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Closed Petition closed 20th September 2023

Stop the planned increase in the State Pension age, leave it at 66 - Final Signatures: 4,289

We want the Government to reverse plans to increase the age at which people become eligible for the State Pension, first to 67, then to 68. We believe the State Pension age should remain 66.

Closed Petition closed 15th December 2021

Make working from home a legal right for disabled workers - Final Signatures: 367

The Government should give disabled employees the legal right to work from home for office-based job roles and/or where no genuine occupational requirement (GOR) is in place to require an employee to be on site.

Closed Petition closed 5th July 2021

Extend the contributions based employment allowance - Final Signatures: 38

To extend the contributions based esa as although telephone assessments have been put in place ,assessment centres are still insisting on face to face assessments which they cannot carry out to make a decision on cases .

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Review legislation governing the admissibility of computer evidence - Final Signatures: 132

Legislation limiting the admissibility of computer evidence was repealed in 1999, and we want the Government to review current rules on the admissibility of computer evidence, and implement any necessary reforms, such as a legally binding duty to disclose any known defects in the computer system.

Closed Petition closed 19th January 2023

Public inquiry into treatment of people with mental health issues by the DWP - Final Signatures: 545

I want the Department for Work and Pensions to be held to account for its treatment of benefit claimants with mental health issues, many of whom are vulnerable.

Closed Petition closed 17th May 2022

Make the minimum wage equal for all - Final Signatures: 81

Currently the National Living Wage is set to rise, giving over 23 yr olds a pay rise. However, all under 23s will be missing out on this opportunity purely due to their age. The Minimum Wage should be scrapped and the Living Wage should encompass everyone under 23.

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Ban councils putting council tax up higher than the 5% annual threshold - Final Signatures: 102

I want the Government to impose greater restrictions on councils putting council tax up by more the annual threshold of 5%. No increase above this should be allowed, with or without a referendum, without exception.

Closed Petition closed 10th April 2024

Automatically consider all assets and income when calculating child maintenance - Final Signatures: 102

We want the Government to require the Child Maintenance Service to automatically consider all income and assets when calculating child maintenance payments. This should include rental income, interest and dividends, and shares and stocks.

Closed Petition closed 30th September 2021

Introduce an independent regulator of the Child Maintenance Service - Final Signatures: 178

The Child Maintenance Service ensures that children are provided for financially by a non-resident parent, where a family-based arrangement cannot be reached by the parents.

Using a range of approaches, some of which result in a 20% surcharge to the NRP, the CMS is able to act without oversight.

Closed Petition closed 8th February 2024

Give British people priority need for accommodation - Final Signatures: 4,251

The Government should include British Citizens in the list for priority need for accommodation within the Housing Act 1996.