(9 years, 9 months ago)
Written StatementsA meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council will be held in Brussels on 10 March 2015. Ministers are due to discuss the following items:
Investment plan for Europe
The objective of the Council will be to reach a general approach on the proposal on the European fund for strategic investments (EFSI).
Current legislative proposals
The presidency will inform delegations about the state of play of legislative proposals in the field of financial services.
Implementation of the banking union
The Commission will inform delegations about the state of play on the bank recovery and resolution directive (BRRD) implementation and the ratification of the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) on the single resolution fund (SRF).
European semester: country reports
The Commission will present the “country reports” published on 26 February.
Implementation of the stability and growth pact
The Commission has issued assessments of the performance of France, Italy, Belgium and Finland under the stability and growth pact (SGP), and Council will discuss the Commission’s recommendation for next steps it may take for these countries.