Abolish the certificate of inspection (COI) for organic imports into the UK

In January 2022 a certificate of inspection (COI) will be required for organic imports into the UK. A hard copy paper trace must go from importer to exporter, to port of entry, back to exporter, and back to the port with the goods on entry to UK. This ludicrous system will paralyse organic imports.

This petition closed on 28 Nov 2021 with 68 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Prior to Brexit, organic products flowed into the UK based on regulated organic certification of exporters from the EU and elsewhere. The introduction of the new COI system paper trail will not add anything to the checks which are already in place. At the very least, a DIGITAL SYSTEM should be introduced at the outset, and one which is far simpler and less time consuming than the current proposed system. Most organic products are FOODS WITH A SHELF LIFE and the COI is going to jeopardise flow.

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Reticulating Splines