Upgrade our democracy with a fairer and more representative voting system

Replace the First-Past-the-Post voting system for Westminster. Repair the crisis of trust in Politics with a proportional system so all votes count equally. The 2024 UK general election was the least representative in our history. 1 in 5 voted tactically, and 74% of votes were ‘wasted’.

This petition was rejected on 8th Nov 2024 as it duplicates an existing petition

The Petition Committee commented:
You may wish to sign this petition, which calls for a similar action: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700109

Reticulating Splines

You may be interested in these active petitions

1. Create a public consultation on freedom of speech and disinformation - 18,001 signatures
2. Referendum on changing the Electoral System To Proportional Representation (PR) - 6,378 signatures
3. Stop Means Testing Pensioners and increase the State Pension - 2,254 signatures
4. Exempt all social care providers from the employer NIC increase - 27,744 signatures
5. Introduce 16 as the minimum age for children to have social media - 112,423 signatures

Elections shouldn’t be a postcode lottery. Votes should count the same wherever you live.

We demand the government replaces the antiquated First Past the Post system with a version of Proportional Representation. This is the most common form of democracy in the world and yet Britain lags behind.

Tactical voting undermines true representation and shouldn't be necessary. Every voter should be able to vote ‘for’ good politicians and the policies they believe in, not just against bad parties.