Gagan Mohindra Portrait

Gagan Mohindra

Conservative - South West Hertfordshire

14,408 (23.5%) majority - 2019 General Election

First elected: 12th December 2019

Assistant Whip

(since September 2023)

Automated Vehicles Bill [HL]
13th Mar 2024 - 19th Mar 2024
Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill
10th Jan 2024 - 30th Jan 2024
Speaker's Advisory Committee on Works of Art
21st Sep 2020 - 6th Dec 2023
Renters (Reform) Bill
8th Nov 2023 - 28th Nov 2023
Protection from Sex-based Harassment in Public Bill
8th Feb 2023 - 22nd Feb 2023
Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill
14th Dec 2022 - 11th Jan 2023
National Security Bill
29th Jun 2022 - 11th Oct 2022
Public Order Bill
30th May 2022 - 21st Jun 2022
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Bill
2nd Feb 2022 - 9th Feb 2022
Glue Traps (Offences) Bill
12th Jan 2022 - 19th Jan 2022
Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Bill [Lords]
4th Feb 2021 - 9th Feb 2021
Public Accounts Committee
2nd Mar 2020 - 9th Nov 2020

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Gagan Mohindra has voted in 969 divisions, and 3 times against the majority of their Party.

2 Sep 2020 - Recall of MPs (Change of Party Affiliation) - View Vote Context
Gagan Mohindra voted No - against a party majority and against the House
One of 41 Conservative No votes vs 47 Conservative Aye votes
Tally: Ayes - 55 Noes - 52
23 Jun 2020 - Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme - View Vote Context
Gagan Mohindra voted Aye - against a party majority and in line with the House
One of 45 Conservative Aye votes vs 235 Conservative No votes
Tally: Ayes - 243 Noes - 238
18 Oct 2022 - Public Order Bill - View Vote Context
Gagan Mohindra voted No - against a party majority and against the House
One of 103 Conservative No votes vs 113 Conservative Aye votes
Tally: Ayes - 297 Noes - 110
View All Gagan Mohindra Division Votes

Debates during the 2019 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Dominic Raab (Conservative)
(14 debate interactions)
Rishi Sunak (Conservative)
Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service, and Minister for the Union
(10 debate interactions)
Elizabeth Truss (Conservative)
(9 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Department of Health and Social Care
(23 debate contributions)
Cabinet Office
(21 debate contributions)
Home Office
(17 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
View all Gagan Mohindra's debates

Latest EDMs signed by Gagan Mohindra

Gagan Mohindra has not signed any Early Day Motions

Commons initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Gagan Mohindra, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.

Gagan Mohindra has not been granted any Urgent Questions

1 Adjournment Debate led by Gagan Mohindra

Tuesday 18th May 2021

Gagan Mohindra has not introduced any legislation before Parliament

Latest 9 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
1 Other Department Questions
19th Jan 2022
To ask the President of COP26, what assessment he has made of the role of businesses in implementing the Glasgow Climate Pact.

The private sector has an absolutely vital role to play in implementing the Glasgow Climate Pact, building on the success it helped achieve at COP26 itself.

In particular, through taking immediate action to deliver on their commitments and supporting initiatives that were launched in Glasgow.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan
Minister of State (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
4th Jan 2022
To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, what steps her Department is taking to support the rollout of superfast fibre broadband in South West Hertfordshire constituency.

Over 98% of premises in South West Hertfordshire can access superfast speeds (>=30Mbps). This compares with a UK average of 97%, and includes coverage provided by the Connected Counties superfast broadband project as part of the government’s Superfast Broadband Programme, which provided superfast access to over 50,000 premises in Hertfordshire.

The Government is now investing £5 billion through Project Gigabit to support gigabit broadband coverage at the same time as commercial rollout so that rural communities are not left behind. The regional supplier procurement for Hertfordshire, along with Buckinghamshire and the East of Berkshire, is scheduled to commence between May and July 2022, with a contract commencement date of April - June 2023.

67 premises in Hertfordshire have also gained gigabit coverage through the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GBVS), which helps communities and businesses in rural areas not in line for commercial rollout or other government-funded projects to get more immediate help with the costs of installing gigabit broadband. A further 147 premises are awaiting connection, giving a combined total value of £440,445.

Julia Lopez
Minister of State (Department for Science, Innovation and Technology)
9th Jul 2020
What steps his Department is taking to expand the availability of gigabit-capable broadband throughout the UK.

