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Closed Petition closed 8th November 2018

Amnesty for illegal immigrants who have been in UK for 10 years - Final Signatures: 46,592

This petition calls for illegal immigrants who have been in UK for 10 years or more to be given amnesty and the legal right to stay in the UK.

The Government responsed to this petition on 6th June 2018 (View Full Response)
There are no plans to grant an amnesty to illegal migrants. Our immigration policies are based on principles of fairness to legal migrants and not rewarding those who do not abide by the Rules.
Closed Petition closed 9th January 2019

British National (Overseas) Citizens should be given full British Citizenship. - Final Signatures: 11,928

People in Hong Kong who hold the British National (Overseas) passport are British; however, the British government is refusing and avoiding giving these Hong Kongers the right of abode in the United Kingdom nor in any of the British territories. Many of them were forced to become PROC Chinese.

The Government responsed to this petition on 12th December 2018 (View Full Response)
There are no plans to amend the law in this respect.
Closed Petition closed 19th March 2019

Allow the British people to vote on cannabis legalisation - Final Signatures: 18,381

This Government stands on the shoulders of the phrase "will of the people" it should therfore agree, that the only way to settle this long term debate, is to allow a people's vote on cannabis legalisation.

Join the campaign at Let Us Vote
on twitter and facebook

The Government responsed to this petition on 9th January 2019 (View Full Response)
This Government has no plans to legalise cannabis for recreational use, or to hold a vote on the legalisation of cannabis.
Closed Petition closed 17th July 2019

Allow Tier 2 (Intra-Company) individuals and their dependants to settle. - Final Signatures: 10,359

We have lived in the UK for 5 years and are not allowed to settle equally to colleagues on Tier 2 (general). Our parents are paying the same amounts of taxes, and not receiving any government services. It is not currently possible to apply for leave to remain with this visa made after April 2010.

The Government responsed to this petition on 11th July 2019 (View Full Response)
The Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer) category facilitates the mobility of key company personnel on a temporary basis only, in line with the Migration Advisory Committee’s recommendation.
Closed Petition closed 6th November 2019

Rule out any prospect of granting an amnesty on illegal immigration - Final Signatures: 35,577

Boris Johnson is reported to be "considering an 'amnesty' for illegal immigrants who have been in Britain for more than 15 years". It is crucial to make clear the strength of public opinion so as to head off this absurd proposal. Vote now.

The Government responsed to this petition on 4th November 2019 (View Full Response)
We cannot rule out any means of implementing the Prime Minister’s proposal to look at our arrangements for undocumented individuals that have been here for a long time.
Closed Petition closed 6th November 2019

Introduce a minimum sentence for carrying a knife, equal to carrying a firearm - Final Signatures: 75,163

There should be a statutory minimum sentence for those found carrying a knife, the same as if carrying a firearm. With the reported 33% increase in knife crime since 2011 it is clear that there needs to be serious consideration for the punishment for those carrying offensive weapons.

The Government responsed to this petition on 21st April 2020 (View Full Response)
We have no plans to increase the minimum sentence for carrying a knife, equal to carrying a firearm.
Closed Petition closed 6th June 2018

Introduce automatic approval of visit visas for families of British Citizens - Final Signatures: 71,178

Family members of UK Citizens shouldn’t have to meet the same criteria as other applicants for a visit visa. Not being a citizen doesn’t make our parent, siblings, children or grandchildren any less a part of our family. The only requirement should be that a British relative sponsors them.

Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 9th July 2018

The Government responsed to this petition on 22nd January 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government has no plans to change the Immigration Rules for visitors to introduce automatic approval of visit visas for families of British Citizens.
Closed Petition closed 11th July 2018

We want a Public Inquiry into the James Bulger murder case. - Final Signatures: 213,624

Throughout the conduct of the case there have been a number of issues that have been swept under the carpet. It's high time they were investigated.

The Government responsed to this petition on 14th February 2018 (View Full Response)
The offender was convicted of further offences as a direct result of robust and effective monitoring. Therefore the Government considers that a public inquiry into this tragic case is not necessary.
Closed Petition closed 29th July 2018

Introduce super visa category for parents of British citizens similar to Canada - Final Signatures: 14,297

Parents for British citizens are treated differently if they reside in countries outside the EU and are not EU citizens and government has made the settlement of parents under ADR practically impossible so we are looking for a middle ground as it is done in Canada with SUPER VISA

Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 9th July 2018

The Government responsed to this petition on 3rd May 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government has no plans to change the Immigration Rules for visitors to introduce a super visa for parents of British citizens.
Closed Petition closed 22nd August 2018

Proscribe Antifa and other left wing anarchist groups as domestic terrorists - Final Signatures: 15,547

Groups such as Antifa have publicly boasted that they’re willing to use violence in the name of "social justice".
In 2017 confidential documents revealed that US Homeland Security officials had classified Antifa as “domestic terrorists”. The UK should and must follow suit.

The Government responsed to this petition on 26th March 2018 (View Full Response)
While we keep the list of proscribed organisations under review, we do not routinely comment on whether an organisation is or is not under consideration for proscription.