Hold a Referendum on the Assisted Dying Bill

Social change on this scale should not be decided by Parliament alone. The bill was only produced through a lottery and will change the fabric of our society. The silence in the chamber after the vote spoke volumes. For a new Government not to take a stance on this issue is inadequate.

This petition was rejected on 16th Jan 2025 as it duplicates an existing petition

The Petition Committee commented:
You may wish to sign this petition which calls for the same action: We are petitioning for a National Referendum on Assisted Dying https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/701838

Reticulating Splines

You may be interested in these active petitions

1. We are petitioning for a National Referendum on Assisted Dying - 9,359 signatures
2. Hold a referendum on re-joining the European Union - 2,304 signatures
3. Hold a referendum on achieving net zero goals. - 6,301 signatures
4. Hold a referendum to decide if the UK should leave the ECHR. - 15,597 signatures
5. Referendum on changing the Electoral System To Proportional Representation (PR) - 40,815 signatures

This petition is not about what I think, However I choose life every time.