Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Bill [HL]

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Excerpts
Wednesday 9th November 2016

(7 years, 10 months ago)

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Lord Stevenson of Balmacara Portrait Lord Stevenson of Balmacara
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My Lords, I support the amendments introduced so well by the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles of Berkhamsted. There is very little that I need to add in terms of the general case—she made it very well. In the context of the remarks that we have just heard, a broader concern about the role of SMEs should carry weight in these debates. The anomaly of the omission of those commissioned by others who perhaps should know better is a point strongly made—the Lego example is rather a good one, even though we perhaps should not put it around too much in case people get ideas. The fact that such provision already exists elsewhere in statute suggests that, if we are trying in this Bill to level things up, this amendment and those consequential on it are very important. The amendment in the name of my noble friend Lord Hanworth is also worthy of consideration, although we will need to hear him speak to the other amendments in later groups to get a full picture of where he is coming from.

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait The Minister of State, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (Baroness Neville-Rolfe) (Con)
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My Lords, on interests, I am the Intellectual Property Minister, and I have the pleasure today of speaking on behalf of the Government.

I am very grateful to the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles, for her comprehensive introduction to this large group of amendments. I am also grateful to my noble friend Lady Wilcox for her support for the Bill as whole and for the good work done by the Law Commission.

It is common ground, I think, that Section 70A and its equivalents set out the definition of an actionable threat. The sections replicate the existing exception whereby a threats action cannot be brought if the threat refers to a primary act of infringement. The existing statutory definitions of what is an infringing act lie at the heart of the threats provisions.

The amendments in this group would mean that threats to someone “commissioning” another person to carry out a specified primary act cannot trigger a threats action. Commissioning infringing goods is not an infringing act within the meaning of any of the existing statutory definitions. This is a key point. Treating commissioning as if it were infringement, for the purposes of the threats provisions, would be a highly significant change to the law. It would introduce a novel concept and create confusion in the law of threats and more generally.

Unjustified threats are those threats which are made in respect of invalid rights, or where there has been no infringement. Amendment 1 and its equivalents would remove any protection from unjustified threats for a particular class of people who are not actually infringers at all—that could easily include the SMEs we are concerned about, on which I will come back to my noble friend’s comments at the end—and, to me, that cannot be right.

The amendment would also have other unwelcome consequences. For example, there is the defence which is available to the threatener, if they can show that the infringement did in fact occur. That defence is made unworkable in these circumstances.

I am concerned that, as with Amendment 3, there is a risk that the amendment would have unintended consequences on the interpretation of IP provisions more widely—specifically, the provisions which define infringement. Furthermore, the meaning of what amounts to “commissioning” a primary act would only become clear after a substantial body of case law had been built up. I do not think that that would be acceptable or welcome to business.

I shall now move on to Amendment 20—with many thanks to the noble Viscount, Lord Hanworth, for his explanation—which relates to use of trade marks in an online environment. I do not agree that there is an inconsistency in the threats regime. The noble Baroness, Lady Bowles, suggested that infringement law could be aligned better for the rights, but that is a wider question, as we discussed, that relates not just to threats or this particular Bill. If the amendment is intended to ensure that “applying” a trade mark in an online environment is covered more explicitly as a primary act, then in my view this is unnecessary when the threats provisions are read in the wider context of the parent Act.

This Bill will insert the individual threats provisions into the existing framework for the relevant rights. While the provisions appear in isolation in this Bill, they must be read—as I have just said—in their wider context.

The relevant sections of the Trade Marks Act 1994 do not expressly require a sign to be in physical form. It is accepted that services may be offered online under a sign in electronic form, and this applies whether the sign is included in a listing or as an AdWord. Nor do they require that the sign must be physically applied to physical goods or their physical packaging. Where goods themselves are electronic, then it follows that the sign applied must also be electronic.

That is a long way of saying that changing the provisions in the Bill to set out expressly that the online application of a sign is covered is unnecessary and, as we discussed in some of the hearings, could cast doubt on an already settled view.

I turn finally to the position of small businesses, which was so well expounded by my noble friend Lady Wilcox. I do not think that a champion is a matter for this Law Commission Bill, although she and I had a good discussion about it. I believe, as I have said several times, that this will benefit smaller-sized businesses by helping them to gain access to justice at reasonable cost in order to enforce and make best use of their IP in the sort of circumstances that she was talking about.

