European Council

Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Monday 24th June 2019

(5 years, 2 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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I did not say that the UK was taking the lead; I merely said that the noble Lord was right that there was no discussion of the matter at the Council. I wanted to point out, however, that we were involved and engaged and I highlighted the visit to Tehran as an example of that. I did not mean to mislead the noble Baroness or to say that we were in the lead, but we are playing an important part. We continue to talk to our partners, including France and Germany, about how to help to de-escalate this situation, which is in the best interests of not only the region but the world.

Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours (Lab)
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On the matter just raised, may we have an assurance that we will not buckle under pressure from the United States of America?

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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The Prime Minister has been very clear on this point. We have continued to support the nuclear deal, for instance, even though the United States have not, and we will continue to work with our European partners because we believe that this has helped stability. We will continue to talk to Iran on that basis.

Exiting the European Union

Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Monday 10th December 2018

(5 years, 8 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours (Lab)
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My Lords, with the Fixed-term Parliaments Act in mind, is not perhaps the real reason the Prime Minister has backed off the fact that a second Motion of confidence would have to be held within 14 days, which means Christmas Day? Does that not suggest that we might be looking at a deferred resignation?

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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No, the Prime Minister has been clear about why we have decided to defer the vote: it is because we want to try to secure the reassurances that will be needed to ensure that a deal that has the best prospects for this country gets through the House of Commons. That is what she will be focusing and working on in the coming days.

NATO Brussels Summit 2018

Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Monday 16th July 2018

(6 years, 1 month ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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The Brussels declaration was agreed by all allies, including President Trump, at the summit. As I said, he was clear about his commitment to NATO. The US has more than doubled its budget allocation for its European deterrence initiative and US forces are leading NATO’s enhanced forward presence in Poland, so we also need to look at the US’s actions and how they link into the support that the President reiterated following the summit.

Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours (Lab)
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My Lords, have the Germans given us an absolute assurance that they will bring forward the date by which they will reach the 2% contribution target?

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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There was general agreement that there was an urgent need to step up defence spending. All allies agreed to it. The 2% is by 2024.


Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Monday 16th April 2018

(6 years, 4 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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As I have made clear, this action was specifically focused on degrading the regime’s chemical weapons capability. Our position remains that we do not believe there can be a sustainable peace in Syria with Assad in power, and that we need a transition to a new and inclusive non-sectarian Government. We will continue to work diplomatically and, as I have mentioned a couple of times, we are attending a conference next week aimed at supporting the future of Syria and the region. We remain committed to the UN political process and will continue to use all the diplomatic means that we can to achieve a lasting peace in Syria.

Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours (Lab)
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My Lords, in the Statement the Leader of the House said that the intelligence cannot be shared with Parliament. If that is the case, can the detailed intelligence be shared with the Intelligence and Security Committee? As I understand it, since the period when I was on the committee under the chairmanship of the noble Lord, Lord King, the services have been far more open with that committee. If that is the case, why do we not now use it as a vehicle for providing the information that Parliament requires?

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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As the noble Baroness said, there have been briefings on Privy Council terms and various other things that happen today. I do not know specifically about that committee. I can go and check and am happy to write to the noble Lord. Where information can be shared, it will be. We have published the Attorney-General’s advice. We are trying to be transparent where we can, but obviously we have to respect the intelligence services as well.

Salisbury Incident Update

Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Monday 12th March 2018

(6 years, 5 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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As the Statement set out, we have spoken to the Russian ambassador and set out, on the basis of the evidence that we have, what we believe the two possible explanations are for what happened in Salisbury, and we are waiting to hear their response.

Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours (Lab)
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My Lords, what Mr Putin will fear more than anything else is transparency and exposure of the excesses of his regime. What are we doing to promote alternative media sources being transmitted into Russia? They transmit Russia Today to us. What do we do in reciprocation? Are we pressing them to accept any of our media?

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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I will have to write to the noble Lord, as I do not have an answer to that question.

Brexit Negotiations

Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Monday 11th December 2017

(6 years, 8 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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EU citizens’ rights in the UK will be upheld by implementing the agreement in our law, instead of continued EU law enforced by the EU courts. Our courts will pay due regard to EU case law as agreed at the point of exit to interpret that law as needs be, just as they decide our law now in reference to international law, where relevant, such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

--- Later in debate ---
Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours
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My Lords, the Leader of the House is a member of the Cabinet and therefore I am sure that she will know the answer to my question: is it the Government’s intention that at the ferry port at Belfast there will be no customs officials or immigration officers in attendance with the remit or ability to check non-UK citizens travelling to ports in Scotland, England or Wales?

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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The noble Lord asks a question about implementation. I am not in a position to answer that at the moment.

European Council

Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Monday 23rd October 2017

(6 years, 10 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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As I set out earlier, and judging from the quotes I have read from a number of other leaders, there was a constructive relationship and a constructive discussion at the European Council. That is what we are focusing on and what will lead to these negotiations leading to a good deal for the EU and the UK, because that is in the best interests of both sides.

Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours
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My Lords, may I press the Minister on the question of the Irish border? How can we be sure that the customs entry for a container of goods passing through a customs post at Newry, north of Dundalk, is an accurate list of the goods in the container without the right of customs to open the container and check the goods being transported against the entry? Effectively, that means a hard border. How can that be avoided?

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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As I have said, we have published our White Paper setting out our objectives for a new customs arrangement. Obviously, there is a lot of detail to work out but we are starting from the same place, which is that we do not want to return to the hard border of the past. We will work through these issues and deliver an outcome for the EU, the UK and Northern Ireland.

Grenfell Tower

Debate between Baroness Evans of Bowes Park and Lord Campbell-Savours
Thursday 22nd June 2017

(7 years, 2 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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I am sure that local authorities are considering the sorts of issues that my noble friend has mentioned. As I said, what is most important is that we get the cladding checked on these buildings to make sure that we can truly identify where there may be issues and act quickly. That is why we have set up these testing centres, why we are turning round results as quickly as possible, and why we were very pleased, for instance, to see Camden’s very swift and impressive response once it discovered an issue with one of its blocks.

Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours (Lab)
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Going back to the inquiry, quantity surveyors, the architects, the main contractors, the subcontractors, the building control officers and the planning officers of the council will all be asked many questions. Will their answers all appear in the interim report and will the findings of the inquiry at that stage also be in the interim report? In particular, I ask that the specifications originally set by the architect and approved, we have to assume, by the building control officers and the fire authorities, will be in the appendices of the interim report so that we can all see them, along with all the approval documentation and survey reports by all the organisations involved. Some of us will be more interested in seeing what is in those documents than reading the report itself, because we will probably want to make up our own mind.

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Portrait Baroness Evans of Bowes Park
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Obviously, it will be for the head of the inquiry to decide exactly how they want to conduct the inquiry. However, as I have said, we want to ensure that voices are heard and that the terms of reference of the inquiry cover all the issues that, rightly, families, victims and others want to see. I therefore assume that the judge who is appointed will be taking soundings and will have views on the terms of reference. I cannot speak for them about what the interim report will include but I think we are all very conscious of the fact that we want this to be done speedily and that we expect an interim report.