Implementation of the 1995 and 2011 Pension Acts

Monday 10th October 2016

(8 years, 5 months ago)

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The petition of residents of Derby North,
Declares that as a result of the way in which the 1995 Pension Act and the 2011 Pension Act were implemented, women born in the 1950s (on or after 6 April 1951) have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age; further that hundreds of thousands of women have had significant changes imposed on them with little or no personal notice; further that implementation took place faster than promised; further that this gave no time to make alternative pension plans; and further that retirement plans have been shattered with devastating consequences.
The petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to make fair transitional arrangements for all women born in the 1950s (on or after 6 April 1951) who have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age.
And the petitioners remain, etc.]
The petition of residents of Derbyshire South,
Declares that as a result of the way in which the 1995 Pension Act and the 2011 Pension Act were implemented, women born in the 1950s (on or after 6 April 1951) have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age; further that hundreds of thousands of women have had significant changes imposed on them with little or no personal notice; further that implementation took place faster than promised; further that this gave no time to make alternative pension plans; and further that retirement plans have been shattered with devastating consequences.
The petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to make fair transitional arrangements for all women born in the 1950s (on or after 6 April 1951) who have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age.
And the petitioners remain, etc.]

Closure of Lancashire's Libraries and Museums

Monday 10th October 2016

(8 years, 5 months ago)

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The petition of residents of Hyndburn,
Declares that local libraries in the borough of Hyndburn should not be closed.
The petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to take action to prevent the closure of libraries in the borough of Hyndburn.
And the petitioners remain, etc.—[Presented by Graham Jones , Official Report, 20 July 2016; Vol. 613, c. 929.]
Observations by The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Karen Bradley):
The Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 (the Act) makes it a statutory requirement that every local authority provides a comprehensive and efficient library service. Local authorities must determine how best to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service for local people, within available resources.
The Act requires the Secretary of State to superintend, and promote the improvement of, the public library service provided by local authorities in England, and to secure the proper discharge by local authorities of the functions in relation to libraries as conferred on them as library authorities.
Public libraries are a valuable resource for all members of the public. There is a strong library service in England, with 3,076 public libraries and £713.9 million invested by Councils in 2014/15. In the same year there were 224.6 million visits to libraries and 190.9 million book loans in England.
Further, public libraries have the ability to support the transformation of individuals, communities and society as a whole. The range of outcomes they help to achieve is substantial and varied. However, in response to the challenges they face public libraries are modernising and innovating to stay relevant and meet the changing demands of their communities.
Our support of public libraries is why the Government and the Local Government Association established the Libraries Taskforce in 2015. The Taskforce has already published Toolkits and case studies to assist local authorities and consulted on a draft vision for public libraries, “Libraries Deliver: an Ambition for Libraries in England 2016— 2021”. It is expected that this will be finalised and published soon, and will provide a range of practical and innovative options local authorities can deploy to maintain and transform library services. The Government wants local authorities to work with us and their local communities to consider the options available and ensure library services are sustainable for the long term.
Lancashire County Council has been considering library service changes for some time. In January this year the Council undertook a four-week consultation, about proposals and to gather information on how the library service was being used. The proposals included reducing the statutory service from 74 static libraries to 34 libraries. Following consideration of the feedback, the Council issued a second consultation which closed on 14 August. This included proposals to deliver 44 libraries in its statutory public library service, comprising of 37 staffed and resourced libraries, together with seven unstaffed satellite libraries where people could use self-service counters.
The proposed service was to include six mobile library vehicles, a home library service, and the virtual library service.
Lancashire County Council also noted interest from some communities in taking responsibility for buildings and / or taking over the running of a service which the Council no longer proposed to maintain. It invited expressions of interest as part of the consultation.
The Council has considered the feedback to this consultation and revised proposals that included provision of 39 fully staffed and five satellite libraries were put to and agreed by the Council Cabinet on 8 September. The Council intended to close three libraries in Hyndburn - Clayton-le-Moors, Oswaltwistle Library and Rishton Library. Clayton-le- Moors and Oswaltwistle due to close on 30 September, with Rishton to close between 1 October and 30 November 2016.
Council officers are currently considering the viability of business cases submitted by volunteers to take on the running of each of these libraries and are due to report to the Council Cabinet at its meeting on 6 October. Should the business cases be deemed viable we understand Independent Community Libraries may be established at these locations.
The Department has recently received representations raising concerns that Lancashire County Council may, as a consequence of the changes to its public library service, fail to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service. The representations are being treated as a formal complaint under section 10 (1) (a) of the Act and the Minister for Civil Society has therefore written to Lancashire County Council to inform them. The Department will seek relevant information regarding the proposed changes to the library services, to enable my careful consideration as to whether a local inquiry is necessary to resolve any real doubt about the Council’s compliance with its statutory duty under the Act.

