Don’t consider bonus or overtime payments when calculating universal credit

Change the law so that people who claim universal credits & work, don't get penalised if they receive a bonus in work or if they work a small amount of overtime for a special occasion coming up i.e. a child's birthday, xmas.

75 Signatures

Tuesday 24th December 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Tuesday 24th June 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 234

Reticulating Splines

We believe this affects hundreds of thousands of families in the UK especially single parents who are doing their best to work and juggle parenting. If someone got a £300 bonus in work in most cases their UC would be reduced by 65% of the net payment. We think a change is needed to allow for these bonuses to not effect their usual monthly payments.

Petition Signatures over time

Constituency Data

Reticulating Splines