Department for International Development Alert Sample

Alert Sample

View the Parallel Parliament page for the Department for International Development

Information between 19th May 2024 - 6th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Tuesday 4th June 2024 2 p.m.
International Development Committee - Oral evidence
Subject: Alternative Financing Options for International Development
View calendar

Parliamentary Debates
54 speeches (5,901 words)
Monday 2nd September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for International Development
Opportunity Mission: Education Reforms
1 speech (671 words)
Monday 2nd September 2024 - Written Statements
Department for International Development
38 speeches (4,781 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for International Development
Security in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
21 speeches (8,545 words)
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Westminster Hall
Department for International Development
International Special Tribunal: Ukraine
25 speeches (9,436 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Westminster Hall
Department for International Development
Schools and Teaching
1 speech (608 words)
Friday 19th July 2024 - Written Statements
Department for International Development
Skills Reform
1 speech (482 words)
Monday 22nd July 2024 - Written Statements
Department for International Development
Education and Opportunity
125 speeches (45,348 words)
Wednesday 24th July 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for International Development
Technical Qualifications Reform
1 speech (615 words)
Thursday 25th July 2024 - Written Statements
Department for International Development
Higher Education Regulation
1 speech (409 words)
Friday 26th July 2024 - Written Statements
Department for International Development
Teacher Pay Award
1 speech (1,230 words)
Monday 29th July 2024 - Written Statements
Department for International Development
Official Development Assistance Target 2023
1 speech (187 words)
Monday 29th July 2024 - Written Statements
Department for International Development

Select Committee Documents
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
SZH0027 - The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger

The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Correspondence - Correspondence to the Foreign Secretary relating to ICAI follow-up: UK aid to India - 18 April 2024

International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Fauna & Flora
FCS0041 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - VSO
FCS0040 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Action Against Hunger UK
FCS0043 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Aberystwyth University, and Leeds Beckett University
FCS0022 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - The Law Society of England and Wales
FCS0021 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Sightsavers
FCS0023 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - STOPAIDS
FCS0033 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)
FCS0020 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - MSI Reproductive Choices
FCS0019 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Internews Europe
FCS0018 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - University of East Anglia
FCS0004 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - University of Reading, and King's College London
FCS0005 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - University of East Anglia, City, University of London, and University of East Anglia
FCS0006 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Institute of Development Studies
FCS0007 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP)
FCS0008 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Small International Development Charities Network (SIDCN)
FCS0009 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Scotland's International Development Alliance
FCS0010 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Karla Hawke
FCS0011 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
FCS0031 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - CAFOD
FCS0016 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Peace Brigades International UK
FCS0017 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - South West International Development Network
FCS0044 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - University of Birmingham
FCS0003 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Action for Global Health
FCS0030 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - SOAS University of London, and London School of Economics and Political Science
FCS0002 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Mercy Corps
FCS0013 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Christian Aid
FCS0036 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Forest Peoples Programme
FCS0038 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Results UK
FCS0037 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Global Partnership for Education
FCS0039 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Saferworld
FCS0028 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - CARE International UK
FCS0027 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - PIN UK
FCS0029 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - ActionAid UK
FCS0032 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - The Leprosy Mission Great Britain
FCS0034 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Peace Direct
FCS0035 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - CBM UK (Global Disability Inclusion)
FCS0024 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Save the Children UK
FCS0025 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Women for Women International
FCS0026 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Amnesty International UK
FCS0012 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Concern Worldwide (UK)
FCS0015 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Aga Khan Foundation
FCS0014 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Bond
FCS0047 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - Norwegian Refugee Council
FCS0046 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Written Evidence - FCS0045 - FCDO and civil societies

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Correspondence - Correspondence to British International Investment (BII) relating to ICAI follow-up: UK aid to India - 18 April 2024

International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Correspondence - Correspondence from British International Investment (BII) relating to ICAI follow-up: UK aid to India - 30 April 2024

International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Oral Evidence - International Foundation for Electoral Systems, and Amnesty International

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Oral Evidence - Dr Nick Westcott, and Edmund Fitton-Brown

FCDO and civil societies - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - University of Bristol
BBC0002 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - University of Oxford
BBC0005 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - International Broadcasting Trust
BBC0008 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - IFAD
SZH0028 - The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger

The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - Association for International Broadcasting
BBC0012 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - Erskine Analysis
BBC0007 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - University of East Anglia, University of Edinburgh, and City, University of London
BBC0010 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office
BBC0011 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - Voice of the Listener & Viewer
BBC0009 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - BBC
BBC0013 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - Al Arabiya
BBC0006 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - GrowTraffic Ltd
BBC0004 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy
BBC0003 - Future funding of the BBC World Service

