Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency

Information between 21st June 2023 - 13th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 13th March 2024
Oral Evidence - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, and Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

Heating our homes - Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

Found: Currently Ofgem, on the schemes that it administers for fuel poverty and energy efficiency, works

Wednesday 13th March 2024
Oral Evidence - Ofgem, Ofgem, and Ofgem

Heating our homes - Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

Found: Currently Ofgem, on the schemes that it administers for fuel poverty and energy efficiency, works

Thursday 8th February 2024
Written Evidence - Chartered Institute of Housing
ENB0009 - Energy bills for domestic customers

Energy bills for domestic customers - Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

Found: Establishment demonstrated that tackling cold homes would save the NHS £540mn per year.21 Evaluations of fuel

Wednesday 18th October 2023
Written Evidence - SSE plc
HEA0090 - Heating our homes

Heating our homes - Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

Found: third sector, by 2028, we will support 50,000 households (equivalent to 114,000 customers) with fuel

Wednesday 18th October 2023
Written Evidence - Care & Repair Cymru
HEA0024 - Heating our homes

Heating our homes - Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

Found: From our experience providing a specialist fuel poverty and energy efficiency advice project, we

Wednesday 6th September 2023
Oral Evidence - Centrica (British Gas), EDF, So Energy, E.ON, and Octopus Energy

Preparing for the winter - Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

Found: I am the chief executive of National Energy Action, which is a national fuel poverty and energy efficiency

Wednesday 6th September 2023
Oral Evidence - National Energy Action, Citizens Advice, End Fuel Poverty Coalition, Fuel Bank Foundation, and South West London Law Centres (Member of End Fuel Poverty Coalition)

Preparing for the winter - Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

Found: I am the chief executive of National Energy Action, which is a national fuel poverty and energy efficiency

Parliamentary Research
Debate on the implementation of ECO4 and ECO+ - CDP-2023-0141
Jun. 21 2023

Found: ECO 4 In a recent joint briefing , the Environment All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) and the Fuel

Department Publications - Transparency
Friday 14th June 2024
Cabinet Office
Source Page: The King's Birthday Honours List 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: member of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Visteon Pensioners, the co-chair of the APPG for Fuel

Department Publications - Statistics
Wednesday 10th April 2024
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Source Page: Partnerships for People and Place: learning and evaluation report
Document: Partnerships for People and Place Programme: learning and evaluation report (PDF)

Found: , housing and regeneration, green infrastructure, career pathways and funding for 14-19 year olds, fuel

Non-Departmental Publications - Statistics
Aug. 28 2024
Committee on Fuel Poverty
Source Page: Understanding the barriers and enablers to supporting fuel poor households achieve net zero
Document: (PDF)

Found: organisations includi ng retrofit co -ordinators and installers, and several academics focused on fuel

Aug. 28 2024
Committee on Fuel Poverty
Source Page: Understanding the barriers and enablers to supporting fuel poor households achieve net zero
Document: (PDF)

Found: efficiency scheme] 3 Fuel poverty AND Decarbonisation 8 Fuel poverty AND Energy Company Obligation 3 Fuel

Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Friday 12th July 2024
Local Government and Housing Directorate
Source Page: Energy Standards Review - Scottish Passivhaus Equivalent Working Group minutes: February 2024
Document: Energy Standards Review - Scottish Passivhaus Equivalent Working Group minutes: February 2024 (webpage)

Found: Noting Mr Rowley's bill proposal focused mainly on fuel poverty and energy efficiency/thermal performance

Thursday 29th February 2024
Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice Directorate
Source Page: Scottish House Condition Survey: 2022 Key Findings
Document: Scottish House Condition Survey: 2022 Key Findings (PDF)

Found: warm in the winter and why this may be difficult is a useful context for understanding statistics on fuel

Scottish Written Answers
Asked by: Boyack, Sarah (Scottish Labour - Lothian)
Friday 8th March 2024


To ask the Scottish Government how many expressions of interest were received during 2023 for interest-free loans through Home Energy Scotland.

Answered by Harvie, Patrick - Party Spokesperson on External Affairs

The Home Energy Scotland (HES) Grant and Loan Scheme does not collate expressions of interest from potential applicants.

Homeowners who wish to apply for HES Grant and Loan, or another of Scottish Government’s fuel poverty and energy efficiency schemes, contact HES Advice Service first to receive in-depth support on low and zero emissions heating technologies, other domestic renewables, and more complex energy efficiency improvements. This is an essential service to ensure that homeowners receive the best possible guidance in choosing the correct measures and a suitable installer. The service is bespoke and each homeowner’s case is assessed individually.

In 2023 7,512 applications for HES Grant and Loan Scheme were received.