Restoration of the Wellington Monument in Taunton Deane

Monday 10th October 2016

(8 years, 5 months ago)

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The petition of residents of Taunton Deane,
Declares that the current condition of the iconic Wellington Monument, established to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo, is in a desperate state of repair and is consequently unsafe; further that the 200th anniversary of its building will be celebrated in 2017; further that the closing off of this national cultural landmark is restricting community engagement and the recreational enjoyment of local residents; and further that its current condition is an unfitting memorial to one of our greatest war heroes, The Duke of Wellington.
The petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to provide funding to restore the Wellington Monument to a safe and stable condition so it may be re-opened to members of the public.
And the petitioners remain, etc.—[Presented by Rebecca Pow, Official Report, 20 July 2016; Vol. 613, c. 928.]
Observations by The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Karen Bradley):
The National Trust is responsible for the Wellington Monument having acquired it in the early 1930’s. They are committed to the future of the monument and the repair option they plan to undertake will safeguard it for future generations.
The Monument was built in several stages and to varying degrees of quality, so the need for, and cost of, a longer-term solution for the monument has long been a challenge for the National Trust. In order to understand the causes of the deterioration and develop a repair plan the National Trust have already invested significant professional time and over £150,000 in surveys, this has included costing and evaluating several repair options.
Their estimate for the total cost of a repair project, which will include engaging the local community and wider public, is £4 million. To fund this, the Trust is planning to submit a first round application to the Heritage Lottery Fund this year. They are also in discussions with the War Memorials Trust and are hoping to apply for funding at the end of December.
Both the Government and the National Trust recognise that local people are keen to see the monument repaired. In addition to this petition, the National Trust have started an online survey to find out more about what people would like to do at the monument and how they might be involved. Of the 100 people who have completed it so far, more than 95% say they strongly agree with the monument being repaired, despite the steep cost.
Currently, 40,000 people visit the Monument each year. The National Trust want to use the project to ensure many more people can benefit. They want to work with the local community so they can take more ownership and provide opportunities for training and volunteering in addition to programmes of activity and events.

Welsh Assembly Oath or Affirmation

Monday 10th October 2016

(8 years, 5 months ago)

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The petition of Gruffydd Meredith,
Declares that there should be an option for new Welsh Assembly members to swear an oath or make an affirmation to the people of Wales instead of to a monarchy and/or crown; further that there should still be an option for new Welsh Assembly members to swear an oath or to make an affirmation to a monarchy if they so wished; further that this would provide a fairer choice for new elected representative which would be a better reflection of the broad scope of view in society; further that there is no requirement for members of the Northern Ireland Assembly to take any oath or affirmation but instead requires that members take a Pledge of Office; further that this proposed similar choice for Wales is important for Welsh political plurality and fairness; and further that an online petition on a similar matter has been signed by over 1,000 individuals.
The petitioner therefore requests that the House of Commons makes the necessary amendments to any present or draft legislation which governs the taking of oaths and the making of the affirmation to ensure that new Welsh Assembly members have the option to swear an oath or make an affirmation to the people of Wales rather than to a monarchy and/or crown.
And the petitioner remains, etc.—[Presented by Kevin Brennan, Official Report, 20 July 2016; Vol. 613, c. 927.]
Observations from The Secretary of State for Wales (Alun Cairns):
The Oath of Allegiance sworn by Members of the National Assembly for Wales is a promise to be loyal to the British monarch, and their heirs and successors. Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly have the option to take a Pledge of Office instead of an oath to the monarch. This is as a result of the specific historic and political circumstances in Northern Ireland. There are no plans to change the requirement for members of the National Assembly for Wales.