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Closed Petition closed 6th November 2019

Stop charging commonwealth soldiers to stay in Britain! - Final Signatures: 11,669

Soldiers from commonwealth countries can apply for indefinite leave to remain, but it will cost us around two thousand pounds.

The Government responsed to this petition on 1st July 2019 (View Full Response)
All immigration fees are set within strict financial limits agreed with HM Treasury and Parliament.
Closed Petition closed 3rd November 2019

We Demand A Vote On Cannabis - Final Signatures: 16,776

We sign because we do not support the law as it currently stands. We demand the chance to test the "will of the people" in regards to cannabis policy.

DO NOT GIVE US THE STANDARD RESPONSE! We demand democracy, we demand a chance to change the law.
Join the campaign Let Us Vote on Fb & twitter

The Government responsed to this petition on 20th August 2019 (View Full Response)
The Government has no plans to change cannabis policy.
Closed Petition closed 8th October 2019

Hold an Inquiry into the state of the Police Complaints System and role of IOPC - Final Signatures: 13,874

I believe that the current system for investigating police officers is broken and beyond repair.

The system needs to be reviewed and an inquiry into how the system could be amended to ensure that it is fair for all, whilst at the same time being achieved in a timely and expeditious manner.

The Government responsed to this petition on 12th June 2019 (View Full Response)
The Government is overhauling the police complaints and discipline systems to ensure that allegations of misconduct are dealt with quickly and effectively for the benefit of the public and the police.
Closed Petition closed 6th November 2019

Change Settlement Status from Application to Registration. - Final Signatures: 16,761

As EU citizen, living in UK. Running business, employing people and building this economy, I refuse to Apply to Live in my own Home!
However, I will Be happy to fill Settlement Status if it will be changed from Application to Registration. 3 Million EU citizens living & working in United Kingdom.

The Government responsed to this petition on 7th June 2019 (View Full Response)
EU citizens are our friends, family and neighbours and we want them to stay. The EU Settlement Scheme makes it easy for them to confirm their right to do so – over 750,000 people have already applied.
Closed Petition closed 7th August 2018

Drop any proposals to licence airguns in England & Wales - Final Signatures: 12,455

We are strongly opposed to this as the introduction of licencing or further restrictions as they apply to everyone will have a disproportionate effect on the law abiding, safe and responsible shooters, sportsmen and women.

The Government responsed to this petition on 14th March 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government is reviewing the regulation of air weapons in England and Wales. The review is looking at relevant issues such as access by young people, safe storage and manufacturing standards.
Closed Petition closed 7th September 2018

Set up a public inquiry into the National problem of Paedophile grooming gangs - Final Signatures: 25,533

Paedophile grooming gangs seem endemic nationwide in the UK it is apparent some are possibly racially motivated & the UK public deserves protection from this and an inquiry should investigate fully if race & culture is a factor and if sentencing is adequate and investigate if culture influences rape

The Government responsed to this petition on 15th May 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government takes child sexual abuse very seriously. It has set up the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse which is investigating the sexual exploitation of children by organised networks.
Closed Petition closed 2nd September 2018

Manufacture the new blue passport in GB not Germany or France. - Final Signatures: 37,280

The new blue passports have been hailed as a sign Britain is seizing back control from the EU - but they could end up being made in France or Germany.
When the uk should be manufacturing these with the uk company De La Rue who produces this & many other documents, secure British jobs not eu.

The Government responsed to this petition on 1st May 2018 (View Full Response)
With no lawful basis to put the procurement of services to design, manufacture, and personalise UK passports out to tender to UK-based suppliers only, a fair and open competition was run.
Closed Petition closed 12th September 2018

Hold a referendum for the legalisation of cannabis - Final Signatures: 29,775

It is clear that the cannabis debate is not going away and given that the current conservative government understand the meaning of democracy by giving a referendum to the public on our membership of the E.U it should give the public a referendum on cannabis legalisation and let the public decide

The Government responsed to this petition on 30th April 2018 (View Full Response)
This Government has no plans to legalise cannabis and there are no plans to hold a referendum on the matter.
Closed Petition closed 9th September 2018

Mandate re-homing of suitable beagles and other species used for animal research - Final Signatures: 12,096

An Advice Note was issued by the Animal Scientific Regulation Unit at the Home Office in 2015 encouraging research/ breeding facilities to re-home these animals but an Advice Note is not Mandatory. There is evidence that animals are released under the radar or the advice is ignored.

The Government responsed to this petition on 18th June 2018 (View Full Response)
This Government encourages all scientific establishments that are licensed under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (1986) to consider the re-homing of animals used in scientific research.
Closed Petition closed 6th October 2018

An urgent debate on strategies for effectively combating gun and knife crime - Final Signatures: 13,158

As of the date of this petition there have been 50 gun/knife related killings in our capital. The ONS states that knife offences rose by 23% in the Capital, a higher murder rate than New York. Links below will remind you of some of those who have fallen victim to date this year and in 2017.

The Government responsed to this petition on 19th April 2018 (View Full Response)
This tragic loss of life is not acceptable. In response to the recent increases in knife crime, gun crime and homicide the Government published on 9 April the Serious Violence Strategy.