(7 years, 2 months ago)
Written StatementsOn 1 January 2018 China imposed a ban on the import of certain types of waste including mixed paper and post-consumer plastics (plastics thrown away by consumers). In addition, some other types of waste, including all other paper and plastics exports, will have to meet a reduced acceptable contamination level of 0.5% from March 2018.
China’s decision has a global impact, including in the UK. 3.7 million tonnes of plastic waste are created in the UK in a single year. Of that total, the UK exports 0.8 million tonnes to countries around the world, of which 0.4 million tonnes is sent to China (including Hong Kong). In comparison, other countries including Germany (0.6 million tonnes), Japan and the US (both 1.5 million tonnes) export more plastic to China for reprocessing than the UK. The UK also exports 3.7 million tonnes of paper waste to China (including Hong Kong), out of 9.1 million tonnes of paper waste in total. In comparison, the US exports 12.8 million tonnes of paper waste to China.
Since China announced its intentions on 18 July 2017, Ministers have worked with industry, the Environment Agency, WRAP, the devolved Administrations and representatives from local government to understand the potential impact of the ban and the action that needs to be taken. We have engaged internationally to understand the scale and scope of China’s waste restrictions. The UK Government raised the issue with the EU in September. Alongside four other members, the EU subsequently questioned the proposals at the WTO in October.
Domestically, the Government and the Environment Agency took steps last year to ensure that operators were clear on their duties to handle waste in the light of China’s proposals. The Environment Agency issued fresh guidance to exporters, stating that any waste which does not meet China’s new criteria will be stopped, in the same way as banned waste going to any other country. There is evidence that some operators have already been finding alternative export markets in response to the Chinese restrictions. Data for the third quarter of last year showed increases in exports of plastics to Turkey, Taiwan, Vietnam and Malaysia and increases in exports of paper to Turkey, Taiwan and Vietnam.
Operators must continue to manage waste on their sites in accordance with the permit conditions issued by the Environment Agency. Where export markets or domestic reprocessing are not available, the process chosen to manage waste must be the one that minimises the environmental impact of treatment as fully as possible and follows the waste hierarchy. This requires operators to ensure that where waste cannot be prevented or reused it is recycled where practicable, before considering energy recovery through incineration or the last resort of disposal to landfill.
I recognise that China’s decision will cause some issues in the short term for recycling in the UK. We will continue to work closely with industry, the Environment Agency, local authorities and all interested parties to manage those issues. The Government remain committed to maximising the value we get from our resources, and is already assessing how we handle our waste in the UK in the longer term.
Tackling waste has been a top priority for the Government. In July, I announced in my speech at the World Wildlife Fund our intention to publish a new Resources and Waste Strategy later this year. The Clean Growth Strategy, published on 12 October 2017, set out our ambition for zero avoidable waste by 2050 and announced we are exploring changes to the producer responsibility scheme. In December I chaired an industry roundtable on plastics and outlined my four point plan for tackling plastic waste: cutting the total amount of plastic in circulation; reducing the number of different plastics in use; improving the rate of recycling; supporting comprehensive and frequent rubbish and recycling collections, and making it easier for individuals to know what goes into the recycling bin and what goes into general rubbish.
This builds on action the Government have already taken to reduce waste. Our 5p charge on plastic bags has taken 9 billion bags out of circulation, reducing usage by 83%. On Tuesday 9 January, our world-leading ban on the manufacture of personal care products containing plastic microbeads comes into force. In October 2017 we announced a call for evidence on managing single use drinks containers and our working group will report to Ministers early this year. We are working with HMT on a call for evidence in 2018 seeking views on how the tax system or charges could reduce the amount of single use plastics waste. And under the Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme the Government will have committed £3 billion by 2042, supporting investment in a range of facilities to keep waste out of landfill and increase recycling levels.
China’s decision underlines the need for progress in all these areas. In particular, we must reduce the amount of waste we produce overall and in particular the amount we export to be dealt with elsewhere. We will set out further steps in the coming weeks and months to achieve these goals, including in our forthcoming 25 Year Environment Plan.
(7 years, 2 months ago)
Written StatementsMy hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health (Lord O’Shaughnessy) has made the following statement:
The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (Health) Council met on 8 December 2017 in Brussels. The UK was represented at the Health Council by Lord O’Shaughnessy, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health.
There were three main agenda items; the draft Council conclusions on health in digital society; the draft Council conclusions on the cross border aspects in alcohol policy; and pharmaceutical policy in the EU. There were a number of ‘any other business’ items.
The Council conclusions on both digital health and tackling the harmful use of alcohol were formally agreed and adopted at the Ministerial Health Council. On digital health the Commission welcomed the rapid implementation of the EU’s e-health infrastructure and clear public support for the sharing of health data. On cross border aspects of alcohol policy, the Commission highlighted their commitment to supporting member states’ efforts in tackling the harmful use of alcohol, acknowledging most powers are held at national level but emphasising commitment to deal with issues in a proportionate manner at EU level. The presidency and Commission acknowledged the recent ruling on Scotland’s minimum unit pricing policy and the UK Government stated they would closely watch implementation in Scotland and keep the policy in England under review. The UK welcomed the presidency’s work on alcohol policy, which needed to respect differences between circumstances in member states.
Under the ‘pharmaceutical policy in the EU’ agenda item, the Commission provided an update on current work including an evaluation of pharmaceutical incentives and proposals planned for 2018 on Health Technology Assessment (HTA). A number of member states outlined problems resulting in medicines shortages and the high prices of pharmaceuticals. The Netherlands and Belgium both outlined the benefits of the current BeNeLuxA initiative where member states could opt to work together on pharmaceutical pricing or on joint horizon scanning work.
As part of the AOBs, the UK thanked the Estonians for hosting the event in Brussels on AMR attended by Dame Sally Davies, UK Chief Medical Officer. Belgium spoke about medicinal products including Valproate and risks for pregnant women and whether pictograms should be used. There were also brief discussions on the state of health in the EU, the annual growth survey 2018, and the steering group on health promotion, disease prevention and management of non-communicable diseases.
Finally, Bulgaria outlined their priorities for their upcoming presidency in the area of health including healthy eating particularly for children and tackling challenges in pharmaceutical policy such as medicine shortages.
(7 years, 2 months ago)
Written StatementsMy right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has today laid before the House a copy of the 2016-17 annual report of the Surveillance Camera Commissioner, as required by section 35 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. The report is available from the Vote Office and will also be published on the Commissioner’s website.
The Surveillance Camera Commissioner is an independent role appointed under section 34 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 to encourage compliance with the surveillance camera code of practice, review the operation of the code, and provide advice about the code (including changes to it or breaches of it).
The current Commissioner is Tony Porter, whose term of appointment is set until 10 March 2020.