Children (Parental Imprisonment) Bill 2023-24

require the Secretary of State to establish national policy guidelines in respect of children with a parent in prison, including for the identification of the children of prisoners at the point of sentence and for accountability for providing support to the children of prisoners; and for connected purposes.

Private Members' Bill (under the Ten Minute Rule)

What is this Bill?

The Children (Parental Imprisonment) Bill is a Ten Minute Rule Bill tabled by Kerry McCarthy.

Is this Bill currently before Parliament?

Yes. This Bill was introduced on 21 May 2024 and is currently before Parliament.

Whose idea is this Bill?

As a Private Members' Bill, this Bill represents the individual initiative of an MP (Kerry McCarthy), not the Government.

What type of Bill is this?

A Ten Minute Rule Bill is a process of tabling a bill, where an MP has 10 minutes to advocate for their legislation to the Commons and the Minister responsible.

So is this going to become a law?

Ten Minute Rule Bills do not receive any legislative priority and will only become an Act of Parliament if there is unanimous consent of MPs.

However, the legislative proposal may be adopted by the Government, particularly if the proposed legislation can be implemented without a Bill.

Would you like to know more?

See these Glossary articles for more information: Ten Minute Rule Bill, Private Members Bill, Process of a Bill

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Next Event: There is no future stage currently scheduled for this bill

Last Event: Tuesday 21st May 2024 - 1st reading (Commons)

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