The following key targets have been agreed with the chief executives of the Defence Support Group (DSG) for the financial year 2010-11. They are designed to drive continued improvements in the agency’s performance and are as follows:
Defence Support Group (DSG)
KT1: Quality
Deliver an improved quality performance by achieving fewer than three attributable major customer concerns within DSG’s air business and implementing a new system to record “major” customer concerns for the land business and set a baseline against which future years’ targets can be set.
KT2: Financial Performance
To achieve at least a 3.5% return on capital employed.
KT3: Efficiency
To develop a phased DSG capacity and capability optimisation plan.
KT4: Delivery
To meet delivery targets as agreed with the customer:
(a) Air Business—to achieve 95% of customer programmes;
(b) Land Business—to meet customer agreed targets for delivery schedules on critical programme lines (94% September 2010, 94% December 2010 and 97% March 2011) and land load tasks (92% of urgent specified tasks, 85% of routine tasks).
Met Office
The Ministry of Defence plans shortly to release information on Met Office financial year 2010-11.