All 3 Petitions debates in the Commons on 3rd Sep 2013


Tuesday 3rd September 2013

(11 years ago)

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Tuesday 3 September 2013

Children Placed in Foster Care

Tuesday 3rd September 2013

(11 years ago)

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The Petition of members of the Association of Mckenzie Friends,
Declares that the Petitioners express their grief for the thousands of British and foreign families whose children were taken against their will; children who were placed in foster “care”, with private foster “parents”, in foster homes or were adopted without parental consent, especially in the case of foreign nationals, parents who are falsely imprisoned and adoptions which take place in court hearings in their absence, without full knowledge and certainly without due process.
Further declares that these serious violations of human rights also violate the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and have created incalculable damages emotionally, legally, financially and economically; further that some 2,500 hand written signatures requesting the Return of Our Stolen Children were submitted to No. 10 on 26 July 2013, after a week-long protest opposite Downing Street from 19 to 26 July 2013 stating;
Dear Mr Cameron,
Take the Lead and Return our Stolen Children
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons work with the Government to: Order the return of children to their rightful biological parents in cases where children were taken because of “emotional harm”, where this has not been proven adequately; all children taken because of the “risk of future emotional harm”; all children who were taken at or shortly after birth and thus denied their right to breast feeding (the precedent judgment by the current President of the Family Courts is persistently ignored (; all foreign national children; all children whose wishes and feelings have not been heard despite their own heartbreaking letters or words, if they are too young.
Order the abolition of forced adoptions without parental consent; our petition asking the EU Parliament for Abolition of Adoptions without Parental Consent was lodged with the Petitions Committee on 31 May 2013 and it was published with different emphasis on three different platforms.
Order to lift the Secrecy of Family Courts; our online petition has now reached over 1,500 signatures ( and it was submitted to the President of the Family Courts on 20 Jan 2013, together with comments.
Order a review of gagging orders in the spirit of openness, transparency, fairness and common sense.
The Petitioners also request that the House of Commons hold a debate regarding compensation for the victims of punishments without crime to include children stolen by the State and consider the role of McKenzie Friends in Courts and Prisons.
And the Petitioners remain, etc.—[Presented by John Hemming .]

Isham by-pass (Northamptonshire)

Tuesday 3rd September 2013

(11 years ago)

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The Humble Petition of residents of Isham, Northamptonshire and the surrounding areas,
That there is an urgent need to construct the A509 Isham by-pass, not only to relieve the current unacceptable number of traffic movements through the village, but also mindful of the extra proposed traffic movements which will occur due to:
The 5,500 houses that are being built at Cranford; the 3,500 houses that are being built at the station in Wellingborough; the proposed 3,000 house development off Niort Way in Wellingborough; the proposed industrial site development at Appleby Farm in Wellingborough with an estimated daily vehicle movement of 2,000, the majority of which will be lorries; the widening of the A14 road at the A509 Junction one mile from Isham.
Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House urges the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Northamptonshire County Council and the Borough Council of Wellingborough work together to ensure that the Isham A509 bypass is constructed imminently.
And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c.—[Presented by Mr Peter Bone, Official Report, 16 July 2013; Vol. 566, c. 1060.]
Observations from the Secretary of State for Transport:
Responsibility for funding and delivering schemes such as this is held locally.
From 2015 Local Transport Bodies will support Local Enterprise Partnerships in deciding priorities for local major transport schemes within the available Government funding. These schemes will need to demonstrate a strong business case and value for money. A local transport body for Northamptonshire has now been set up. Further details, including papers of their meetings which are open to the public, can be found at the following website:
All funding for schemes prior to 2015 has already been allocated.
The first step in progressing this scheme would therefore be to discuss this scheme with Northamptonshire local transport body, and with the Northamptonshire County Council, as they will be responsible for securing the necessary funding for local transport schemes from local public and private sources and deciding which schemes will be supported.