1st reading
Wednesday 11th September 2024

(2 days, 1 hour ago)

Lords Chamber
Consumer Products (Control of Biocides) Bill [HL] 2024-26 View all Consumer Products (Control of Biocides) Bill [HL] 2024-26 Debates Read Hansard Text
First Reading
A Bill to restrict the use of biocides (substances with antimicrobial properties) in consumer products; add biocides to the list of substances which cosmetic products, personal care products, and treated articles must not contain except subject to restrictions; require the Secretary of State to monitor the impact of biocides in these products on antibiotic resistance; grant the Secretary of State, and require the use of, powers to reduce the use of biocides which cause antibiotic resistance; prohibit marketing that makes misleading claims about products containing biocides compared to soap and water or alcohol based sanitisers; and for connected purposes.
The Bill was introduced by Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb (on behalf of Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle), read a first time and ordered to be printed.