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Closed Petition closed 11th March 2023

Raise prices for House of Commons catering services to enable full cost recovery - Final Signatures: 557

In 2019/20, revenue from House of Commons catering services was £9.68M. The cost of providing those catering services was £14.25M - not including depreciation and imputed rent. The difference of £4.57M (32% of costs) was effectively covered by the taxpayer.

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Ensure all petitions that have 100k signatures or more are debated in Parliament - Final Signatures: 65

It states on this website that "At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament" yet any petition that has garnered 100,000 signatures or more should DEFINITELY be debated in Parliament.

Closed Petition closed 8th August 2022

Make lying in Parliament a criminal offence - Final Signatures: 173

It's ridiculous that lying under oath in court is a crime, which can lead to a custodial sentence, but MPs and members of the House of Lords can lie in Parliament and not face any consequences.

Closed Petition closed 13th January 2022

Scrap Prime Minister's Questions, since the PM doesn't take it seriously. - Final Signatures: 128

Over the years PMQs has degenerated into a farcical event where the PM hardly answers questions seriously anymore. Instead we are weekly being treated to a cheap pantomime performance where petty point scoring, bad jokes and deflection has become the norm. Please end our suffering - scrap PMQs.

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Ban all MPs from having second jobs - Final Signatures: 63

We propose that the Government enact a prohibition on members of Parliament engaging in any secondary employment, encompassing directorships, consulting or advisory roles, and similar positions.

Closed Petition closed 4th September 2022

End the use of Prayer Cards to reserve seats in the House of Commons. - Final Signatures: 37

Prayer Cards are obtained by MPs at the Christian Prayers that begin each sitting in both houses of Parliament since the reign of Charles II in the 17th Century. In our diverse society with citizens of many faiths and none, this is undemocratic and outdated.

Closed Petition closed 1st May 2024

Introduce regular drug testing for MPs and ban alcohol in Parliament - Final Signatures: 3,802

1. Drug Testing for all MPs: Implement regular drug testing to maintain integrity.

2. Complete Alcohol Ban on the premises: Ensure clear-headed decision-making. This should include closure of all bars.

Closed Petition closed 16th August 2023

Ban MPs from having other jobs and require declaration of all bank accounts - Final Signatures: 52

To make it illegal for MPs having any other job apart from the one elected to do, including after dinner speaking, and to create a requirement for MPs to declare all bank accounts, including any offshore accounts.

Closed Petition closed 27th April 2023

Introduce a requirement for MPs to attend Parliament when the House is sitting - Final Signatures: 513

Despite lengthy parliamentary recesses, individual MPs can go on holiday even when the House is sitting.

Closed Petition closed 8th March 2024

Require approval through a referendum before any legislation can be passed - Final Signatures: 346

The people should have to pre-approve all new laws before they are passed, with a minimum 70% turn out and minimum 60% approval.