Regeneration and Levelling Up APPG

First Registered: 05/04/2023 • Last updated on: 30/05/2024

To inform and stimulate debate on relevant areas of policy affecting regeneration and levelling up and to introduce parliamentarians to experts and practitioners in the field.

Note: All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords who share a common interest in a particular policy area, region or country. APPGs have no official status within Parliament.
View Official Register Entry

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APPG Supplied Content

APPGs can register with Parallel Parliament and submit files and articles to be placed here.

Parallel Parliament offers the facility for APPGs to submit written content and files, which are made available through this page.

Submitters can draft and edit publications, and either release them on demand, or schedule release for a future date.

Both text content and attached files submitted through this facility is indexed by our website, and made available through both the search function and relevant e-mail alerts. Any of our users registered for an alert which matches your content, will receive a link making them aware of its publication.

If you wish to register as an authorised representative of the Regeneration and Levelling Up APPG and use this facility, click below

4 Current APPG Officers
Richard Bacon Portrait
Richard Bacon
Chair & Registered Contact
Conservative - Former Member for South Norfolk
Joined: 13th December 2023
Andrew Western Portrait
Andrew Western
Labour - Stretford and Urmston
Joined: 5th April 2023
Ben Everitt Portrait
Ben Everitt
Conservative - Former Member for Milton Keynes North
Joined: 5th April 2023
Simon Fell Portrait
Simon Fell
Conservative - Former Member for Barrow and Furness
Joined: 5th April 2023
Contact Details

Registered Contact:

Mr Richard Bacon MP,

Email: No email supplied

Public Enquiry Point:

Hanad Darwish, College Green Group, 15 Great College Street, London SW1P 3RX. Tel: 07869 857 918



College Green Group acts as the group's secretariat.

Group's Website:

22 Feb 2023
College Green Group
College Green Group is paid by the following to act as the group's secretariat: Comm Comm UK, 8Build, Devonshires LLP, PPR Estates, Areli Developments, Browne Jacobson LLP and Parabola   From : 22/02/2023 To : 21/02/2024
22 Feb 2023
College Green Group
College Green Group is paid by the following to act as the group's secretariat:Comm Comm UK, PPR Estates, Areli Developments, Browne Jacobson LLP, Parabola, CKC Properties Limited, Mills & Reeve LLP, Aviva, Rockwell Properties, Zaha Hadid Architects   From : 22/02/2023 To : 21/02/2024

No direct financial benefits are on record for the Regeneration and Levelling Up APPG

Former APPG Officers
Gagan Mohindra Portrait
Gagan Mohindra
Chair & Registered Contact
Conservative - South West Hertfordshire
Joined: 5th April 2023
Departed: 1st November 2023
No other APPG Memberships