I hope noble Lords will allow me to enlarge a little on the measures that government has taken to help SMEs, as I think that might help my noble friend. We heard in the evidence sessions from Mr Justice Birss about the benefits to SMEs of using the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court. Recent reforms made to the IPEC—in particular, the small claims track—help to level the IP playing field for SMEs that previously struggled with cost. The Government are fully supportive of the IP pro bono initiative, launched last month, which is designed to help small businesses and individuals who are involved in a dispute about IP. The IPO also undertakes a wide range of activities that are aimed at SMEs—partly as a legacy of the time when my noble friend was Minister—and geared to promote understanding, such as: the government-funded IP audit programme; the IP for business tools; and the IP finance toolkit. I make no apology for taking this opportunity to explain that.

Regarding the guidance on the Bill, the IPO has committed to publish business guidance 12 weeks before the new provisions come into effect. In addition, the IPO will implement a full communications plan, update the online tools, make presentations at outreach events—many of which are aimed at SMEs—update stakeholders who have signed up to receive updates and use social media channels to try and ensure that we take this opportunity to raise awareness of the changes. Actually, this is a good opportunity to expound the importance of IP. The IPO works tirelessly to increase awareness of IP and to provide guidance and education at every level. I am happy to commit the IPO to communicating to SMEs in a helpful way about the changes and benefits that will be brought by the Bill.

An important point is that we will ensure, as we did for the Consumer Rights Act, that the material is pitched at the right level. I have asked the IPO to road-test the guidance in draft with small business representatives. So we will have material suitably targeted for SMEs, but also communicate to the people who provide advice and support to these businesses, such as the patent library network, growth hubs and professional IP advisers. As IP Minister, I have tried to make sure that people understand IP a bit more and, with my noble friend’s assistance, I think that this Bill is an opportunity to do a bit more of that.

Coming back to the amendments, I believe that they would in fact complicate what is currently, as drafted, a clear and consistent definition, developed by the Law Commission, of what is and is not an infringing act. I therefore ask the noble Baroness to withdraw the amendment.

Lord Lucas Portrait Lord Lucas
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My Lords, I apologise for being backward when it comes to IP law, but I am surprised that the “commissioner” is not committing anything actionable. In this internet world, if I commission a product that infringes a patent, it is easy to get it made somewhere that is hard for the patent owner to get at and then arrange to sell it over the internet so that the importer is actually the final customer, rather than anyone who can be got at. That leaves the patent owner with no sensible place to go to enforce their patent. Is it really the case that “commissioning” a manufacturer to infringe a patent is not in itself actionable, or did I misunderstand the Minister?

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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These are quite fine points of law, but that is a fair question. Are there any other points, while we try to ensure that we answer your question accurately?

Lord Lucas Portrait Lord Lucas
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I thought that the Minister was saying to the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles, that she was seeking to introduce something new by saying that “commissioning” was not an infringement and, therefore, one could not make a justified threat to someone who was not doing anything that was actionable.

Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted Portrait Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted
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If I may, I think that in the kind of scenario where there is a commissioning person and a manufacturer and you can find them both, you would take action and the commissioner could be brought into it as a joint tortfeasor. If the commissioner was the big guy and the manufacturer was the small guy and you could take action just against the commissioner, as you could with a trademark, you might leave the small guy out of it. They become the prime person in the action, with the other person potentially joined in, but the issue is that you cannot write to the source of the problem.

It is true, as the Minister said, that there is a missing link in “causing” in everything except trademarks. When the Law Commission started its review in preparation for this Bill, it asked whether the law was working properly in various places and was told that it was not working as well as it could, including in relation to the amendments that had been made to Section 70 of the Patents Act following the Cavity Trays case. That has been rolled out with no change, not taking account of suggestions of areas where there could be improvement. Given that such suggestions have been made, it is appropriate that policy discussions and decisions take place. I can accept that the Law Commission does not have that power, but the legislature does. Therefore, I lay those points before the legislature.