Future funding of the BBC World Service - International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Attendance statistics - International Development Committee Member attendance figures for Session 2023-24

International Development Committee
Friday 24th May 2024
Correspondence - Correspondence to the Foreign Secretary relating to the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States - 24 May 2024

International Development Committee
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Foreign Secretary relating to the Humanitarian situation in Sudan - 21 May 2024

International Development Committee
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Foreign Secretary relating to ICAI follow-up: UK aid to India - 30 April 2024

International Development Committee

Department for International Development mentioned

Parliamentary Debates
King’s Speech
135 speeches (53,523 words)
Thursday 25th July 2024 - Lords Chamber
Ministry of Defence
1: Lord Bilimoria (XB - Life peer) Now that we have a new Government, surely we should admit that merging the FCO and DfID was a huge mistake - Link to Speech

Foreign Affairs and Defence
97 speeches (36,129 words)
Thursday 18th July 2024 - Commons Chamber
Ministry of Defence
1: Andrew Mitchell (Con - Sutton Coldfield) I made no secret of my dismay that the overseas aid budget was cut and that the Department for International - Link to Speech
2: David Mundell (Con - Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale) the Select Committee on International Development showed had been a chaotically managed merger of the Department - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Friday 31st May 2024
Formal Minutes - Formal minutes Session 2022-23 (May 2022 to November 2023)

Foreign Affairs Committee

Found: Minister of State for the Middle East at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Minister of State at the Department

Thursday 23rd May 2024
Written Evidence - House of Commons International Affairs & National Security Hub
SSTG0053 - Scrutiny of Strategic Thinking in Government

Scrutiny of Strategic Thinking in Government - Liaison Sub-Committee on Scrutiny of Strategic Thinking in Government

Found: June 2020 : the announcement of a merger between the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department

Written Answers
Development Aid: Genito-urinary Medicine
Asked by: Virendra Sharma (Labour - Ealing, Southall)
Friday 24th May 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Deputy Foreign Secretary, if he will publish a list of his Department's expenditure directly targeting reproductive health under input sector codes (a) 13010, (b) 13021/22, (c) 13030 and (d) 13081 in (i) 2021, (ii) 2022 and (iii) 2023.

Answered by Andrew Mitchell - Minister of State (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) (Minister for Development)

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) annually reports on Official Development Assistance (ODA) expenditure via the Statistics on International Development publications ( and are reported in line with OECD Development and Assistance Committee sector codes.

FCDO spend (in £)



a. 13010 -Population policy and administrative management



b. 13020 - Reproductive health care



c. 13030 - Family Planning



d. 13081 - Personnel development for population and reproductive health



Please note "13020" is the official OECD DAC code for both "13021" and "13022". These codes were defined and solely used by the former Department for International Development. They did not exist in the former Foreign and Commonwealth Office spend data and would not provide a complete picture for the FCDO.

Data for 2023 is not available yet.

Parliamentary Research
Oman: Introductory country profile - CBP-10076
Aug. 16 2024

Found: 22 Human Dignity Trust, Oman 23 PQ 150624 [ Oman: Human rights ], 2 March 2023 24 Department

UK-China relations: recent developments - CBP-10029
Jul. 15 2024

Found: receive any aid from around 2026 to 2028 as it transitions from a low-income country. 282 275 Department

Pakistan: 2024 general election - CBP-10028
May. 28 2024

Found: , and International Development Committee, UK aid to Pakistan , 8 October 2019, Written Evidence: Department

Department Publications - Guidance
Wednesday 28th August 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: FCDO service contracts: standard terms and conditions
Document: (webpage)

Found: moneyDemonstrate commitment to poverty reduction and FCDO priorities1

Tuesday 27th August 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: British High Commission Tanzania’s sustainable growth and investment partnerships evaluation: terms of reference
Document: Volume 2: Tanzania growth investment evaluation – terms of reference (webpage)

Found: are required to refer to ethical guidelines available at

Tuesday 27th August 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: British High Commission Tanzania’s sustainable growth and investment partnerships evaluation: terms of reference
Document: Volume 3: Application form (webpage)

Found: Enhanced Due Diligence: Safeguarding for external partners

Tuesday 13th August 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: FCDO archive records
Document: FCDO archive records (webpage)

Found: Standard files are those created by the former DFID and FCO departments and organised in line with departmental

Friday 26th July 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: Promoting export-led economic transformation under the SACUM/UK Economic Partnership Agreement
Document: Terms of reference: Promoting export-led economic transformation under the SACUM/UK Economic Partnership Agreement (webpage)

