The Lord Privy Seal (Baroness Smith of Basildon) (Lab)
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My Lords, I beg to acquaint the House that a Commission has been issued under His Majesty’s Great Seal to several Lords therein named authorising the said Lords to declare in the name and on behalf of His Majesty His Majesty’s approbation of the choice of the Commons of Sir Lindsay Hoyle to be their Speaker.
Then, the Lords Commissioners (the Lord Privy Seal (Baroness Smith of Basildon), the Lord Speaker (Lord McFall of Alcluith), Lord True, Lord Newby and Lord Laming) being robed and seated in front of the Throne, the Lord Privy Seal directed Black Rod as follows:
Let the Commons know that the Lords Commissioners desire their immediate attendance in this House.
Then, the Commons being at the Bar, Mr Speaker-Elect (Sir Lindsay Hoyle), addressing the Royal Commissioners, said:
My Lords, I have to acquaint your Lordships that His Majesty’s faithful Commons, in obedience to the Royal Command, have, in the exercise of their undoubted rights and privileges, proceeded to the election of a Speaker, and that their choice has fallen on me. I therefore present myself at your Lordships’ Bar and submit myself with all humility for His Majesty’s gracious Approbation.
Baroness Smith of Basildon (Lab)
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Sir Lindsay Hoyle, we are commanded to assure you that His Majesty is so fully sensible of your zeal in the public service, and of your ample sufficiency to execute the arduous duties which his faithful Commons have selected you to discharge, that His Majesty does most readily approve and confirm you as their Speaker.
The Speaker of the House of Commons said:
My Lords, I submit myself with all humility and gratitude to His Majesty’s gracious Commands. It is now my duty, in the name of and on behalf of the Commons of the United Kingdom, to lay claim, by humble petition to His Majesty, to all their ancient and undoubted rights and privileges, especially to freedom of speech in debate, to freedom from arrest, and to free access to His Majesty whenever occasion shall arise, and that the most favourable construction shall be put upon all their proceedings. With regard to myself, I pray that, if in the discharge of my duties I shall inadvertently fall into any error, it may be imputed to myself alone, and not to His Majesty’s most faithful Commons.
Baroness Smith of Basildon (Lab)
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Mr Speaker, we have it further in Command to inform you that His Majesty does most readily confirm all the rights and privileges which have ever been granted to or conferred upon the Commons by His Majesty or any of his Royal predecessors. With respect to yourself, Sir, though His Majesty is sensible that you stand in no need of such assurance, His Majesty will ever place the most favourable construction upon your words and your actions.
Mr Speaker and the Commons then retired.