Reclassify general aviation airfields as greenfield not brownfield sites

Airfields around the country are categorised as brownfield sites making them attractive for development of housing estates.

11,360 Signatures

Wednesday 24th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Thursday 24th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 18,213

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However, airfields are often mostly grass land. Reclassifying them as green belt could help protect our green countryside, protect local employment and protect general aviation.

General Aviation airfields are home to wild flowers, plants and grasses as well as many small animals and birds such as Skylarks which are on the red list. Many future commercial pilots start their training at these airfields

We can protect GA airfields from being so vulnerable to closure by designating them as greenfield sites. This could help to achieve the government’s strategy to achieve JetZero and NetZero- as well as help to cement the UK as a world leader in general aviation.

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