Found: ICAI review on UK Aid for Trade (2023), DFID trade development work in Southern Africa (2013), World

Wednesday 24th July 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: Evidence Fund: evaluation draw-down service
Document: Volume 2: Terms of reference (webpage)

Found: are required to refer to ethical guidelines available at

Wednesday 24th July 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: Evidence Fund: evaluation draw-down service
Document: Volume 3: Application form (webpage)

Found: Enhanced Due Diligence: Safeguarding for external partners

Monday 24th June 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: British High Commission Tanzania’s British Investment Partnership strategy evaluation
Document: Volume 3: Application form (webpage)

Found: Enhanced Due Diligence: Safeguarding for external partners

Tuesday 18th June 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: Effectiveness of climate change adaptation interventions in low- and middle-income countries: rapid umbrella review
Document: Volume 2: Terms of reference (webpage)

Found: are required to refer to ethical guidelines available at

Tuesday 18th June 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: Effectiveness of climate change adaptation interventions in low- and middle-income countries: rapid umbrella review
Document: Volume 3: Application form (webpage)

Found: Enhanced Due Diligence: Safeguarding for external partners

Thursday 13th June 2024
Ministry of Defence
Source Page: Communications and Information Systems Support to Joint Operations (JDP 6-00)
Document: (PDF)

Found: and 4 Such as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office or Department

Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Home Office
Source Page: Immigration Rules archive: 11 April 2024 to 15 May 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: UK -based staff member of the British Council on a tour of duty abroad, or a staff member o f the Department

Department Publications - Policy and Engagement
Wednesday 21st August 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: User and Preparer Advisory Group Minutes: April 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: timetables 2019 -20 (July 2020) Pre-recess: •DWP •Home Office •Cabinet Office •International Trade •FCO/DfID

Wednesday 29th May 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: Treasury Minutes progress report – May 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: 50 Failure of the FiRe Control Project 51 Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority 52 Department

Wednesday 29th May 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: Treasury Minutes progress report – May 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: 50 Failure of the FiRe Control Project 51 Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority 52 Department

Department Publications - Transparency
Tuesday 6th August 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: PWLB annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Dame Sue has previously held senior roles at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for International

Tuesday 6th August 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: PWLB annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Dame Sue has previously held senior roles at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for International

Monday 29th July 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: FCDO annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: & Development Office Annual Report & Accounts 2023–24 Performance in other areas One FCDO (FCO and DFID

Monday 29th July 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: Funds in Court in England and Wales Account 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Dame Sue has previously held senior roles at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for International

Tuesday 23rd July 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account annual report and accounts, 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Dame Sue has previously held senior roles at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for International

Tuesday 23rd July 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: National Lottery Distribution Fund Investment Account 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, National Lottery Distribution Fund Investment Account 2023 -2024 9 Department

Department Publications - News and Communications
Friday 26th July 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: Change of British High Commissioner to Solomon Islands: Paul Turner
Document: Change of British High Commissioner to Solomon Islands: Paul Turner (webpage)

Found: Turner Year Role 2020 to 2024 World Bank, Uganda – secondment from FCDO 2017 to 2020 Kampala, DFID

Friday 28th June 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: Change of His Majesty’s Ambassador to Albania: Nick Abbott
Document: Change of His Majesty’s Ambassador to Albania: Nick Abbott (webpage)

Found: Mediterranean Department, Europe Directorate 2010 to 2012 Baghdad, Political Counsellor 2009 to 2010 Department

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Jul. 29 2024
UK Space Agency
Source Page: UK Space Agency Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: She previously held several finance roles at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Department for

Jul. 23 2024
UK Debt Management Office
Source Page: UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account annual report and accounts, 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Dame Sue has previously held senior roles at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for International

Jul. 23 2024
UK Debt Management Office
Source Page: National Lottery Distribution Fund Investment Account 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, National Lottery Distribution Fund Investment Account 2023 -2024 9 Department

Arms Length Bodies Publications
Aug. 28 2024
NHS England
Source Page: RightCare cystic fibrosis toolkit
Document: RightCare cystic fibrosis toolkit (webpage)

Found: data report (2022) Your life and CF 2023 Income maximisation Financial support and welfare advice Department

Department for International Development mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Wednesday 14th August 2024
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) 2023-24
Document: GERS 2023-24 Supplementary data Expenditure Database (Excel)

Found: combination of the OSCAR segment code and a description of the spend typeNOTE: CRA Segments for the Department

Scottish Parliamentary Debates
Scottish Fiscal Commission (Publications)
158 speeches (82,473 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Committee
1: None forces in Scotland and some UK departments, including the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department - Link to Speech