I must quibble slightly with the suggestion that the point about unjustified threats is about getting at people who try to threaten you under an invalid patent or where there is obviously no infringement. Those are actions that, by and large, cannot be caught with a threats action; that is what the more blanket tort is needed for, or you have to go to different things, such as declarations of non-infringement or declarations of invalidity, because the threats action is not there. The law says that if you are the manufacturer or the importer anyway, you can threaten to your heart’s content.

If I may paraphrase Judge Pumfrey, as he then was, in the Quads 4 Kids case, he said that unjustified threats actions are about a rights holder who tries to keep enforcing their rights with the threat of going to court but never intending to go to court. That is why you are not allowed to threaten the customers, because that would be a soft option for doing that. However, that does not mean that people who are selling things are not infringers; they are—you do infringe if you are selling, but one is supposed to go for the person at the core of it, the manufacturer.

What I am saying, and have been supported in, is that in this day and age the notion of causing is far more relevant. Historically, it was always relevant for trade marks, because you got somebody else to mark the carton—that is where it all started—but now that we are into remote access, commissioning in one country and selling over the internet, there is definitely a missing link that is being made use of, particularly in respect of designs as well as trade marks, and probably patents to some extent as well.

That is where I stand on this. I think that I would like to test the level of support in the Committee.

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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Before the noble Baroness sits down—I say that for the cameras—I should say to her that this is obviously a Law Commission Bill. The extent of that has been explained to us as a Committee from day one. We are getting here almost into a treatise on the general law of infringement. The threats Bill needs to match the existing law, which it does. I have explained why I think the amendments go beyond that and have potentially perverse consequences.

The noble Lord, Lord Lucas, was essentially right in what he said, so I thank him for that. I think that the right thing for us to do is to stick with this wording, which the Law Commission has spent a lot of time clarifying, rather than move into these new areas.

Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted Portrait Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted
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I would still like to test the opinion of the Committee. We do not have to do it for all the amendments; we can test on Amendment 1.

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Lord Stevenson of Balmacara Portrait Lord Stevenson of Balmacara
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Luckily, I do not have to answer that, but we have expertise beyond parallel at the Minister’s end of the table.

I just want to support the points made by the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles of Berkhamsted. The question here is not so much whether this is an issue that we should take into account ab initio, which was slightly the case with the previous amendment, although I supported that as well; the support here comes because there was clear evidence from those whom we consulted that this issue needs further attention, and the noble Baroness has made that case very well. If we have gone to the trouble of taking evidence but then do not consider it and take it forward, that seems to be a slightly casual way of approaching things. I hope that we will take this point very seriously.

I also take the noble Baroness’s point that, if we were to amend the Act in the way that she suggests, this would reduce the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises and other organisations, because there were would be fewer court actions and more such matters would be dealt with in the right way, which is directly between the participants. So I support these amendments.

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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My Lords, I am grateful to the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles, for her comments which, it is fair to say, were wide-ranging. I will explain how I see things and then address the various amendments, to use her words, on their merits—I should say her “family” of amendments, which is a good new collective term that she has invented today.

It is crucial that the threats provisions encourage rights holders to communicate with the trade source of an infringement—that is agreed—and provide much-needed protection for secondary actors, such as retailers and customers. To facilitate this, the Bill sets out a clear statement of primary acts. Threats in respect of these primary acts, namely the manufacture or import of a product, in the case of patents, will not give rise to a threats action. To answer the point made by my noble friend Lord Lucas, the manufacturer of the cornflakes—to use his example—is the primary actor. The point has been made by my advisers that this assumes that they are patented cornflakes; I am not sure how likely that is in reality, but it is a fair point. I think that there are people, as we discussed during the evidence session, who are in both the primary and secondary markets.

As we have discussed in this Committee, the provisions make a distinction between primary actor, such as the manufacturer, and secondary actor, such as the distributer and retailer, or the person with that hat. This provides protection for secondary actors from being exposed to threats. They are less likely to be able to make an informed decision on whether the threat is actually justified. Secondary actors are more vulnerable to threats because of the fear that they will become embroiled in an infringement action that they cannot afford. As a consequence, mere threats can—and do—persuade secondary actors to move their custom elsewhere.

