That an Humble Address be presented to His Majesty to convey to His Majesty the deep sympathy felt by this House in the grief His Majesty has sustained by the death of our late beloved Queen, His Majesty’s Mother, of blessed and glorious memory;
To extend to all the Royal Family the deep sympathy of this House in their grief, which is shared by all its Members;
To assure His Majesty that the example of selfless public service which our late Sovereign displayed over Her reign of 70 years, Her untiring endeavours for the welfare of Her peoples and Her fortitude in adversity will ever be held in reverent, affectionate, and grateful remembrance; and
To express to His Majesty our loyalty to His Majesty’s Royal Person, and our firm conviction that, under the blessing of Divine Providence, His Majesty will, throughout His Reign, further the happiness and protect the liberties of all His peoples in all His Realms.
My Lords, we have all now had an opportunity to offer our tributes to Her late Majesty, so we come to the formal business of agreeing an Humble Address expressing the House’s collective sympathy and loyalty to His Majesty. I beg to move.