The Petition of residents of the UK,
Declares that the Petitioners strongly object to the proposed planning application for the erection of five wind turbines of a maximum height of 115 metres and the associated infrastructure which will include a crane hard standing, a substation and control building, transformers, underground cabling, access tracks and a meteorological mast; further that they object to the proposed location for the turbines of Wingate Grange Farm situated to the west of Wingate, south-east of Wheatley Hill, north of Deaf Hill and on the southern side of the A181.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to take the necessary steps to prevent the erection of the wind turbines.
And the Petitioners remain, etc.—[Presented by Phil Wilson, Official Report, 21 March 2013; Vol. 560, c. 1170.]
Observations from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government:
The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government is aware that a planning application has been submitted to Durham County Council in respect of the above development.
Durham County Council is responsible for the day to day planning control in their area and the Secretary of State cannot comment on the merits or otherwise of any planning application. Local planning authorities have the statutory responsibility for considering proposals for development. Authorities have to determine planning applications in the light of the local development plan for the area and any other material planning considerations. They must also take into account any representations received and give reasons for their decision.
The Government are clear that localism and decentralisation are at the heart of their planning agenda and the general approach of the Secretary of State is not to interfere with the jurisdiction of authorities on planning matters.
The planning application is still being considered by Durham County Council. It will be for them to consider the proposal taking account of representations. Should the Council be minded to approve the application then the Secretary of State, at that time, will consider if call-in is appropriate in this case. In the meantime officials are in touch with council officers to keep track of progress on the application.
More broadly, the Government have issued a call for evidence on the role of communities in helping decide applications for wind farms. We are currently reviewing the implications for local planning.