This group of amendments would introduce circumstances where threats in relation to secondary acts would not give rise to a threats action. This clearly starts to undermine, to my mind, the protection for those who should rightly be protected by the provisions before us. The first set of amendments, concerning where a person presents themselves as doing a primary act when they are not, would mean that a threat sent to a person who claims to do a primary act could not be the subject of a threats action. The rationale for the proposed amendment is that the rights holder may not find out that the recipient is not a primary actor until after the letter has been sent, and then only if the recipient draws back from previous statements.

The amendment introduces an exception to secondary actor protection that is based on a new concept—as the noble Baroness explained—of “claiming” to be a primary infringer. This is an inherently vague concept not found elsewhere in the main Acts for the rights concerned. It would be complex and very difficult to bring evidence to prove in court. A significant body of case law would be required before businesses would have clarity about what amounts to “claiming” to be a primary actor. There may be different views to the one that I took on whether satellite litigation might result, but it certainly seems possible and unfairness could result in any case. Critically, the amendment would undermine protection for retailers who inadvertently use ambiguous language. If a secondary actor somehow implies, even accidentally, that their product was made by them, then under this amendment they lose all protection from unjustified threats, which also seems unfair. Under the current drafting, rights holders can make threats that refer only to primary acts. These are not actionable, so that is one solution. If a rights holder is uncertain about whether a retailer is also a primary actor, they can use a permitted communication to seek clarification of the identity of the primary infringer, without the risk of a committing an actionable threat.

I turn to the second group of amendments, which extend what is a primary act—for example, the manufacture of a hair dryer whose patent is owned by the threatener—to include any products or processes having the same features. To continue the example of a hair dryer, it would be one which is not the same but is similar in all material respects. Where threats are made to a primary actor in respect of one product, it is correct to approach them. They are potentially the greatest risk to trade and the source of the alleged infringing. But if threats are made in relation to equivalent or similar products, where the same business is only a secondary actor, it should be possible—in my view—to bring a threats action. To remove this option would chip away at the principle of protection for the secondary actor, which is at the very heart of the threats provisions. Mark Bridgeway noted in his evidence session that asking secondary actors for undertakings to cease doing something for commercial purposes is expressly excluded from being a permitted purpose. Yet the effect of the amendment would be to allow this to happen.

The amendment would also make the provisions more, not less, complex. It would blur what is intended to be a clear line between what is and what is not actionable. In addition, the concept of “the same features” is very vague and I can foresee great uncertainty for business. The noble Lord, Lord Stevenson, rightly mentioned SMEs. For the reasons that I have stated, I believe that including the amendments would reduce clarity and, therefore, make the provisions more complex and advice potentially more expensive for SMEs. In reducing the protection for secondary actors, I fear that the amendment could open up SMEs to unjustified threats. I know that it is a very complex area but, for these reasons, I ask the noble Baroness to consider not pressing her amendments.

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Lord Stevenson of Balmacara Portrait Lord Stevenson of Balmacara
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My Lords, I pay tribute to the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles of Berkhamsted, for her ability to expand such a wide range of interests within one group. The grouping has been necessary, but possibly not in the best interests of a focused series of discussions. It rebounds on the Minister to try to respond in like mind to whichever one of the very large number of points we could have picked up on. I am sure she is well prepared, but I will not trouble her too much because I will not range very widely on this. I do not need to repeat what has been said so eloquently.

I wanted to focus my remarks on Amendment 13, which, more by luck than good judgment, I managed to get my name down to. I support what was said here in the context of the evidence we had. If the Committee will recall, a lot of what we talked about with one or two colleagues who came and gave evidence was the question of whether the Bill could be seen as evolutionary in any sense, leading to a broader understanding of the nature of the regulatory structure within which business in the UK should be conducted. I do not wish to put words into the Minister’s mouth, but I think she is not unsympathetic to the idea that we should instil good ethics in the business community. I hope for her support later on, perhaps, on this point.

The narrow issue here is that the decision of the Law Commission after much discussion was to accept that, while there was a teleological approach to this area of law in the sense that, in time, a wider tort could be introduced because it would encompass this and other areas, and in the process allow us to engage more directly with the Paris convention—which is where we might have to seek a wider international relationship post Brexit—it was not the time to do that and it had not carried out the necessary consultations it would wish if that was indeed where Parliament wanted to go. If we are not going the whole way, was there a midpoint?

