Alert results for: Green Jobs Inquiry

Information between 21st April 2022 - 19th June 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Thursday 9th September 2021
Correspondence - Letter from the Minister of State for Energy, Clean Growth and Climate Change, and the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills, relating to the publication of the Green Jobs Taskforce’s Report, dated 14 July 2021

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 23rd February 2022
Correspondence - Letter from the Minister of State for Energy, Clean Growth and Climate Change (BEIS) to the Chair, responding to the Committee’s 19 January 2022 letter on Green Jobs, dated 7 February 2022

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 20th January 2022
Inquiry Publications - Response to this report

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 26th November 2020
Correspondence - Correspondence from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy relating to the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, 19.11.2020

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Monday 14th June 2021
Oral Evidence - Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and COP26, Department for Education, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Department for Education, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Work and Pensions
Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Department for Education, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Department for Education, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Work and Pensions

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Oral Evidence - Just Transition Centre, Local Government Association’s People & Places Board, and Stanway & Pyefleet Division, Colchester, Essex County Council, and Humber Local Enterprise Partnership
Just Transition Centre, Local Government Association’s People & Places Board, and Humber Local Enterprise Partnership

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Oral Evidence - Education and Training Foundation (ETF), EAUC - The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK), Greener Jobs Alliance, and National Association for Environmental Education, and Leicester City Council
Education and Training Foundation (ETF), EAUC - The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK), Greener Jobs Alliance, and National Association for Environmental Education

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Friday 14th May 2021
Oral Evidence - Chemical Industries Association, and BP
Chemical Industries Association, and BP

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Friday 14th May 2021
Oral Evidence - Orsted, Groundwork, and SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd
Orsted, Groundwork, and SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Monday 8th February 2021
Oral Evidence - Trades Union Congress (TUC), Open University, and Institution of Engineering and Technology, and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment
Trades Union Congress (TUC), Open University, and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Monday 8th February 2021
Oral Evidence - Green Alliance, Institute for Public Policy Research, and Climate Change Committee
Green Alliance, Institute for Public Policy Research, and Climate Change Committee

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Investment Association
GRJ0040 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Chemical Industries Association
GRJ0041 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Institute for Public Policy Research
GRJ0059 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Greener Jobs Alliance
GRJ0060 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - BBIA
GRJ0047 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - UK Energy Research Centre
GRJ0042 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - National grid
GRJ0043 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 25th March 2021
Written Evidence - Association of Colleges
GRJ0067 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 13th May 2021
Written Evidence - EEESafe
GRJ0068 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Written Evidence - Centrica
GRJ0070 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 20th May 2021
Written Evidence - EDF Energy
GRJ0069 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Aldersgate Group
GRJ0050 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Platform
GRJ0051 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Transition Economics
GRJ0022 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, and Grantham Institute - Climate Change and Environment at Imperial College London
GRJ0023 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Royal Institute of British Architects
GRJ0021 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Drax Group
GRJ0024 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - IEMA - Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment
GRJ0025 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - EDF
GRJ0048 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Strawbale Building UK
GRJ0049 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Institution of Engineering and Technology
GRJ0031 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Electricity North West
GRJ0054 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - The Big Issue
GRJ0030 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - EAUC - The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education
GRJ0029 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - SUEZ recycling and recovery UK Ltd
GRJ0056 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, and Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford
GRJ0057 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Energy Systems Catapult
GRJ0055 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - OGUK
GRJ0033 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Royal Society of Chemistry
GRJ0034 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Anglia Ruskin University, and Anglia Ruskin University
GRJ0032 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - RSPB
GRJ0028 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Greenpeace UK
GRJ0027 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Mineral Wool Insulation Manufacturers Association (MIMA)
GRJ0026 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - University of Exeter
GRJ0004 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Energy Efficiency Association CIC
GRJ0006 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - National Express West Midlands
GRJ0007 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Cadent Gas
GRJ0008 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 10th March 2021
Written Evidence - Greener Jobs Alliance
GRJ0066 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Written Evidence - UK National Association for Environmental Education, UK National Association for Environmental Education, and UK National Association for Environmental Education
GRJ0065 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Centre for the Study of the Production of the Built Environment (ProBE), Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, University of Westminster, Kings College London, and Westminster Business School, University of Westminster
GRJ0053 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Environmental Services Association
GRJ0052 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - E.ON
GRJ0019 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Local Government Association
GRJ0016 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Rolls-Royce plc
GRJ0018 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Green Alliance
GRJ0064 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
GRJ0063 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Veolia
GRJ0046 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - BSW Timber Group
GRJ0036 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Solar Trade Association
GRJ0035 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Green New Deal UK
GRJ0058 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Imperial College London
GRJ0045 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Public and Commercial Services (PCS) trade union
GRJ0044 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - UK Women's Budget Group
GRJ0003 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Written Evidence - Hubbub Foundation
GRJ0002 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Groundwork UK
GRJ0015 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Education and Training Foundation
GRJ0014 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, WAMITAB, and UK Resources Council
GRJ0062 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Written Evidence - NNB Generation Company (SZC) Ltd, Laing O’Rourke, Doosan Babcock, EDF Energy, EDF Energy, NNB Generation Company (SZC) Ltd, and Agilia Infrastructure Partners
GRJ0061 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - New Anglia LEP
GRJ0037 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB)
GRJ0039 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - EngineeringUK
GRJ0038 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - University of East Anglia
GRJ0010 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Enginuity
GRJ0009 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Sustrans
GRJ0011 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers (RMT)
GRJ0012 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee
Thursday 28th January 2021
Written Evidence - Biomass UK
GRJ0013 - Green Jobs

Green Jobs - Environmental Audit Committee