Cap the cost of non-alcoholic beer, wine and spirits

Taking into account the fact that alcoholic drinks are subject to significant duty, whereas non-alcoholic drinks are duty free, The Government should introduce a cap to ensure that alcohol free beers, wines and spirits are not more expensive than alcoholic ones.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 74 signatures

Reticulating Splines

When the public are being encouraged to take more responsibility for the health of the nation and a reduction in alcohol intake is part of this, why do we allow the same price or more for alcohol free beers, wines and spirits.

I find it hard to believe that this hasn't been taken up in Parliament. I don't think that the Government or MPs fully understand the issue. If we are to encourage individuals to consume less alcohol, why are we allowing companies to charge such high prices for alcohol free product?

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Reticulating Splines