Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
Question to the Ministry of Defence:
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of whether the external scrutiny team of the Council of the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations will be equally independent of the Ministry of Defence if the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations are converted into a non-departmental public body.
Answered by Lord Coaker - Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
Defence Ministers greatly value the independent reports produced by the External Scrutiny Team (EST). The future of the EST will likely be a topic for discussion once the new Armed Forces Commissioner is appointed. We would seek to retain the independence of the EST if there are any changes to the extant arrangements.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
Question to the Ministry of Defence:
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the value of the independence of the external scrutiny team of the Council of the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations.
Answered by Lord Coaker - Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
I refer the noble Lord to the answer I gave him on 29 January 2025, to Question HL4334.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
Question to the Ministry of Defence:
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the usefulness of the annual reports of the external scrutiny team of the Council of Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations, and of whether the reports are genuinely independent of the Ministry of Defence under the current arrangements.
Answered by Lord Coaker - Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
Defence Ministers are very grateful for the hard work of the External Scrutiny Team (EST) led by Maj Gen (Retd) Simon Lalor. My hon. Friend Alistair Carns DSO MC OBE, Minister for Veterans and People, expressed the same sentiment on 17 December 2024, when he placed a copy in the Library of the House the EST’s Annual Statutory Report 2024 on the health of the Reserve Forces. A copy of that Report and Alistair Carns’ response can be found at the following link:
I am clear that the EST is indeed independent, since it directs its own business, and I greatly value its reports as a result. The future of the EST will likely be a topic for discussion once the new Armed Forces Commissioner is appointed.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
To ask the Senior Deputy Speaker, further to the Written Answer by Lord Gardiner of Kimble on 1 February (HL5048), what account was taken by the external experts of the proportionality of the costs of the works at Peers' Entrance against the background that further related security works will be undertaken within the next three years.
Answered by Lord Gardiner of Kimble
The proportionality of the costs of the works at Peers’ Entrance, and the security benefits arising, have been the subject of rigorous internal assessment through the usual business case process. The plans have also been validated by external experts.
To avoid publicly disclosing sensitive security matters it is not possible to go into further detail, however Members are always welcome to contact the Director of Security to discuss any security-related concerns privately.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
To ask the Senior Deputy Speaker, further to the Written Answer by Lord Gardiner of Kimble on 1 February (HL5048), what account was taken of the further security works to be undertaken within the next three years when assessing the proportionality of the cost of the works at Peers' Entrance.
Answered by Lord Gardiner of Kimble
The proportionality of the costs of the works at Peers’ Entrance, and the security benefits arising, have been the subject of rigorous internal assessment through the usual business case process. The plans have also been validated by external experts.
To avoid publicly disclosing sensitive security matters it is not possible to go into further detail, however Members are always welcome to contact the Director of Security to discuss any security-related concerns privately.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
To ask the Senior Deputy Speaker what assessment has been made of the proportionality of the cost of replacing the revolving door at Peers' Entrance, given the plans for further related security works within the next three years.
Answered by Lord Gardiner of Kimble
The proportionality of the costs of the works at Peers’ Entrance, and the security benefits arising, have been the subject of rigorous internal assessment through the usual business case process. The plans have also been validated by external experts.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the sale of part of the British Embassy in Tokyo during the 150th anniversary year of the visit to the UK of the Iwakura Mission.
Answered by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon
The FCDO has completed the sale of an under-used part of our Tokyo compound to Mitsubishi Estates, while retaining the Chancery building and its historic frontage. In line with our ambitions for the Indo-Pacific tilt, this sale gives us the opportunity to modernise and upgrade our Tokyo embassy to ensure it is truly representative of the best of Britain, including through sustainable and inclusive design, whilst also preserving its heritage buildings. The sale has maximised value for money for the British taxpayer, funding much-needed investment not just in Tokyo but also elsewhere in our global estate. The Japanese Government has been kept informed of our plans.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the implications of the decision to sell part of the British Embassy estate in Tokyo.
Answered by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon
The FCDO has completed the sale of an under-used part of our Tokyo compound to Mitsubishi Estates, while retaining the Chancery building and its historic frontage. In line with our ambitions for the Indo-Pacific tilt, this sale gives us the opportunity to modernise and upgrade our Tokyo embassy to ensure it is truly representative of the best of Britain, including through sustainable and inclusive design, whilst also preserving its heritage buildings. The sale has maximised value for money for the British taxpayer, funding much-needed investment not just in Tokyo but also elsewhere in our global estate. The Japanese Government has been kept informed of our plans.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the Treasury provide the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office with financial support for the (1) maintenance, and (2) development, of the overseas diplomatic estate; and if not, what assessment they have made of the compatibility of this approach with their (a) Global Britain, and (b) tilt to Asia–Pacific, policies.
Answered by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon
The FCDO's Spending Round settlement provides funds for the maintenance of the diplomatic estate. The disposal of surplus, under-used and uneconomic assets releases capital to enable us to invest in the estate. Taken together, this provides much needed investment in the FCDO's wider diplomatic estate, providing modern, fit for purpose offices and residences, tackling a large deficit of health and safety, backlog building maintenance and security-related needs across Europe, Africa and elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific region, and funding various projects to help towards the FCDO's Net Zero ambitions.
Asked by: Viscount Trenchard (Conservative - Excepted Hereditary)
Question to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy:
To ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to publish a planning framework to facilitate the adoption of new potential sites for nuclear reactors, including (1) small modular reactors, and (2) advanced modular reactors.
Answered by Lord Callanan - Shadow Minister (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
We stated in the 2020 Energy White Paper our intention to undertake a review of the energy National Policy Statement (NPS) suite. This review was published for consultation on 6th September 2021.
This consultation includes the revised overarching National Policy Statement for energy (EN-1). The revised EN-1 sets out that a new technology specific NPS for nuclear electricity generation deployable after 2025 is proposed and will be developed to reflect the changing policy and technology landscape for nuclear and support the transition to net zero. This will be consulted on in the usual manner, in due course.
The revised EN1, also sets out that the need for nuclear could be met by large scale gigawatt nuclear, Small Modular Reactors, Advanced Modular Reactors and fusion technologies.
The publication of this consultation is a first step toward a planning framework to facilitate the deployment of advanced nuclear technologies.