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Open Petition since 28th November 2024

Allow parents to take their children out of school for up to 10 days fine free. - 138,991 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 207,154 - 2,013 added in the past 24hrs)

We’re seeking reform to the punitive policy for term time leave that disproportionately impacts families that are already under immense pressure and criminalises parents that we think are making choices in the best interests of their families. No family should face criminal convictions!

The Government responsed to this petition on 23rd December 2024 (View Full Response)
We are determined to break down barriers to opportunity by supporting every child to achieve and thrive at school, working with parents and protecting children’s right to education.
Open Petition since 15th November 2024

Make GCSE exams free for home educated children under 18 - 12,729 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 14,293 - 28 added in the past 24hrs)

We believe all children, regardless of their educational setting, deserve equal opportunities to access higher education and employment. We think that charging fees for GCSE exams for home-educated children creates an unfair disparity, as their peers in state-funded schools have these costs covered.

The Government responsed to this petition on 11th March 2025 (View Full Response)
Parents who home educate are fully responsible for that education, including costs of obtaining qualifications. We are introducing a duty on local authorities to give advice to those who request it.
Open Petition since 17th December 2024

Legally require all secondary schools in England to teach financial education - 4,871 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 7,702 - 56 added in the past 24hrs)

Financial education should be made compulsory by statute for all secondary school students in England. This would be delivered by all schools to all students. Currently, it is included in the national curriculum, but not all schools (e.g. academies or free schools) have to follow it.

Open Petition since 11th February 2025

Don't introduce unique child identifier and increased home education regulation - 3,693 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 7,289 - 25 added in the past 24hrs)

We urge the government not to introduce a single unique identifier number for children and increased regulation of home education. We think its proposals would infringe on children’s privacy and parental rights, especially as elective home education is not in itself a safeguarding risk.

Open Petition since 28th January 2025

Allow families with SEN children 10 days term-time holiday without being fined - 4,997 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 6,685 - 13 added in the past 24hrs)

We believe SEN children are already excluded from society and education. Many children with disabilities or SEN can find it hard to deal with crowds, noise and the general hustle and bustle of travelling in peak times. Yet, these families are penalised for removing children from school for holidays.

Open Petition since 13th December 2024

Stop giving homework to primary and secondary school students - 3,458 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 4,185 - 12 added in the past 24hrs)

I think that the government should ban all homework for children aged 4-16. This is because children go to school for an average of 6.5 hours a day and then get home and have to do more work, this being homework.

Open Petition since 6th December 2024

Increase funding for Early years providers. - 2,534 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 4,096 - 24 added in the past 24hrs)

Increase funding for early years settings. We believe early childcare is fundamental to all children and giving them the best start. Save our nurseries and Preschools. We believe early years education is crucial to set the foundations.

Open Petition since 6th January 2025

Fund screening for neurodivergent conditions in schools & teacher training - 2,490 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 3,461 - 9 added in the past 24hrs)

Fund screening for all children for neurodivergent conditions in primary and secondary schools; and fund compulsory teacher training relating to neurodivergent conditions.

Open Petition since 31st October 2024

Support families by bringing nannies into the 15/30 hours free childcare scheme - 2,165 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 2,264 - 4 added in the past 24hrs)

We would like the government to support more families by including Ofsted nannies in the 15/30 hours free childcare scheme. Nannies are a critical pillar of the childcare sector and their inclusion could maximise the options available to working parents and drive UK productivity.

Open Petition since 5th November 2024

Adapt EYFS and KS1 Literacy Curriculums to be inclusive for Non-Verbal children - 1,993 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 2,039 - 2 added in the past 24hrs)

We want the current phonics screening test, the early years and the Key Stage 1 curriculum frameworks to be adapted to make them inclusive for children with oral communication challenges.