It was interesting to hear the evidence from Sir Robin Jacob in particular that new Section 70B(3), if he read and interpreted it correctly, provided a little bit of breadth of discretion to the courts when approaching the issues that the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles, mentioned. I am keen that that should be the case. I align myself entirely with the noble Baroness’s remarks on this. It would be unfortunate if the wording as it currently stands, with the word “necessary”, was seen by some as a barrier to the sort of thing we think is appropriate, which is that, on occasion, only in appropriate circumstances and only for good reason, the judges should have the right to take a wider view about some of the issues before them.

It would be helpful to get a sense from the Minister of whether she understands that. It may be that she cannot go as far as the proposal here, although the words “reasonable in all the circumstances” or “proportionate” that the noble Baroness would introduce, would be better than “necessary”. Perhaps the Minister could reflect a little on what she takes from the current wording. If, on reflection, we look at that in Hansard and think it probably takes us as far as we need to go, it may be sufficient to leave this. It is probably one of the key points in this Bill where we could be doing something rather wonderful in trying to move the whole way this is taken forward from a rather tight set of constraints to a much more open approach. That would be for the benefit of small businesses in particular, which cannot always necessarily see the narrow point and come forward with ideas that would make it easier for people to move forward with their business. I support the amendment.

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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My Lords, new Section 70B introduces a framework of “permitted communications”, which sets out clearly how a rights holder may communicate with a secondary actor without being at risk of a threats action. It is important to note that a request for this certainty came from businesses and legal professionals during the Law Commission’s work. I have listened to the points that have been made with great interest. I am rather a fan of Latin, which is a very politically incorrect thing to say. I did Latin A-level and was probably one of the last to do so—people do not study it much nowadays.

Lord Stevenson of Balmacara Portrait Lord Stevenson of Balmacara
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They are not allowed to.

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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You learn a lot from the mistakes of the Romans in terms of public policy.

I shall start with Amendment 6 and its equivalents. One of the requirements for a permitted communication is that the specific part of the communication which relates to a threat is made for a “permitted purpose”. The phrase,

“so far as it contains information that relates to a threat”,

is there to limit properly the scope of the provision about permitted purposes. We believe that deleting the words “contains information that” would risk the test being read as meaning that the entire communication had to be made for a permitted purpose—even the parts which were not a threat. The current drafting was inserted precisely because stakeholders—the Law Society and CIPA—expressed concern about that result. The amendment would mean that the permitted communications provisions might not apply if a communication happened to contain harmless, extraneous material. The hurdle would be so onerous that the protection offered by the permitted communications provisions would not, or might not, be used. Those less experienced would also easily be caught out by adding additional material.

I move on to Amendment 7. For a communication to be permitted, the part of the communication which relates to a threat must be made solely for a permitted purpose. The term “solely” ensures that the part in question cannot also be made for a non-permitted purpose. We heard that the Law Society and others have been concerned that the word “solely” somehow imports a need to look at the motives of the sender, but I do not really see how that would come about. The motives of the sender are not a consideration under either the current law or the new provisions. I think that the noble Baroness disagreed but my view is that that is right. As Professor Sir Robin Jacob said when he gave evidence, litigating over what someone believed,

“just leads to applications for discovery and claims for privilege”.

That is a bit of a red light to me because it could mean more costly litigation.

The “permitted purposes” in the Bill are based closely on the current patent exceptions. The law in this regard is unchanged—it remains an objective test—and, in legal terminology, making a threat will remain a strict liability tort. The requirements clearly relate to assessing the purpose of the communication itself, based on its wording alone. The amendment therefore seeks to resolve an issue which simply does not exist.

Turning to Amendment 8, to my mind the non-exclusive list of examples of information which are necessary for a permitted purpose provides valuable clarity. It gives stakeholders the certainty they desire, making it possible for disputing parties to know how and what they may communicate effectively without risking litigation. The amendment seeks to undermine that certainty by adding a requirement that not only must the information be necessary but it must also be “proportionate”. The term casts doubt on whether a business can rely on the examples listed. This decreases the value of the guidance that paragraph (5) is meant to provide and which stakeholders asked to be spelt out.

