Shared Ownership Housing Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Shared Ownership Housing

Information between 28th November 2023 - 13th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Thursday 28th March 2024
Report - Fifth Report - Shared Ownership

Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: It is currently unclear what proportion of shared ownership housing stock is being lost to the open

Tuesday 30th January 2024
Correspondence - Letter from the Minister for Housing and Communities to the Chair regarding the Committee’s inquiry into Shared ownership, dated 24 January 2024

Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: from the buyer’s mortgage broker and/or financial adviser. 5 A window into marketing shared

Monday 4th December 2023
Oral Evidence - 2023-12-04 16:00:00+00:00

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: I have done four or five studies on shared ownership housing and have interviewed providers and stakeholders

Monday 4th December 2023
Oral Evidence - 2023-12-04 16:00:00+00:00

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: I have done four or five studies on shared ownership housing and have interviewed providers and

Wednesday 29th November 2023
Written Evidence - VIVID
MMC0021 - Modern methods of construction – what’s gone wrong?

Modern methods of construction – what’s gone wrong? - Built Environment Committee

Found: As a social housing provider that delivers shared ownership housing, lender confidence is crucial

Tuesday 28th November 2023
Written Evidence - UK Finance
SHO0138 - Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: the Department to determine the datasets that would be most helpful to our members in meeting shared

Tuesday 28th November 2023
Written Evidence - McCarthy Stone
SHO0120 - Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: and Care for Older People’s report in 2023, “Making Retirement Living Affordable: The Role of Shared

Tuesday 28th November 2023
Written Evidence - Home Office
SHO0119 - Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: This question needs to be considered separately for each sub-sector within Shared Ownership housing

Tuesday 28th November 2023
Written Evidence - n/a
SHO0082 - Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: APPG report on Housing and Care for Older People Making retirement living affordable: the role of shared

Tuesday 28th November 2023
Written Evidence - Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing
SHO0074 - Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: residents shared that they wanted to receive better education around their housing options, including Shared

Tuesday 28th November 2023
Written Evidence - Mozilla
SHO0002 - Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee

Found: Written evidence submitted by Ms Claire Woodcock [SHO 002] I am writing to share my experiences with shared

Department Publications - Policy paper
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Source Page: Shared ownership: government response to the Select Committee report
Document: (PDF)

Found: Affordable and Social Housing Objectives Conclusion 5: It is currently unclear what proportion of shared

Thursday 23rd May 2024
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Source Page: Shared ownership: government response to the Select Committee report
Document: (PDF)

Found: Affordable and Social Housing Objectives Conclusion 5: It is currently unclear what proportion of shared

Department Publications - News and Communications
Friday 22nd March 2024
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Source Page: Recovered appeals: land south of Chiswell Green Lane and land north of Chiswell Green Lane, St. Albans (refs: 3313110 and 3312277 - 22 March 2024)
Document: Recovered appeals: land south of Chiswell Green Lane and land north of Chiswell Green Lane, St. Albans (refs: 3313110 and 3312277 - 22 March 2024) (PDF)

Found: and Discounted Market Sales Housing must be discounted by at least 30% and 20%, respectively, but Shared

Non-Departmental Publications - Statistics
Jun. 27 2024
Homes England
Source Page: Housing Statistics 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Intermediate Housing for sale consists of shared ownership housing provided through a Registered Housing

Dec. 14 2023
Homes England
Source Page: Housing Statistics 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023
Document: Housing statistics December 2023 - technical notes (PDF)

Found: Intermediate Housing for sale consists of shared ownership housing provided through a Registered Housing

Non-Departmental Publications - Policy paper
May. 23 2024
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Source Page: Shared ownership: government response to the Select Committee report
Document: (PDF)
Policy paper

Found: Affordable and Social Housing Objectives Conclusion 5: It is currently unclear what proportion of shared

May. 23 2024
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Source Page: Shared ownership: government response to the Select Committee report
Document: (PDF)
Policy paper

Found: Affordable and Social Housing Objectives Conclusion 5: It is currently unclear what proportion of shared

Shared Ownership Housing mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Parliamentary Research (SPICe)
The Planning (Scotland) Bill: Understanding planning jargon
Friday 20th April 2018
The terminology used in planning legislation, policy, guidance and advice can be confusing for people unfamiliar with the planning system. This briefing provides a quick guide to commonly used planning terms and abbreviations.
View source webpage

Found: housing may be provided in the form of social rented accommodation, mid-market rented accommodation, shared