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Open Petition since 14th May 2024

Stop the proposed centralisation of specialist neonatal units in NHS Scotland - 5 Signatures

These plans would affect services across Scotland, including specialist neonatal units in University Hospital Wishaw which is award winning, Ninewells in Dundee and Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy.

The centralisation of neonatal services to three units in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen could place additional stress on expectant parents and premature babies. Clinical whistleblowers have said that the decision to downgrade these facilities could endanger the lives of vulnerable babies and place remarkable strain on families.

There is a particular focus on retaining services at University Hospital Wishaw (Neonatal unit of the year 2023). Downgrading this unit would mean that NHS Lanarkshire, Scotland’s third largest health board, that serves a population of 655,000 people, may lose a high-functioning service for babies/families which would have a potentially disastrous knock on effect on services in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lothian and NHS Grampian.

Closed Petition closed 17th April 2024

Treat vapes and e-cigarettes like cigarettes and tobacco - Final Signatures: 56

In 2010, legislation was passed to prohibit the display of tobacco and smoking related products, and to protect children from eye-catching, colourful displays. This ban came into full effect in April 2015.

In 2020, the sale of menthol cigarettes was banned in the UK to prevent young people from smoking as it was shown that the menthol flavour masked the harshness of the smoke.

The 2018 Tobacco Action Plan aims to create a tobacco free generation by 2034, but what about the highly addictive nicotine?

The Scottish Government ran a consultation in 2022 seeking views on tightening the rules on advertising and promoting vaping products.

If vapes and e-cigarettes are to be sold as a cessation tool, then make them tobacco flavoured as opposed to every colour and flavour of a sweet shop. These devices are displayed on brightly lit billboards at shop entrances, all over shop floors, and often with promotional prices encouraging multiple unit sales.

Closed Petition closed 17th April 2024

Offer covid-19 vaccine boosters to teachers and school staff - Final Signatures: 265

I'm starting this petition as a retired teacher who worked for the Scottish NHS as a Contact Tracing Practitioner until January this year. This experience gave me insight into how many people - teachers, children and other family members - were catching Covid at or from school. It's a no-brainer to focus on reducing transmission in schools. This measure will also reduce costs to schools for supply staff covering for sick colleagues, as well as protecting teachers from the consequences of both Acute and long-covid. Too many of my former colleagues have struggled to overcome Long Covid; many have had to leave teaching.

Children and staff deserve protection. Vaccination is one added layer of protection, using "Dr Reason's Swiss Cheese Model".

Our strategy for living with covid-19 must change so fewer people end up disabled or dying from it.

Open Petition since 6th December 2023

Take action to protect people from airborne infections in health and social care settings - 620 Signatures

Infections like Covid, flu, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection, measles and TB spread by inhaling tiny airborne aerosols hanging in the air like smoke. Key ways to prevent it are to improve air quality and wear well-fitting respiratory masks. Reinfection increases risk of long-term serious damage potentially for anyone, to brain, heart, immune system, etc. Care workers top the long Covid league. Repeated illness and job loss put avoidable pressure on services. The rate of hospital acquired Covid infection has been shown to be higher than in the community (ARHAI ceased collecting that data in March, prior to the removal of masking guidance in May). Clinically vulnerable people often must use care but some are cancelling essential health appointments. Transmission is often asymptomatic. Covid isn’t seasonal. Routine testing is thus essential. There are many tools to protect health and the NHS. Only one is being used: vaccination – which is unavailable to many, including some clinically vulnerable people.

Open Petition since 14th November 2023

Improve data on young people affected by conditions causing Sudden Cardiac Death - 2,076 Signatures

On 19 March 2022, my son, David Hill, died while playing for the Parliament’s rugby team in Dublin. Almost a year after his death we found that he had died from an undiagnosed genetic condition which stopped his heart.

There is no screening programme for young people with these conditions and current estimates are that there are at least 12 preventable deaths each week in the UK.

Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) support and fund research as well as providing screening, which is mostly funded by bereaved families. Through this, CRY believes the incidence of young people identified with a potentially fatal cardiac condition (if untreated) to be 1:300, with another 1:100 to be found with a condition that could cause serious issues later in life if not monitored. The National Screening Committee (NSC) believe the incidence to be approx. 1 or 2:100,000. This discrepancy makes it difficult to establish the benefit of funding a national strategy. With accurate data from Scotland, the NSC could revisit their decision.

Screening costs £65 per person, and initially consists of an ECG, with follow-up by cardiologists.

Closed Petition closed 20th March 2024

Increase funding for local authorities to enable better management and protection of conservation areas - Final Signatures: 46

Historic conservation areas throughout Scotland are falling into disrepair.

We understand the challenges faced by both national and local government in managing limited funding, however, current funding for conservation areas is insufficient. We kindly request that the Scottish Government address the specific concerns raised regarding the funding for conservation areas.

Residents at one conservation area - the Park Conservation Area in Glasgow - recently asked why works were not carried out in accordance with their area’s appraisal document. Glasgow City Council advised they do not have the funds for this work. As a result, the area’s history is being slowly eroded.

Preserving historic areas throughout Scotland is not merely an act of conservation, but testament to our collective identity and cultural diversity. Safeguarding these spaces helps honour the voices of our ancestors, celebrate the triumphs and lessons of history, and inspire future generations with a profound sense of belonging and continuity.

Open Petition since 15th November 2023

Review and cap public sector senior management salaries - 36 Signatures

Most lower-paid public sector workers have to regularly review their role and rate of pay.

Is it acceptable that there are so many people in public sector senior management roles earning more than the Scottish Government Cabinet Secretaries and the First Minister? Examples are CEOs of Councils, NHS trusts, public bodies such as SEPA or Scottish Water, and education establishments.

Open Petition since 26th October 2023

Ensure pedestrian crossings cannot be disabled without an equivalent safety measure in place - 58 Signatures

The pedestrian crossing outside of my son’s primary school on Bonnington Road (B900) in Edinburgh was disabled in favour of making traffic flow easier. This decision disregarded the safety of the primary and nursery age children that require to cross this busy road. It took two weeks of reporting to many different people before this was finally fixed.

When a pedestrian crossing is disabled or otherwise bypassed, an alternative safety measure, such as a temporary light with pedestrian button or stationed personnel with traffic controlling powers, should be put in place.

Open Petition since 2nd November 2023

Introduce a National Screening Programme for Prostate Cancer - 532 Signatures

One in eight men will get prostate cancer. Scottish men are historically reluctant to go to the doctors. Prostate cancer symptoms may not be known about and regarded as just being part of getting older, or drinking too much tea or coffee. Meanwhile, a very serious illness can go undetected until it is too late. It is all very well to say that there can be risks associated with tests for prostate cancer, and it can be a process that causes alarm or anxiety, but should this not be a decision for the patient to make after having been given the options following an initial diagnosis?

Open Petition since 2nd November 2023

Require solicitors to ensure capacity of vulnerable individuals by having a medical professional co-sign legal documents - 305 Signatures

Our dad was terminally ill in the high dependency unit of Perth Royal Infirmary, when during his final days his solicitor along with his business partner presented him with legal documents to sign. These documents affected the value of our dad’s estate, consuming his final moments and the little time we had with him.

We took the matter to the Law Society of Scotland, and the solicitor was found guilty of 5 counts of misconduct and received a £5000 fine. During the tribunal, part of the defence was that the solicitor didn't have to ensure dad's capacity in the same way as he would have to in England, where they have a "golden rule" to ensure any frail or extremely sick person has to get a medical professional to co-sign legal documents to guarantee capacity and confirm there has been no coercion.