Tuesday 21st February 2012

(13 years ago)

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The Humble Petition of Swindon residents and visitors,
Sheweth that there is support for the street traders of Swindon town centre; that street traders add to the vibrancy of Swindon town centre; and that the future of street trading must be placed on a secure footing.
Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House urges the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to request that Swindon Borough Council review its policy on street trading in Swindon town centre
And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c.—[Presented by Mr Robert Buckland, Official Report, 10 October 2011; Vol. 533, c. 153.]
Observations from the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills:
The Government note the support for the street traders of Swindon town centre, and the concerns that the future of street trading must be placed on a secure footing.
A decision by a Council to designate a street as a street where street trading is prohibited is a local matter for the Council. Concerns about such a decision should be resolved locally.
As the Department with policy responsibility for the national street trading legislation (Schedule 4 to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (LG(MP)A), BIS will be consulting in due course on draft regulations to amend the legislation to ensure compliance with the European Services Directive.
We are also giving consideration to extending Schedule 4 of the LG(MP)A to the supply of services in the street for gain or reward.