We are investing £5 billion to ensure gigabit-capable broadband is delivered for residents in those hardest to reach parts of the country.

Alongside this £5 billion, we are also removing barriers to make it quicker, easier and cheaper to deploy new gigabit-capable broadband networks across the country.

For example, we have introduced legislation to make it easier for operators to deploy broadband in blocks of flats and will be legislating to mandate gigabit connectivity in new homes.

7th Jun 2022
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps the Government is taking to tackle noise pollution from vehicles.

The police and local authorities have powers to enforce against vehicles that have been modified, or are driven in a way, to create excessive noise. However, barriers exist to effective enforcement. Following encouraging initial research, the Department is conducting further trials of the latest “noise camera” technology to understand if it can be used to automatically detect excessively noisy vehicles.

As the research develops, the Government will keep under review the way “noise cameras” can be used to tackle noise pollution from vehicles.

23rd May 2022
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps he is taking to ensure frequent and reliable transport is available and accessible to all rail commuters.

As the pandemic is changing travel habits, operators are reassessing their services to ensure they provide rail timetables that meet new passenger travel patterns and carefully balance cost, capacity and performance. New timetables will be flexible enough to deliver the right services where they are needed most, and operators will work with their local markets wherever possible to achieve this.

Our aim is to make all journeys accessible for all passengers. The Department has, extended the Access for All programme until 2024 at a cost of almost £400 million. So far, over 200 stations have benefitted from step-free accessible routes and over 1500 from smaller scale access improvements.

In addition, the Department continues to support initiatives, such as the Passenger Assist app, and is using the rail contracting process to make the network more accessible by introducing new requirements on train and station operators, such as the introduction of an enhanced disability awareness training for all customer-facing staff, and those with management responsibilities.

A new National Rail Accessibility Strategy is currently being developed by the Great British Railways Transition Team which will set out how we and the rail industry can work towards accessibility for all passengers.

6th Dec 2022
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps his Department is taking to reduce ambulance handover times.

Reducing handover delays and improving ambulance response times for patients is one of my top priorities. We are increasing hospital capacity by 7,000 beds and providing £500 million to increase patient discharges. NHS England is providing targeted support to hospitals facing the greatest delays to help get ambulances back on the road quickly.

Steve Barclay
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
15th Nov 2021
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps he is taking to help ensure that (a) multiple chemical sensitivity is a NHS recognised condition and (b) people affected by multiple chemical sensitivity are able to receive sufficient (i) support and (ii) treatment from the NHS.

Multiple chemical sensitivity is currently not a recognised condition. Anyone presenting to primary or secondary care services with symptoms associated with multiple chemical sensitivity such as nausea, headache, and dizziness will receive appropriate support, treatment and advice according to clinical need.

9th Mar 2021
What fiscal steps he is taking to help provide new employment opportunities to people affected by the covid-19 outbreak.

We have protected jobs by extending the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Self-Employment Income Support Schemes out to September 2021.For those people who unfortunately lose their jobs, we are helping them to find new jobs by doubling work coaches, and with additional tailored support such as our flagship Kickstart and Restart programmes.

To further support employment and retraining, at Budget we announced an additional £126 million for traineeships in England to enable more than 40,000 places over the next academic year, and we are increasing payments (to £3,000) for employers who hire new apprentices.

John Glen
Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office
15th Mar 2022
To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what estimate he has made of the size of the backlog of cases in crown courts.

There will always be outstanding cases in the Crown Court as these figures include cases that are being prepared to be heard in the courts.

The outstanding caseload in the Crown Court reduced from around 61,000 cases in June 2021 to around 58,993 cases at the end of January 2022.

The Government is committed to supporting the recovery of the courts. We have extended 30 Nightingale courtrooms beyond the end of March 2022 and removed the limit on the number of days the Crown Court can sit in the 2021/22 financial year. To secure enough capacity to sit at the required levels in 2022/23 and beyond we are expanding our plans for judicial recruitment.

To provide additional capacity in the Crown Courts we are extending magistrates’ court sentencing powers from 6 to 12 months’ imprisonment for a single Triable Either Way offence to allow more cases to be heard in the magistrates’ court and help to drive down the backlog of cases over the coming years.

These measures are already working, and as a result we expect to get through 20% more Crown Court cases this financial year than we did pre-Covid. Following an increase in funding as part of the Ministry of Justice’s Spending Review settlement, we aim to reduce the number of outstanding cases in the Crown Court to 53,000 by March 2025.

James Cartlidge
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)