Offences against Children: Plea Bargaining

(asked on 26th February 2019) - View Source

Question to the Attorney General:

To ask the Attorney General, what proportion of prosecutions for child sexual abuse involved a defendant who accepted charges prior to trial due to a plea bargain initiated by the CPS in 2017.

Answered by
Robert Buckland Portrait
Robert Buckland
This question was answered on 5th March 2019

Prosecutors do not offer “plea bargains” to defendants and therefore no statistics are recorded. The general principles to be followed by prosecutors in considering accepting pleas offered by the defence to alternative or fewer offences are set out in the Code for Crown Prosecutors 2018 and the Attorney General’s Guidelines on the Acceptance of Pleas 2012. Prosecutors should only accept the defendant’s plea if they think the court is able to pass a sentence that matches the seriousness of the offending.

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