


Tabled by: Peter Bottomley (Conservative - Worthing West)
That this House welcomes the declarations of the Housing Minister made on 1 February 2017 and the proposals and intentions of the Housing White Paper to stamp out unfair, unjust and unacceptable abuse of the leasehold system; believes that commonhold is fairer and better; understands the need for greater transparency …
16 signatures
(Most recent: 19 Feb 2019)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 12
Liberal Democrat: 2
Conservative: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
6th July 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Thursday 6th July 2017


Tabled by: Caroline Lucas (Green Party - Brighton, Pavilion)
That this House deeply regrets the decision by the supermarket Sainsbury's to drop the Fairtrade mark for its own-brand tea and develop its own certification scheme; notes that the Fairtrade Foundation is a respected organisation and part of a global network that strives to ensure that farmers and workers in …
70 signatures
(Most recent: 27 Nov 2017)
Signatures by party:
Scottish National Party: 24
Labour: 23
Liberal Democrat: 13
Plaid Cymru: 3
Independent: 3
Conservative: 2
Green Party: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
21st June 2017
Ed Davey signed this EDM on Wednesday 21st June 2017


Tabled by: Stephen Doughty (Labour (Co-op) - Cardiff South and Penarth)
That this House notes the benefits of UK membership of the EU Customs Union which removes costly and time-consuming customs processes and red tape for trade with other EU member states, allows the operation of a soft Northern Ireland-Republic of Ireland border that would be in jeopardy were the UK …
70 signatures
(Most recent: 9 Oct 2017)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 36
Scottish National Party: 19
Liberal Democrat: 9
Independent: 3
The Independent Group for Change: 1
Green Party: 1
Plaid Cymru: 1
Crossbench: 1