Reinstate Martial Arts as one of the approved activities for GCSE PE

Martial Arts is a popular sport for children. Yet dedicated, passionate, talented students can no longer use them for GCSE. I think Martial Arts are wholly inclusive, appeal to all genders, all ethnic backgrounds and children with SEN. They can help promote fitness, self-discipline and respect.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 10,356 signatures

Reticulating Splines

World Champion Martial Arts students who have trained for years have to choose alternative sports for GCSE PE or not to do it at all. We think this is a tragedy! If other specialist sports such as Equestrian and figure skating can be used, we believe it is wholly unjust to exclude Martial Arts. I believe Martial Arts CAN meet all 5 of Ofqual's requirements to make it on to the approved list. We would welcome the opportunity to open a dialogue with the Department for Education on this and an appropriate syllabus.

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Reticulating Splines