Amendment 14 has a similar effect by saying that the examples given are only “prima facie” to be regarded as necessary information. In other words, these examples can be regarded as necessary information, which it is safe to convey, only until it is proven otherwise. Noble Lords can see that this will introduce considerable doubt for business about whether the examples can be relied on.

Both amendments raise many possibilities for how to assess whether a particular communication can safely be made. They risk both confusion and even satellite litigation, and the resulting uncertainty about what information can be communicated risks encouraging a return to the “sue first, talk later” approach, which we are trying to avoid. That goes against the direction of the Bill as a whole.

Finally, I will address Amendments 12 and 13. The noble Lord, Lord Stevenson, spoke to the latter. As I said, the Bill provides a list of permitted purposes in order to give the much-needed clarity and certainty that stakeholders have asked for. However, consultees also warned against being too prescriptive. For this reason, the courts have discretion to treat other purposes as permitted, but only if necessary in the interests of justice.

The requirement for something to be necessary in the interests of justice is in fact intentionally high, and it is expected that the discretion will be used sparingly. “In the interests of justice” is a familiar and steady concept to shape how the law develops. A new test of “reasonable in all the circumstances” could make it difficult to ensure that the law provides the required level of guidance and certainty. These amendments could provide the courts with a wider discretion to treat other purposes as permitted, and that could create uncertainty for users over what communications can safely be made. That is undesirable both for those wishing to enforce their rights and for secondary actors in receipt of a threat. It would make legal advice more complex and perhaps more costly and it could risk the erosion, over time, of the valuable protection for secondary actors which is at the heart of the threats provisions.

The noble Lord, Lord Stevenson, was making a wider point, but I do not think that we can tackle business ethics in this Bill. However, I agree that being responsible in business leads to better business, not only in the long term but in the shorter term.

I have listened to the debates about “solely” and “necessary”—we have now debated this over five sessions—and I can see that noble Lords share the same objective that we have, which is to ensure that this key area of the law operates in the best possible way and that these permitted communications work well. I cannot promise anything today but I, along with perhaps other noble Lords, will look at the Hansard report of the debate and I will consider carefully the various detailed points that have been made today. On that basis, I hope that the noble Baroness will feel able to withdraw the amendment.

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If something like this is not made into a permitted communication, it is not right that we should remove the mere notification right. That is something I would want to revisit by way of amendment at a later stage to reintroduce it. This is a serious point. Taking away a right and replacing it with a defence reduces the options of the rights holder.
Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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I am grateful to the noble Viscount, Lord Hanworth, for his clear explanation of these amendments. I liked his example of the Doctor Who birthday cards, which I look forward to researching.

It is true that the internet is growing. It is increasingly international and it is very important, but I am not sure that that necessarily means that we should be changing the Bill. The amendments seek, in various ways, to include the sending of an online infringement notice in the list of permitted purposes, the result being that such notices can be used to communicate with an online secondary actor, without fear of a threats action being brought. Unfortunately, such amendments would completely undermine the protection for secondary actors provided by the Bill. Noble Lords will remember that Mr Justice Birss was clear in his oral evidence that these forms should not be made an automatic exception from the law of threats. He noted that he was aware of the notification process being used in exactly the way the threats provisions aim to prevent. Furthermore, the amendments would distort the policy behind permitted communications, which, of course, is to encourage a conversation to resolve a dispute. If an online form is used, rightly or wrongly, and the product listing is taken down, then the rights holder has prevented further trade in the item, so that closes the door to discussion.

Amendment 11 defines the new permitted purpose in relation to the e-commerce regulations 2002. These regulations do not specify how the notification must be made or what it should contain. There is no conflict, as we see it, between the Bill provisions as they stand and these regulations. It is possible to send a communication which fits within both the requirements of the regulation and the permitted purposes. Given the undefined nature of an e-commerce notice, the range of communications exempted by this amendment would potentially be large. That could create a gap in the protection for secondary actors.

Amendments 9 and 11 in particular would allow malicious and unjustified threats to be made to a secondary actor simply because a particular online form is used. The parties damaged by that threat would have no form of redress. That cannot to my mind be the right outcome. A rights holder facing a threats action as a result of using such a form can take advantage of the defences set out in the Bill. One defence available is that “all reasonable steps” have been taken to find the primary infringer. What is reasonable in the case of high-volume online infringement, to which the noble Viscount referred, is very likely to be a lower hurdle than in other situations. If a step is reasonable, then I see no problem in expecting a rights holder to take it. In light of this, the permitted purpose set out in Amendment 10, with its explicit reference to the impracticality of finding a primary actor, is not necessary. A suitable defence already exists.

