Introduce random alcohol & drug testing within the House of Commons
- 578 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 2,255 - 19 added in the past 24hrs)
We want the government to introduce random alcohol and drug testing within the House of Commons
Allow Parliament to remove the London Mayor
- 293 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 1,123 - 5 added in the past 24hrs)
We believe there should be a referendum on allowing Parliament to be able to remove a London Mayor, should a Mayor not fulfil their role to the best of their ability, keep London safe or act professionally.
Change the requirements of how often MPs attend a Parliamentary sitting.
- 489 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 514 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
To set requirements for MPs to attend the House of Commons and to hold constituency surgeries on a minimum number of occasions throughout the year.
Allow the Commissioner for Standards to investigate MPs' constituent casework
- 150 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 306 - 3 added in the past 24hrs)
The Procedural Protocol in respect of the Code of Conduct for MPs should be amended to allow the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to investigate MPs' dealings with their constituents.
Remove all alcohol venues from the UK Parliament
- 179 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 220 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
We believe all alcohol venues in Parliament should be immediately removed. We believe Parliament should be a serious place of work where important issues are addressed, like other workplaces, alcohol consumption should be limited and there should be no sale of alcohol in the UK Parliament.
Ban MPs having second jobs whilst in office
- 80 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 183 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
I believe Members of Parliament should not be allowed to hold second jobs of any sort whilst holding Office.
Place a ban on party whips in Parliament
- 155 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 167 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
Parliament should ban party whips in the House of Commons.
Impose penalties on MPs for deceit
- 127 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 154 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
We think Parliament should introduce penalties on deception by MPs, regardless of party, to protect UK citizens.
Require AUTOMATIC by election if an MP changes party during a term of office
- 78 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 144 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
A petition to recall an MP is opened in three situations and a by-election forced so long as 10% of the electorate sign such a petition. However, if an MP changes party during a term of office there is nothing the constituents can do. We think there should be an automatic by election.
Introduce a new rule for MPs to take an oath to adhere to the Nolan principles
- 51 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 121 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)
We think that all MPs should adhere to the Nolan principles. At the moment, we do not think that they follow them. We want all MPs to take an oath to follow the Nolan principles, and be scrutinised if they fail. We feel that there is a lack of public accountability at the moment.