Fund music at state schools to the amount spent by private schools

We believe that the enrichment an experience of music-making offers is disproportionately valuable in terms of stimulating the imagination and creativity of students in other areas. Studies have found that schools with good quality music often have higher academic outcomes in other fields.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 2,359 signatures

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Many private schools advertise the value of music for the 7% of children who attend them. We believe the other 93% deserve the same benefits. We believe the Government pays lip service to the value of music (£6.7bn to the UK economy in 2023, with exports of £4bn) but fails to back words with actions. We believe the music teaching skills needed for the next generation are in danger of being lost, and that this would be a catastrophe for Britain's standing in the world, as well as for the welfare and wellbeing of its citizens.

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