The other defence for a rights holder facing a threats action is that the right has in fact been infringed. As the BBC noted in its evidence, it is very well aware, before it makes contact, of who is permitted to use its brand, and therefore whether others are infringing. The provisions as drafted in no way prevent rights holders from legitimately enforcing their rights. Sir Colin Birss says about not including standardised/online letters in his evidence:

“I would not include them in the exemption. That kind of thing can cause real damage. … I would be wary of a draft that went too far the other way and simply excluded that kind of thing altogether. That would be unfortunate. It is a place where SMEs can get damaged”.

Finally, I will try to pick up a couple of the points made by the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles. As I am sure she knows, the list of permitted purposes is based on the current threats provisions where it is permitted to notify a recipient of a right or, for patents only, to give factual information about the right or make inquiries to find out if a right is being infringed and by whom. That is not changing. Also, mere notification, to which she referred, is the first of the permitted purposes, and notification is not a threat to the platform.

These are complex matters. They have obviously been discussed at length with the Law Commission. I hope that, on reflection, the noble Viscount will feel able to withdraw his amendment.

Viscount Hanworth Portrait Viscount Hanworth
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I shall consider carefully what the Minister has said, as recorded in Hansard. Therefore, I beg leave to withdraw my amendment. I wish to give notice that I may bring it back on Report, in collaboration, I would expect, with the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles.

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Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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New Section 70C and equivalents set out remedies in the case of a successful threats action and the defences available to those who have a threats action brought against them. Subsection (4) sets out a defence if it has not been possible for the threatener to identify the primary actor.

As has been said, the first amendment would amend the subsection to reflect a drafting preference by moving the location of the reference letter T. That may relate to the person who made the threat, which begins with T, but I will discuss the wording with parliamentary counsel in the light of the Digital Economy Bill to see whether we feel that it is right. I do not think that anybody thinks that it is a material point.

The second group of amendments under discussion relate to the defences available for someone who is faced with a threats action. The 2004 patents reform introduced a defence for a person making a threat to a retailer or the like. The defence applies if their efforts to find the trade source of the infringing patented goods were unsuccessful. The Bill extends this limited but useful defence to trade marks and designs. The provisions clarify that the person making the threat must have used “all reasonable steps” to find the importer or manufacturer of the product in question before they are safe to approach the retailer.

The phrase “all reasonable steps” was carefully chosen in response to stakeholder feedback, discussions with the Law Society and the Law Commission’s working group. Stakeholders thought that the previous phrasing used in the patents defence, “best endeavours”, carried too much legal baggage, as it has a special meaning in commercial contract law. In addition, it was felt that this could require disproportionate efforts by a rights holder attempting to identify a primary infringer. “All reasonable steps” therefore strikes the right level. It requires the person making the threat not just to do something which is reasonable but to do everything which is reasonable. The wording is fair; it does not require the person making the threat to go beyond what is reasonable.

Amendments 18 and 19 and equivalents seek to deal with pending rights. It is well established that threats to sue for infringement of an IP right, when an application for that right is still pending, are nevertheless subject to the threats provisions. New Section 70E for patents, and equivalents for other rights, ensure that there is no change to this principle—the threat will be interpreted as a threat to bring infringement proceedings once the right has been granted.

The effect of the amendment is to state explicitly that the issue of whether there has been an infringement will be determined on the basis of the granted right. It would add words in respect of the justification defence at new Section 70C(3) to state that a reference to the word “patent” means, in the case of an application, “patent as granted”. It would also make similar changes in relation to the other rights. The amendment is unnecessary. The threatener has a defence that the acts were in fact infringing ones. It is already the case in law that he must be able to show that the acts are infringing at the point of trial. If, at that time, there is not yet a granted IP right, there is no valid right to infringe and so the defence is not available to the threatener. That is the right outcome.

