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Written Question
Audio-visual Industry
Tuesday 17th March 2015

Asked by: Viscount Falkland (Crossbench - Excepted Hereditary)

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask Her Majesty’s Government what plans they have to protect the United Kingdom's film and audiovisual sector, in the light of the digital market proposals suggested by the European Commission; and what steps they plan to take in Brussels to uphold contractual freedom and market-driven solutions in respect of that industry.

Answered by Lord Gardiner of Kimble

The Government recognises that our film and audio-visual industries often finance their productions by selling on a territorial basis. The Government also believes that a digital single market should make it easier for the consumer to access and use content on fair and reasonable terms across borders. The Government will be engaging with the European Commission and stakeholders to ensure we have a copyright framework that supports economic growth, protects our creators, rewards creativity and responds to consumer needs.