Tighten the rules on political donations
- 139,529 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 156,382 - 120 added in the past 24hrs)
We want the government to:
Remove loopholes that allow wealthy foreign individuals to make donations into UK political parties (e.g. by funnelling through UK registered companies).
Cap all donations to a reasonable amount.
Review limits on the fines that can be levied for breaking the rules
The Government responsed to this petition on 26th February 2025 (View Full Response)Immunity for soldiers who worked in Northern Ireland.
- Final Signatures: 150,324
Do not prosecute the military for its work in Northern Ireland. Our military should be excused all criminal investigations after a period of time.
Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 20th May 2019
The Government responsed to this petition on 1st April 2019 (View Full Response)Stop the passing of the Abortion Law in Northern Ireland
- Final Signatures: 16,032
The British parliament recently voted to legalise same sex marriage and abortion in Northern Ireland by a rather substantial majority. This was a vote nothing to do with the Northern Irish people and gave the people of Northern Ireland no say. Many people in NI and the UK are certainly outraged.
The Government responsed to this petition on 4th September 2019 (View Full Response)Stop MLA’s Salary until Stormont has a sitting Assembly
- Final Signatures: 22,468
Northern Irish MLA’s continue to be paid around £35k a year, despite not having a sitting assembly in over two years and refusing to attend negotiations. This is unacceptable, MLA salaries should cease until a negotiation has been reached and a sitting Northern Irish Assembly has been restored.
The Government responsed to this petition on 5th March 2019 (View Full Response)Our soldiers are not currently immune from prosecution. This is wrong. All British soldiers who served in Northern Ireland should have legal immunity from prosecution.
The Government responsed to this petition on 11th June 2018 (View Full Response)Leave the EU now
- Final Signatures: 66,971
The Government is not going to achieve a satisfactory outcome from its negotiations with the EU.
We should walk away now.
No Deal is better than a bad deal.
Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 14th January 2019
The Government responsed to this petition on 27th November 2018 (View Full Response)Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019.
- Final Signatures: 608,152
We are wasting Billions of pounds of taxpayers money trying to negotiate in a short space of time. Leaving the EU in March 2019 will allow the UK good time to negotiate more efficiently. The EU will be more eager to accept a deal on our terms having lost a major partner.
Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 14th January 2019
The Government responsed to this petition on 14th December 2018 (View Full Response)In 1986 the UK government ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). It gives rights to UK women & obligates government to advance women's lives, recognising past inequalities & remedying them. Its provisions must become part of domestic law.
The Government responsed to this petition on 20th November 2018 (View Full Response)Prevent Government Proposals relating to NI trouble related deaths
- Final Signatures: 20
We want the Government to stop these Perpetrator focused proposals on dealing with the legacy of the conflict here in NI.
We want to keep it victim focused by honouring their commitments to Stormont House Agreement. All 5 NI polictal parties, victim groups and Irish Government oppose this proposal
Do not protect British soldiers who served in NI from prosecution
- Final Signatures: 1,218
The Government must not set a precedent that certain individuals are above the law and will not be accountable for crimes against the people in the north of Ireland. Justice must be served for all victims and their families.