It is only where an IP right has been granted by the time of the trial that the defence is available. The new threats provisions do not change this legal principle. They fit into the relevant Acts, which themselves make clear at what point and in what way infringement of an IP right can occur. Let us take patents as an example: to understand references to infringement of a pending patent, it is necessary to refer to Section 69 of the Patents Act 1977. This makes it clear that you will not infringe a patent until it is granted and explains how infringement works for pending patents.

I have tried to explain why the provisions are drafted in this way. I will look again at our friend T. I ask the noble Viscount to withdraw the amendment.

Lord Lucas Portrait Lord Lucas
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My Lords, I would be grateful if, between now and Report, the Minister could write to me with some examples of cases decided on the basis of “all reasonable efforts”, so that I can get a real grip on what that means. It is a very uncertain phrase in English. If I wrote to Tesco asking, “Who made the cornflakes?”, and it said, “It’s not our policy to divulge that information”, would that be “all reasonable efforts”, or should I ask five or six times? If I cannot find a way on the website to communicate with somebody who appears to be selling products off a platform, are no efforts “reasonable efforts”? Particularly in the context of being asked to give way on Amendment 11 or whatever comes back on Report, knowing that, for example, the things that we are asking the BBC to do in defence of “Doctor Who” are actually reasonable and are not a ridiculous burden in defence of a 20p commission on a Doctor Who birthday card is something that we as a House should do. I would be grateful for an opportunity to see the sort of evidence that a court will see, against which it will judge whether a particular course of action involves all reasonable actions rather than just reasonable actions.

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Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted Portrait Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted
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This is the last group to move, and I can be relatively brief. The amendment speaks for itself. I have harvested suggestions from the chartered institute and the Law Society with the intention of making this wording a bit less clunky but also international. During hearings we looked at what duties regulators had when people were behaving badly. I have not gone so far as to name just the club of advisers envisaged in the CIPA amendment, but I thought it would be good to say that they should be regulatory bodies that were authorised by statute. I did not mention a statute because even one statute did not fit the whole of the United Kingdom. “Statute” is well understood in other jurisdictions. I thought the words “entitled to legal professional privilege” that the Law Society suggested was useful. I have done it in one line instead of three, so at least it is brief. I beg to move.

Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait Baroness Neville-Rolfe
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I am grateful to the noble Baroness, Lady Bowles, for her very brief introduction. We have debated this issue through the oral evidence. Not least for the benefit of people who feel strongly about this, I will set out why we are not inclined to accept these amendments.

The tactic of suing a professional adviser for making a threat has been used to disrupt negotiations and hamper the legitimate client-adviser relationship. We heard that convincingly from several people who gave evidence. Exempting professional advisers from the threats provisions has long been called for, because it stops game-playing.

The Bill delivers an exemption in a carefully limited way. The amendment seeks to restrict the protection available for professional advisers to just those who are regulated by statutory regulatory bodies or entitled to legal professional privilege. It is right that a professional adviser should not become personally embroiled in a threats action, when they were acting only on behalf of their client. I do not agree that this principle should apply to only a limited category of particular professional advisers. Neither should the law on threats be the place to define which regulatory bodies are considered appropriate to oversee exempted advisers. As we were discussing, it is an increasingly global market. The definition must capture the different types of foreign and domestic IP legal practitioner, who may risk facing a threats action under UK law. The current draft does that.

The first limb of the amendment would seek to restrict protection to those whose services are regulated by a “statutory” regulatory body. The term is unclear, leading to uncertainty about the exact scope. In addition, the requirement of statutory regulation would exclude international lawyers with a system of professional self-regulation, such as the American Bar.

The second limb provides that, as an alternative to being regulated by a statutory regulator, professional advisers might fall within the exemption only if they are entitled to legal professional privilege. We all know that the law on privilege is complicated and inconsistent in different jurisdictions. An adviser may not be able to be sure whether they can rely on legal professional privilege in particular circumstances. Again, that could restrict options available to business and advisers might therefore—this is always the problem—continue to seek the indemnities we heard about in our evidence sessions.

We have delivered a careful, limited exception that requires the legal adviser to be regulated but is not overly prescriptive or complicated. I therefore ask the noble Baroness and the noble Lord not to press their amendments, as I think we have found a way forward.

Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted Portrait Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted
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I beg leave to withdraw the amendment.