Lord Whitby

Conservative - Life peer

Became Member: 10th September 2013

Lord Whitby is not a member of any APPGs
5 Former APPG memberships
Commonwealth, Commonwealth Games, Commonweatlth Games, Levelling up Birmingham, Rwanda
Lord Whitby has no previous appointments

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Lord Whitby has voted in 304 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Lord Whitby Division Votes

Debates during the 2019 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

View all Lord Whitby's debates

Lords initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Lord Whitby, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

Lord Whitby has not introduced any legislation before Parliament

Lord Whitby has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 1 Written Question

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
5th Feb 2020
To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the Prime Minister's trade envoy programme in respect of its role in promoting the UK's trade and investment opportunities.

The Prime Minister’s Trade Envoys support ministers in showcasing the UK’s world class expertise in priority business sectors and promote the UK as the destination of choice for inward investment.

Trade Envoys undertake the role on a voluntary basis and act as powerful advocates of UK businesses including a wide range of activity, such as: addressing market seminars and business to business groups; hosting receptions for inward missions; leading UK businesses to market; and facilitating introductions with key decision makers.

Trade Envoys add value to the efforts of HMG in their respective markets, through the soft power influence they bring in developing relationships with key influencers and feedback from businesses has been very positive. Trade Envoys are one part of the Department for International Trade’s support for British businesses seeking to export and win contracts overseas and we do not separate out the impact of Trade Envoys from our broader measures as part of the Export Strategy.

Earl of Courtown
Captain of the Queen's Bodyguard of the Yeomen of the Guard (HM Household) (Deputy Chief Whip, House of Lords)