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Closed Petition closed 19th April 2018

Begin a process of removal of illegal immigrants in the UK. - Final Signatures: 18,794

All UK citizens are required to abide by UK law. We demand that law is applied to all. It has been reported that there could be 1 million illegal immigrants in the UK.

The Government responsed to this petition on 24th January 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government is committed to reducing the size of the illegal migrant population and the harm it causes.
Closed Petition closed 9th May 2018

Ban Isis fighters from returning to the UK - Final Signatures: 14,840

Anybody who has left this country to join ISIS should not be allowed to return.

The Government responsed to this petition on 27th November 2018 (View Full Response)
British citizenship can be removed if it does not render the individual stateless. Any risk posed by those who return from Syria will be managed and they may be investigated for criminal offences.
Closed Petition closed 30th April 2018

Create a Freedom of Speech Act and Bring an End to "Hate Speech" laws - Final Signatures: 34,969

For several years now the government has been infringing peoples' most basic rights to speak freely on matters, by deeming their speech "offensive" or "hateful" and declaring that such speech, even online, warrants being fined or jailed. This is an outrage.

The Government responsed to this petition on 24th January 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government is committed to upholding free speech, and legislation is already in place to protect these fundamental rights. However, this freedom cannot be an excuse to cause harm or spread hatred.
Closed Petition closed 22nd May 2018

Repeal the Vagrancy Act 1824 - Final Signatures: 20,549

The Vagrancy Act 1824 makes it an offence to sleep rough or beg.

It is a barbaric, archaic law that criminalises the very existence of those homeless forced to take to the streets or beg for survival.

Scotland & Ireland removed this outdated law decades ago - England & Wales must join them.

The Government responsed to this petition on 1st February 2018 (View Full Response)
This legislation remains in force and in use. The Government currently has no plans to make changes to the law.
Closed Petition closed 17th June 2019

Metal detectors / bag searches obligatory safety measure for big public venues - Final Signatures: 23,228

My son Martyn Hett was one of the 22 people murdered in May 2017 at the Manchester Arena whilst attending a concert.
I wrongly assumed that since this tragedy event organisers have significantly increased security checks.
I was at a concert last week and nobody checked tickets or bags.

The Government responsed to this petition on 13th February 2019 (View Full Response)
The Government provides expert advice to venues on appropriate and proportionate security measures. Whilst we keep this matter under review there are no plans to mandate specific security measures.
Closed Petition closed 28th July 2019

Send English Channel migrants back to where they first arrived in the EU - Final Signatures: 28,176

As the United Kingdom approaches the date set for leaving the European Union, we must show the world that we are capable of defending our sovereign borders. Under EU & international law an asylum seeker should claim asylum in the first safe country they enter.

The Government responsed to this petition on 27th February 2019 (View Full Response)
The UK returns asylum seekers to EU Member States in line with the Dublin III regulation. The Government is working to secure a returns agreement that replaces that regulation once we leave the EU.
Closed Petition closed 3rd September 2022

Revoke and deny travel visas to people with links to the Russian Government - Final Signatures: 375

We are urgently asking the Government to immediately revoke and deny travel visas (including fast tracking visas) to all people with links to the Russian government.

Closed Petition closed 10th August 2022

Grant amnesty for all asylum seekers waiting for more than 3 years - Final Signatures: 23

The Government should grant an amnesty to asylum seekers who have been in UK for more than three years, but limit their access to benefits other than for medical treatment.

Closed Petition closed 1st September 2022

Commit to providing refuge for at least 100,000 Ukrainian women & children. - Final Signatures: 66

The Government should publicly announce they will welcome 100,000 Ukrainian woman & children fleeing the war zone. Government bodies should work together to provide support and set up a scheme where UK citizens can offer to welcome a Ukrainian family.

Closed Petition closed 16th July 2023

Take action to tackle modern slavery in artisanal cobalt mining - Final Signatures: 32

Investigate, exert pressure and legislate to tackle modern slavery in artisanal cobalt mining. This could involve new regulation of the cobalt supply chain to tackle unethically sourced cobalt, and/or the regulation and certification of products that use cobalt similar to the diamond industry.