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Closed Petition closed 17th June 2021

Introduce specific Cyber Security requirements for businesses that hold our data - Final Signatures: 23

Create new legislation, relating to GDPR but specific to Cyber Security, for all UK businesses that hold Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about customers, requiring them to carry out regular security audits of their information systems to ensure GDPR compliance.

Closed Petition closed 10th January 2023

Ban all advertising for Gambling on TV and Social Media - Final Signatures: 67

Gambling can destroy lives and break down families. It can be so addictive that it ruins people mentally and financially.

Closed Petition closed 12th February 2021

Prevent gyms closing due to a spike in Covid 19 cases - Final Signatures: 621,440

In the event of a spike we would like you not to close gyms as a measure to stop any spread of Covid. Also for gyms to not be put in the same group as pubs in terms of risk or importance. Gyms are following strict guidelines and most members are following rules in a sober manner.

Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 23rd November 2020

The Government responsed to this petition on 28th October 2020 (View Full Response)
Sports and physical activity facilities are crucial for adults and children to stay active. The Government’s phased approach is based on scientific and medical advice to protect public health.
Closed Petition closed 15th December 2020

Offer more support to the arts (particularly Theatres and Music) amidst COVID-19 - Final Signatures: 179,699

As we pass the COVID-19 Peak, the Government should: State where the Theatres and Arts fit in the Coronavrius recovery Roadmap, Create a tailor made financial support mechanism for the Arts sector & Clarify how Social Distancing will affect arts spaces like Theatres and Concert Venues.

Debate: This petition was debated in Commons Chamber on 25th June 2020

The Government responsed to this petition on 20th July 2020 (View Full Response)
HMG announced a £1.57 billion package for cultural organisations. From 11/7 outdoor performances are allowed. From 1/8, indoor performances to live audiences can restart, subject to success of pilots.
Closed Petition closed 22nd October 2020

Allow gyms and leisure centres to reopen - Final Signatures: 136,163

The goal is to get the government to rethink their decision to close gyms and leisure centres and to come to an agreement to reopen them. As myself and many people rely on gym as part of therapy or a source of happiness I think it would be beneficial for all to reopen them.

Scheduled Debate: This petition is scheduled to be debated on 15th July 2020

The Government responsed to this petition on 13th May 2020 (View Full Response)
The Government recognises the importance of physical activity to the nation’s wellbeing and is working with the leisure sector to reopen facilities as soon as possible in a safe and controlled way.
Closed Petition closed 19th May 2021

Trial allowing fans back into stadiums once lockdown ends - Final Signatures: 134

The Government should allow trials to take place to show how some fans can attend football matches at all levels of the game within the UK. Football needs the chance of letting fans back into stadiums. Fans must be allowed to return to stadiums in a Covid-secure environment.

Closed Petition closed 2nd June 2021

Support freelance sports instructors/coaches in England with freelance funding - Final Signatures: 132

Wales has recently launched a sport freelance fund and the UK Government should make a similar scheme available in England.

Closed Petition closed 4th September 2020

Revoke the TV licence using legislation - Final Signatures: 110,841

We wish the government to end the TV Licence as soon as possible

Scheduled Debate: This petition is scheduled to be debated on 1st March 2021

The Government responsed to this petition on 14th May 2020 (View Full Response)
The Royal Charter maintains the licence fee funding model until 2027. The government will look at the licence fee funding model in advance of the next Charter.
Closed Petition closed 22nd October 2021

Require all broadcast television be audio described - Final Signatures: 364

I am severally Visually impaired. I now have to use audio description when I watch TV. The content is very limited on what I can watch as broadcasters are not required to provide audio description. The Government should consider requiring all broadcast television be audio described.

Closed Petition closed 30th December 2022

Stronger sentences for online abuse, and fund mental health support - Final Signatures: 37

The Government should increase sentences for online abuse, including gaslighting and catfishing. They should also fund more mental health support for victims, and for those who work with vulnerable people including the police, social workers, charity workers, and emergency services.